下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Transnational criminal activities,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了跨国犯罪活动。跨国犯罪,即犯罪行为、犯罪交易违反一个以上国家的法律,像贪污,洗钱,非法贸易等都是比较常见的跨国犯罪活动。而全球化为的发展也为有组织的犯罪集团和高度精密的成员实施全球非法活动创造了机会,间接帮助了跨国犯罪活动。全球各国为了打击跨国犯罪活动,也签署了《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》。
Globalization has emerged with people, goods, and capital to move freely around the world. Improvements in technology and communication have changed the world to become more global. This globalization has created opportunities for organized criminal syndicates and members of highly sophisticated to implement illegal activities in the world and support the transnational criminal activities. This paper will discuss about ways to control transnational criminal activities such as money laundering, illicit trade, and corruption. There will be an explanation about the impact of the corruption especially for development and economic performance. Lastly, there will be a country study of Indonesia in controlling its corruption.
The Control Of Transnational Criminal Activities And The Impact Of Corruption On Development And Economic Performance
1. The Description Of Transnational Criminal Activities
Transnational crime activities are activities occurred from the globalization of criminal activity such as corruption, money laundering, illicit trade and many others. Those activities are supported by transnational criminal network which is defined as “a structured group of three or more persons that exists over a period of time, the members of which act in concert aiming at the commission of serious crimes in order to obtain a direct or indirect financial or other material benefit” (United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000, Art. 2a). Transnational crime has become a global problem and convincing United Nations to announce transnational crime as its highest priority and declare it as one of the major challenge in the world throughout 21st century.
Looking back to the history the organized crime took part traditionally in illegal activities such as illegal gambling, prostitution, loan- sharking and drug trafficking by controlling specific territories. Nowadays, the organized crimes are not limited only for specific territories but have widened their activities in corruption, bank fraud, illicit trade, environmental crime, migrant smuggling and many others. Transnational criminal syndicates have been working globally in any country where there are bureaucratic or legal loopholes that allow them to take advantage from the system. Transnational crimes carry a deep threat to the security of economic of the nation where their activities will hurt the free market economy. There are three main transnational activities that will be discussed here and that are money laundering, illicit trade and corruption.
2. Money Laundering
Definition Of Money Laundering
According to Financial Action Task Force (FATF), “money laundering is defined as the processing of criminal proceeds to disguise their illegal origin in order to legitimize the ill-gotten gains of crime”. The illegal activities by transnational crime groups gain a large amount of money which needs to be laundered. Money laundering is needed because most of the illegal transactions are with cash and because cash leaves almost no trace for the carrier's information such as evidence or documents. This large amount of money will have impact on the transactions of legitimate financial institution which in long term may bring negative effects on tax revenue, investment climate, and consumer confidence. Insider trading, bribery and computer fraud schemes may also create huge profits and support the ill-gotten gains through money laundering. Money laundering may weaken the establishment of free and competitive markets and the development of national economies.
The Control Of Money Laundering
It is a fact that controlling money laundering is not easy and need the cooperation from government, financial institutions and citizens. Aside from that, a transparency bureaucratic, anti corruption act also needed to support the control of money laundering. It's quite important to have international organizations that may help to control the money laundering. One of the organizations is the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) which has been an inter-governmental body with a purpose to develop and promote policies both at national and international levels to fight against money laundering. FATF tried to convince those non-cooperative countries by publishing a “black list” with help of “name and shame” policy (Friedrich Schneider and Ursula Windischbauer, 2008, pp. 400). It has also fighting the money laundering by setting international standard and creates necessary political will for national legislative and regulatory reforms.
3. Illicit Trade
Definition Of Illicit Trade
Illicit trade means illegal trade which can also be means smuggling, undeclared local production and counterfeit items. The roots of illicit trade are corruption, poverty, and unequal income. Illicit trade has increased the danger in political consequences, money laundering, and corruption.
Illicit trade brings bad impact for industry and other sectors such as:
It hurts industry reputation;
It undermines investment in distribution network;
It damages brand equity;
It promotes the counterfeit production.
It supports consumer to unregulated product;
It supports funding terrorism and organized crime;
It motivates the widespread criminality;
It destroys the market for distributors, suppliers, and retailers;
It undermines government fiscal objectives.
Those bad impacts of illicit trade have significantly undermined countries development.
The Control Of Illicit Trade
Illicit trade in economic activities seems to be occurred by lack of state control and it is a direct challenge for state authority. High rate of corruption is related with state impotence and bad effects of illegal markets because criminal groups often bribe state to perform illicit trade. The control of illicit trade has to start with reforming the government's actions and policy makers with the help from international and regional organizations. State has to support with the form of more expansive, intensive, technologically innovative international policing, and surveillance effort. Some selective re-regulation targeting illicit financial flows must be implemented to decrease the terrorist financing (Peter Andreas, 2004, p. 647).
4. Corruption
Introduction To Corruption
The word “corruption” is taken from Latin adjective “corruptus” which means spoiled, destroyed and broken. Based on Concise Oxford Dictionary, the meaning “to corrupt” is to bribe and “corruption” leads to moral deterioration (Geoffrey M. Hodgson and Shuxia Jiang, 2007, pp.1044). Corruption is a phenomenon that has more than single definition. “Corruption is defined as the misuse of public office for private financial gain by an elected official.” (Rose-Ackerman, 1999) Corruption has been identified as “the single greatest obstacle to economic and social development.” (The World Bank, 1997) The Transparency International as the global coalition against corruption defined corruption as “the misuse of entrusted power for private gain” (Transparency International, 2000, p.2).
There are two factors which may have impact on corruption (Vito Tanzi, 1998, p. 563). First is the development of free international trade and business. The growth of international business and trade has given opportunity of many situations using the payment of bribes. These bribes may give benefit to companies which pay them to get an access to profitable contracts over competitors. Aside from that the bribe may give access to get foreign contracts or market or to particular benefits such as tax incentives. Second are some changes in the economies in many countries especially the transition economies. Privatization has a close relationship with corruption in the economic changes. State or public enterprises have been an essential source of corruption. One of the major sources of corruption is political corruption because it is often used to finance the political parties' activities. The privatization process of public or state enterprise has made situations whereby individuals such as ministers or high officials have the right to create decisions while others such as managers or other insiders have information that unavailable for outsiders and they may use privatization to benefit themselves.