下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- 337 surveys in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的337调查。337调查是指美国国家贸易委员会根据美国《1930年关税法》第337节,对不公平的进口行为进行调查,并采取制裁措施的做法。现行337条款历经了内容修订和完善,ITC的权力不断扩大,337调查规制的范围逐步明确,对权利人的保护作用有所加强,其救济措施也更加多样化。
"337 investigation" refers to the practice of the us national trade commission investigating unfair import practices and imposing sanctions under section 337 of the us customs act of 1930. "Section 337", a total of over current tax law "America 1930 years ago, the trade reform act of 1974, the trade agreements act of 1979, tariffs and trade law in 1984, the comprehensive trade competition law in 1988 and the 1994 Uruguay round agreements for revising and improving the content, increasing the power of the ITC," 337 investigation ", gradually clear the scope of the regulation on the protection of the right holder was strengthened, the remedies are more diverse. As the threshold for 337 investigations continues to be lowered, more and more American companies are using it to contain imports and hurt competitors. The amendment of section 337 makes it an important legal means for the United States to control import trade.
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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- International law on climate change,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了国际气候变化法。如今,国际气候变化法体系存在整体强制约束力较低的问题。面对本世纪全球气候变化的巨大挑战,只有部分国际气候变化法拥有强行法的地位与效力,才能确保全球减排行动达到预期目标。确立国际气候变化法的强行规则,存在识别与公认的困难。合理界定国际气候变化法中强行法的范围,完善国际气候变化法的遵守与强制执行机制,尽快确立全球性气候变化法的强行法地位,对解决全球气候变化问题至关重要。
The contemporary international climate change law system has the problem of low binding force. Faced with the great challenge of global climate change in this century, only some international climate change laws have the status and effectiveness of mandatory law, so as to ensure that global emission reduction actions can reach the expected targets. It is difficult to identify and recognize the mandatory rules of international climate change law. It is of vital importance to reasonably define the scope of mandatory law in international climate change law, improve the compliance and enforcement mechanism of international climate change law, and establish the mandatory status of global climate change law as soon as possible.
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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Donna halavisenberg theory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了唐娜·哈拉维的赛博格理论。1985年,唐娜·哈拉维模仿《共产党宣言》的笔法,撰写并发表了著名的《赛博格宣言》,宣言中独特的视角与全新的观点引起了学术界的巨大反响与轰动。哈拉维赛博格理论的提出与当时的社会科技发展状况及各种女性主义流派的兴起与争论有着密不可分的关系。赛博格理论的提出,为女性主义走出困境开辟了一条全新的道路。
In 1985, Donna harraway copied the writing style of the communist manifesto and wrote and published the famous "cyborg manifesto". The unique perspective and brand new viewpoint in the manifesto aroused great repercussions and sensation in the academic circle. The theory of hala viseberg is closely related to the development of social science and technology and the rise and debate of various feminist schools.
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本篇paper代写- The bretton woods system讨论了布雷顿森林体系。自二战以来,在布雷顿森林体系的推动下,世界贸易与经济逐渐呈现全球化的趋势,世界外汇、资本、贸易均在西方主要国家实现了高度自由化,直接促进了战后资本主义世界经济的恢复和发展。布雷顿森林体系是建立在美国强大的经济、军事实力的基础之上的,其主要机构包括国际货币基金组织和世界银行。布雷顿森林体系于20世纪70年代解体,标志着以美元为中心的国际货币体系在形式上的终结。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Cyberpunk culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了赛博朋克文化。赛博朋克作为一种反乌托邦文化,是近几十年来最为流行的一种科幻类型。赛博朋克在世界观的构造、文化内涵、视觉设定上,都前所未有超脱于其他科幻类型以外,将人类带入了一种全新的宇宙观、世界观。

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下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Modernization of economic management and economic management,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了经济管理现代化和经济管理。在全球经济一体化发展的大环境下,传统的管理模式已经不能适应市场经济的发展了,经济对经济管理提出了更高的要求,只有经济管理越来越趋于现代化发展才能适应高速发展的经济。传统中管理方法,管理理念,管理组织文化及方式都要不断创新,做出改变,适应现代化发展。
In the global economic integration development environment, the traditional management model has not been able to adapt to the development of market economy, the economy has put forward higher requirements for economic management, only the economic management more and more tends to modern development can adapt to the rapid development of economy. Traditional management methods, management concepts, management organizational culture and methods should be constantly innovated to make changes and adapt to modern development.
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经过了一段时间的学习之后,留学生们或多或少已经习惯了留学生活,但对于Group Assignment,大家是真的无语。Group Assignment毕竟是小组作业,如果组员都是正常的学生那还好,但遇到的都是坑队友的,那该怎么办呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。

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本篇paper代写- Big data principle讨论了大数据原理。大数据从诞生至今,在很大方面上起着非常重要的作用,并且在如今人们对大数据的关注越来越高。数据采集方面,大数据主要以批数据采集方式,此方式的实际工作意义就是每天定时对数据库进行数据快照,并且大数据能够根据不同的需求,来对数据库进行备份快照,设置数据源以及如何设计出错等工作。其次是离线批处理方式,这种大数据的工作方式主要具有快速与完全托管的优势,能够设置实现任务的执行时间以及任务的执行条件。最后是实时处理,对于这种大数据的采集方式更为简便,只需要启动storm之后大数据就会自动不停的对数据库中读取数据源。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

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