下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- A Discussion of Interaction between the Past and Present,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了过去与现在的互动。在《甲骨文:中国的时光之旅》一书中,它记述了中国过去和现在发生的许多事件。甲骨文是中国历史上最古老的文字,甲骨文也被用来预测占卜的未来。因此,它们有一个微妙的含义:它们是国家的过去和未来之间的联系。它们看起来像是遵循某种代码,这通常是一种文化的形式和观念。它们的结合为理解当代中国复杂的社会状况提供了一个重要的语境。
In the book entitled by Oracle Bones: a Journey between China’s Past and Present written by Peter Hessler, it gives an account of numerous events and characters of the past and current times happened in China. Similarly, another book entitled Korea: A Walk Through The Land Of Miracles by Simon Winchester depicts the Republic Of Korea as a land of miracles with a lot of miraculous events and people as well. Both books are depiction of the foreign land o more specifically, the eastern land from the perspective of two journalists from the western countries. They both speak with the facts, and are not easy to comment, whose writing show a unique quality of journalists everywhere. The readers followed the authors travel into the ancient and the modern state of those two countries and shifted between them. In this article, it is to argue that in those two books, one key theme is the interaction between the past and present issues, and rising interaction and even conflicts of the modernity and history in China and Korea.
In those two books, a recount of the past history of China and Korea has provided an important context, reasons and background for the understanding of the present. In the book entitled by Oracle Bones: a Journey between China’s Past and Present, affected by his mothers who was engaged in history teaching, Hessler was interested in the monuments such as Oracle, Sanxingdui and Copper Benma, and interviewed the local archaeologists and the Chinese history experts of the United States to try to understand the influence of the long history on contemporary China. Peter Hessler put a lot of emphasis on the archeology of Anyang, and the excavation of Oracle and the experiences of Chen Mengjia, a scholar of oracle bones. Oracle is the oldest record of Chinese history, and oracle bones have also been used to predict the future of divination. Thus, they have a subtle meaning: they are links between the past and the future of the country. In the fragments of Oracle of Shang Dynasty, some basic elements which influence the later development of China can be found. There are a lot of images in China, and a lot of ancient artifacts which appeared in a number of highly structured unique design, whose style and order is their basic elements. For example, in the ancient China, many things follow the rule of order and organization, such as the way the burial of dead men and their bones are piled in the grave in China. They look like following some kind of code, which is often a form and idea of culture. As Keightley said, the Chinese writing system are “not naturalistic pictures but are highly structured, and dictatorial designs, in which pattern and order are fundamental (Hessler 263). They all combined provided an important context for the understanding of the complicated social situation in contemporary China. Also, in Korea: A Walk Through The Land Of Miracles, before the author Simon Winchester embarked on the journey of walking through Korea on Cheju island, he gave a quite detailed depiction of the crew number of Sparrow hawk, the legendary story of surviving crew numbers, and how it was stranded on the southern west shore of Cheju island. This has provided reason for his travel along the path taken by sailors of Sparrow hawk. It was an honor to the journey of his past European fellows. This has acquired more meaning and significance of his traveling along the river once again. Just as the Simon Winchester himself remarked that “the journey of these Dutch sailors for reasons both symbolic and practical, would provide the perfect template for my own odyssey through Korea” (33). Also, it is the assassination of the former president park Chung-Hee that makes the city of Kwangju become a better known city outside the capital city. And it is also what happened in the past in the city of Kwangju lead Simon Winchester to make a decision to visit it during his journey.
In addition, for countries like China and Korea, the current psyche of citizens is under great influence by what happened in the past. For example, in the past, the city of Kwangju was marked by a riot of students, an uprising of the whole population of the city of Kwangju, the troop’s suppression and the official revenge. Simon Winchester found that during his interaction with local Korean people, what happened in the city of Kwangju is still remembered clearly by a lot of Korean people until today. It has left a scar on the psyche of Korean citizens (Winchester 98). In addition, the long tradition of giving high emphasis on the value of face is also exerting some negative influence on the integration of the Korean people into the modern society with rapid pace, which caused them a lot of tension before the stressful modern society. Face and how to maintain it from being harmed is their priority. In the Confucianism, it is bad for people to lose face (Winchester 108). Sometimes, the shame of losing face is so strong that makes someone to commit a suicide. Thus, in the country deeply influenced by Confucianism, they will not admit to their family numbers that they have a mental problem (Winchester 107). It may be because that they regarded it as an embarrassing thing to admit they are weak mentally if they are troubled by mental problems. In the book by Peter Hessler, he wrote about a Uygur friend with a fake name as Polat at his request. At the beginning, he did some business at Yabaolu, such as providing exchange for US dollars, and selling clothes. In his mind, the United States is a free state of equality for all, while China is always unfair to the Uighurs, who spent tens of thousands of dollars with the excuse of the political asylum and finally went to the United States. Polat talked that they Uygur often played the foreign bad men in the Chinese film. Then when he was asked what kind of movie he has filmed, Polat complained that how often he and men of the same ethnic were killed by the Han people and even by some Chinese women. This shows the unfair treatment received by the minority group in China today. However, such discrimination can be traced to history. One of reason for the social mistreatment is the marginalized depiction of the minority groups as the barbarian in the written document made by men of letters of the dominant Han ethnic in Han dynasty. Just as the American historian Galambos said that “the history of China, like the history of any great culture, was written at the expense of other stories that have remained silent”(Hessler 46). Thus, it is just the Chinese history, in which the minority group either lacks a place or was depicted in a very negative manner. This lack of recordings has continue to exist, and has influence how they are viewed nowadays. Thus, they enjoyed no position in the mainstream society. The bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, the collision of the South China Sea aircraft, China's successful bid of hosting Olympic, and the US "911" incident, although they are not as far away from the Chinese people like the written records in the Han dynasty, still influence what the Chinese think about the outside world, the United States, American people in China such as Hessler. The history may exert a great influence on the mental features of Chinese and Korean people.
In the process of urbanizing, the interaction and even conflicts of the modernity and history is also explored through the huge contrast between the villages in the countryside and huge cities of those two countries with long history at the same time. Those two books both depict the fast changing big cities of present Korea and china. On the one hand, in the cities, old teachings in the Confucianism about the source of happiness are forgotten. According to the Confucianism, happiness is supposed to come from human relationship (Winchester 108). But in the modern world, purchasing of goods and other material has become a main source of happiness. And on the other hand, there is also some depiction of people’s resistance of change as well to some degree, especially in the vast areas of countryside. In the countryside of Korea, especially in Cholla, the oldest form of house is still preserved: thatch. It was home to harvest mice, an animal that is liked by the local villagers as a sign of good luck (Winchester, p.94). However, this house with thatched roof was seen as a sign of poverty and underdevelopment, although the locals think it was cheap and warm. In the big city, people are working hard and they embrace the concept of change for their improvement of life and provision of better life for their children. They represent a new ideology and westernized lifestyle. However, in the countryside, people still use some of the most traditional way to make cloth. They like to inherit what the history has left them and appreciate them. Just like what Simon Winchester himself remarked that the ancient and confusion way of life are preserved in the poor villages of Korea (95). In the book by Hessler, he also expressed how fast China can change. For example, when sometimes he left home in Beijing for more than a month, he came back, and wanted to go to the restaurant where he often goes to eat, and found that noodle restaurant and the neighboring area has been completely flattened. In addition to change of landscape of china, the lifestyle of many young people is reshaped in the modernity. There are also a lot of young people who are uprooted from their homes to find work in big cities. More importantly, it shows that how the economic development makes for the transformation of attitudes of those young people towards life. During the Hessler’s communications with his former students and visits of them, there were records of the "Wenzhou model", "Shenzhen speed", which provided new context for life changes. This is one of major themes of today's China, which is also found in Korea and a lot of young Korean people: the desire of people to change their lives, and to achieve this, they have to migrant a lot like some migratory birds and during the process they feel the diversity of their own country. Those Chinese young people away from home also experience the change of morality. Willy and Nancy began cohabitation when they were still unmarried. Willy began to obtain convenience through bribery, and Emily began to use unfair means of competition. Those people are eager to change their lives. But Hessler did not make moral judgments about their behavior. Hessler described them as good people, strong and full of adventurous spirits, despite the rapid changes and pragmatic supremacy of the Chinese people's moral values. Thus, rapid change and modernization is taking place in those once ancient countries.
This narrative and parallel of the past and present is continued by Hessler with the juxtaposition of two kinds of Chinese people: one belongs to the past, the other look into the future. In addition to cultural monuments, Hessler is also concerned about the fate of Chinese archaeologists, tracking the story and relevant person of the Oracle experts Chen Mengjia. There are many different characters with different experience in the book, somewhat like a film with a number narrative methods and plots. But a careful thinking about it will reveal a common theme: the contrast between the modernity and history through many Chinese people depicted by Hessler actually. The poet who committed suicide in the Cultural Revolution, Oracle and bronze researcher Chen Mengjia, and all kinds of people related to him are in fact belonging to or at least cherishing the past. His wife Zhao Luorui who translated Leaves of Grass and suffered mental disorder, the scholar Li Xueqin who was once Chen Mengjia’s assistant and was forced to write something bad about Li Xueqin on paper and now serves as the head of archaeological project of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynastic history, old Mr Zhao, his wife’s brother, who tried to protect their demolished quadrangles, the Old Shanghai Museum worker who accepted the classical furniture donated by Chen Mengjia’s family, the brother of Chen Mengjia as well as Shi Zhangru Of the 97-year-old far away in Taiwan but still worked on the study of oracle all represent people with a sort of idealism in the past. By contrast, students in Fuling Teachers College where the author once served as the English teacher are the representative of the new generation of Chinese people. Among those people who stand for the modernity of China, there were English teachers in a coastal private school, such as William Jefferson Foster and Nancy, who exposed a case of test question leak. For example, D.J. taught in the poorest areas: Sichuan. The accountant Emily worked in a branch of a Taiwan company in Shenzhen. They are living in the same era with other people in the different city, such as an anchor of a Shenzhen night program, Beijing taxi driver and his daughter who studied in Singapore, and so on, constitute today's excessive pragmatism in China but still care about correctness and wrong of reality.
To sum up, in those two books, the news and information are transformed into a series of story, and they sometimes are depicted even with some kind of fascinating suspense, and sometimes thought-provoking meaningful and profound moral lesson. The account of the current issues and people are inseparable with the history of the past, and both of those books convey that there is complex interweaving of the past and present in both Korea and China. The historical figures and events of China and Korea will always be preserved in some special forms in the present. This kind of type of combing the past and present carried on a key message:any narrative of all kinds of people or events of the present Korea and China today are based on the past. In the process of urbanizing, there is rapid interaction and even conflicts of the modernity and history. The rapid changing environment has posed a severe test for today's young people in China and city dwellers in Korea.
Works Cited
Hessler, Peter. Oracle Bones: a Journey between China’s Past and Present. 2006. Harper Collins e-books
Winchester, Simon. Korea: A Walk Through The Land Of Miracles. 1988. Harper Collins e-books