In order to deeply understand the hydropower development and ecologic environment protection, the relation between the China hydraulic power engineering society and China dam committee and China Internet network science association alliance, in the middle of August, 2007, organized a world of hydropower development and utilization of the highest in the world-Norway of field work. By comprehensive understanding of hydropower development on the ecological environment protection of the actual effect. This paper is about the situation and gain experience is introduced as follows:
Norway's territory area for 32 square kilometers and a population of about 4.54 million small countries. Because of the higher latitude is located in northern Europe, the Norwegian climate slants cold. Every year in the winter temperature below zero for four to six months, the average temperature in summer is only 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. Even so, the Norwegian water resources is relatively rich, rivers, lakes and vertical and horizontal, but time and space distribution of rainfall is not all, annual rainfall of 400 mm in the east from the west 4000 millimeters.
Norway's water in the use of resources has a long history. One hundred years ago, with the price of a sheep as local can buy a waterfall hydropower development. 1890 years ago, Norway to the river, the use of water resources in the main limitation in power series wood sawing, whet, drift wood and shipping times, and so on. Really began to put the hydropower resources for power generation is in 1885-1945, when the water and electricity is mainly used in towns and villages lighting and replace the agricultural irrigation series, chemical industry, paper making, machinery manufacturing, etc. As early as in 1906, Norway have established the most early on water resources development and utilization of laws and regulations. 1945 years later, with the end of the second world war, Norway took to the industrial revitalizing the country road, energy, electric power demand began to continue to rise. Rich water resources then get attention, with its clean water and electricity, the advantages of rapid development to cheap.
Although water and electricity for Norway provides plenty of clean power, not only for Norway's economic boom has made great contribution to and, relative to the burning of fossil energy, use of clean water and electricity in Norway economic development and at the same time, also effectively protect the ecological environment of the Norwegian. But, with the world to the understanding of the hydropower development and process, in the 1960 s, the rich people are beginning to realize that Norway hydropower station on the environment also can produce certain effect, the domestic repeatedly outbreaks of demonstrations against hydropower station.
In order to make the public can correct understanding and support hydropower development, the Norwegian government departments in the propaganda education emphasizes to the public at the same time, pay special attention to the water resources development in the process of listening to public opinion, and through a series of legal guarantee for public participation in water resources development and management rights. The government also has established the special water resources development and management department, guarantee for examination and approval in new hydropower station to the will of the public when care and the interests of the immigrants. In 1969,public participation mechanism formal start introducing hydropower development for examination and approval of the link. Since then, the government must approve any new hydroelectric station construction, must want to have the public interest groups are invited to participate in the evaluation for new hydropower station. By 1984, with the reduction of domestic energy demand growth, the Norwegian government to further the development and utilization of water resources in, handling the relationship between the human and the natural environment, began to delimit natural ecological protection policies and for the rest of the water resources in the development of the control policy. Clearly stipulated by the law is the development of what resources can be, which cannot be protection area in the development. At present the development of hydropower resources in Norway has accounted for 62% of the total, and the rest in about 37% of the resources, and about 25% is to be located in the development of the protection is not. The government made clear the new hydropower projects development will mainly depends on the economy of the power station, the capacity of the environment and public acceptance.
At present, the water and electricity generating capacity in Norway has reached 118 billion kilowatt hour, national electric power supply 99.8% comes from hydroelectric power, is the world's highest proportion of electricity and water country, in addition and a small amount of wind power and heating units. Clean water and electricity to Norway's economy sustainable development and ecological environment protection play a good role. Some funny said, if all the world to people like Norway, adhere to the first development of sustainable use of clean water and electricity energy, have no current global greenhouse gas emissions of excessive threat.
From Norway and the present situation of history it is found that, although any human culture activities of natural ecological environment will inevitably cause certain adverse effect, however, compared with other kinds of energy development and utilization way, we cannot but admit the; Reasonable, as the development and utilization of the water and electricity are the most effective ways to protect the ecological environment. Contrast Norway, someone to China's energy calculate on a bill. China's water resources can be developed using the total amount of equivalent to about one billion tons of coal a year. Hypothesis from hydropower technology mature computation since the beginning of the twentieth century, China water resources are not due to use and losing energy total amount, far bigger than the same period of the actual mining coal we total. That is, in theory we should also exist like Norway, almost don't need any mining coal resources can to today's level of possibility.
Unfortunately, so far our country and 80% of the water resources in the passage the white, and in order to meet the needs of economic development, we also have to billions of tons of speed every year, excessive exploitation, the burning of coal resources decrease. The situation largely from "large hydropower development will damage the ecological environment" such a misunderstanding. In fact, relative to the full development of hydropower Norway's beautiful scenery, our country due to excessive mining coal burning, caused serious ecological destruction and environmental pollution situation, we can't cause in hydropower development using the reflection of the problem.
As former WangShuCheng minister of ministry of water resources is summarized, the hydropower development in China's long-term development shortage, is mainly because the technology restriction, the funds through restricted, and environment condition such several different stage. At present our country hydropower development of resistance from the restriction of the main environment. Judging from all over the world, which is also the rule of hydropower development are common. Not only that, for most of the developed world, many countries hydropower development has entered the next stages, namely: resources restrict stage. This is the last of the hydropower development limit.
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