
下面为大家整理的一篇优秀essay范文- Should Love in High school be acceptable,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了高中生谈恋爱的问题。如今,高中生都为了能上一所好大学而努力学习,但他们处于情窦初开的年龄,发生早恋是很正常的。其实高中生谈恋爱也是可以的,前提是不影响学习。爱情是人类本能的情感,不应该阻碍;其次,恋爱也可以让学生相互鼓励彼此,努力学习。

Love in High school,高中生恋爱,留学生作业代写,essay代写,美国作业代写

Nowadays, as high school students have to prepare themselves for a good college and a promising future life, they have to bury themselves in study. But hormone produced in adolescence instinctively prompt love affairs between high school students. The question arises whether love would impede their study as it would distract one’s attention. Therefore, those who adore liberty and care from others maintain that love in high school should be acceptable without interference from teacher or parents. Some students argue that the love would place some barriers in their study, and escape away from the emotion incentive as much as they can, which also put some strains on them mentally.

Love should be acceptable in high school from two perspectives. First, love is an instinctive emotion inside humans, which should be valued and respected instead of being impeded. Those who place superiority to study just enforce what they think is valuable upon us, without any inquiry as to whether we accept their value or not. Essentially, it is a violation of human born rights. Second, love is not the reason for poor academic performance. When two students love with each other, they could even encourage themselves to study hard for a future. Therefore, love is not doomed to destruction. It is a matter of treating love in a correct way. it requires guidance from teachers and parents about how to motivate students with their strong emotions rather than rule it out. It could cause great strain upon them if they feel their relationship is not socially acceptable, and they have to struggle with their emotions and what is expected of them from society.​

For those who maintain that love is not appropriate in high school, they argue that high school students are in an age of immaturity, which suggests a high possibility of acting on impulse. If they fall into love, it would indicate a chance of forbidden fruit, which would cause irreparable damage to victims. Secondly, it is rare that students could motivate themselves through love. Most commonly, it would distract themselves by being jealousy, sad, excited, and disappointed, which would absolutely impede their study considering that high school students would not be fully capable of regulating themselves well

Everyone is bound to fulfill their potential, thus creating a promising life for him. Love is a great part of our life. When conflict between emotion and ration arises, it is really tough to accommodate the inner pain. But even though tough times would pass, and tough people would last.


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