下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Decline in Birth Rate in Developed Countries,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了发达国家的出生率。有报告显示,近几年一些发达国家的出生率正在下降。这个问题非常严重,因为低出生率会导致一系列的问题,例如人力不足,消费减少,甚至会让经济衰退。随着经济的快速发展和人们生活方式的增加,人们更加注重生活的精神享受,而不是拥有自己的孩子,这也是导致低出生率最主要的原因。
In 2015, a report from United Nations describes that the birth rate is shrinking in some developed countries. In relation to this issue, folks have discussed for a relatively long period because the low birth rate can reflect some social problems, such as shortage of manpower, consumption decrease, or even economic slowdown. Today, in some developing countries, the fertility rate also shows a downward trend, therefore, in order to minimize the negative effects of low fertility rate, some economics and sociologists try to probe the causes and effects of low fertility rate. This essay proposes that the reasons for a decline in birth rate are personal lifestyle choice, educational influence, career pursuit, relevant diseases, and social-environmental factors, and it also analyzes the negative caused by the low birth rate. After that, this essay puts forward some suggestions to solve low birth rate in developed countries.
Lifestyle choices, educational influences, career pursuit, relevant diseases, and social-environmental factors have all played roles to generate the current decline in birth rate. Above all, in modern society, with the rapid development of economy and the increase of people’s living style, people pay more attention to the spiritual enjoyment of life. The lifestyle choice leads to people have more willingness to enjoy relaxed and high-quality lifestyle rather than having their own children (Nargund, 2009). Taking education as an example, women with higher education would not like to involve in marriage and family life because of personal and career pursuit or life style choices. Developed countries generally are highly educated. As a result, more women are unwilling to give birth to a baby. In addition, modern society has allowed the existence of diverse ideas that having child is no longer the necessity of a family. In fact, there is a typical family style in modern society known as DINK, namely double incomes no kids, which means both the husband and wife have stable works and high consumption ability, but they do not want a baby and do not need to consider a series of life troubles. This lifestyle is increasingly popular and common in modern society (Bach,2015).What’s more, people have also paid more attention to education level and focuses on personal and career pursuit so that they would like to spend more time on job while less time spent on children. According to Gower (1997),“the number of adults (defined here as aged 25 to 64) in Canada attend school fulltime more than tripled between October1976 and October 1996 (107,000 to344,000)”. As a consequence, these adults have less time to take care of their children. Furthermore, the time of receiving education is much longer than the past and the graduation age is also becoming older. For the people who are in the suitable age to be parents in modern society, a certain part of them are devoting into education and work and have less time to consider about giving birth (Elghannam, 2005). Additionally, some diseases like sexual diseases and infertility also lead to the decline in birth rate. With the increase of modern disease, the rates of sexual diseases and infertility also increase and giving birth is not as easy as before. Although modern medical development allows the advanced way to give birth, it is expensive and have helped less people. Finally, with regard to the social-environment, it is much more difficult to give a birth and raise a baby in modern society with the high burden to raise a kid and heavy economic pressure. The cost of giving birth and raising a baby is modern society is several times than the past, which is the heaviest life burden for most young couples as well as an important reason for many couples to choose having no child (Frejka & Sardon, 2006). No matter for the food, clothes, or the education of children, they all need a great expense and investment. In addition, the competition of children is especially fierce that the majority of parents choose to sign up a variety of lessons since their children are still young in order to increase the competitive power of their children. However, it has not only caused the physical and spiritual burden on children but also the heavy economic pressure for parents. The causes for declining birth rate are complex. As a result of the change of modern society, the focus on enjoyment of life, pursuit of work career of modern people, high rate of related diseases and the burden of raising babies have all promoted the decline in birth rate in developed countries.
Long-run declining birth rate may generate low or negative population growth and there by lead to the low growth of economy in the future. Accordingto Kitchen (2011), in the United States, the birth rate has declined from 2.12 of 2007to 1.78 of 2014, which means the deficit of social security in the United States will be twice in 2089 than the situation with 2.12 birth rate. First of all, an obvious phenomenon of the decline in birth rate is the reduction of the students enrolled in primary school. The reduction of educated people will directly influence the reduction of labor, especially the lack of the human resources needed by a variety of high-end industries, such as science, art and computer. In the next few decades, there will be less available workforce, especially the labor scale of 30-40’s will have a great decline (Haub,2010). Besides, the decline in birth rate will cause the worsening of aging issues. So far, aging issue is the common problem of most countries around the world and the decline in birth rate will undoubtedly worsen this problem. When the proportion of the elder people more than 60 years old accounts for 10% of the total population or the elder people more than 65 years old accounts for 7% of a country or a region, it means this country or region has already entered into the aging society (Chen, 2008). In 2008, a report shows that in the next ten years, the population of older people will exceed the number of children, and it predicts that in the next thirty years, the number of over 65 years old may reach to double, “from 506 million in 2008 to 1.3 billion – a leap from 7% of the world's population to 14%”. which means the whole world has already entered into aging society and the developed countries have entered into super aging society (Pilkington,2009).Aging will cause the lack of labor force and the constant increase of labor price (Ivlevs,2012). The constant increasing process of aging proportion has not only caused the decline of labor population proportion, but also the constant increase of the average age of working population. With the certain labor participation rate in the society, the decline of the age of labor population will undoubtedly lead to the reduction of decline of social labor number, which is the radical reason for the lack of labor force in developed countries. In addition, the lack of labor resources will also cause the constant increase of labor price and promote the cost of production. Therefore, the lack and rising price of labor resources are the important factors to restrict the economic growth of developed countries (Adserà, 2004). The economic growth speed of the economic entity with serious aging will be much slower than other economies. Many developed countries are facing with this problem such as United States, Japan, and Australia, especially for western European countries and Japan, they have to depend on foreign labor force to some extent to supplement the serious shortage of domestic labor resource, which has the deep and profound impact on economic development. Furthermore, decline in birth rate will cause other relevant social problems, like the education and pension system of the society. Low birth rate seems relieve the education pressure in a short time, but it will lead to the decline of education development in the future. With regard to the families without children, the governments also need to develop more effective pension system. Moreover, if the aging process continues, a great number of elder people will also cause the imbalance of society in the future. The influences of declining or low birth rate are far-reaching which have influenced the economy and society of countries. Long-run declining birth rate may generate low or negative population growth (Takayama & Werding, 2010). Economy may suffer a hurt. Descendant new birth means decreasing young labour and increasing aging group in the future. In other words, a young worker will raise more aging people with target to develop economy.
So far, many efforts are being made to understand the trend of birth rate in developed countries, but the result is still unknown. Arguments that either a recovery of a decline of fertility rate will happen in the future exist. However, with regard to current situation, many developed countries choose to issue policies to stop this trend and try to increase birth rate. The number of the developed countries issued policies encouraging is constantly increasing from 16 in 1996 to 34 in 2013, which is nearly about the 70% of developed countries (Surhone, et al., 2010). Policies are set to encourage reproduction like paid maternity leave; however, the results are not obvious (McDonald, 2002). These policies can be mainly divided into two kinds, one is to give the direct allowance for giving birth and raising in order to reduce the restriction effect of the increasing cost of giving birth to children and the other is to improve raising conditions and constructions, including maternity leave and child rearing centers (Jaumann,2012). However, after the issue of these direct and indirect policies, although the birth level of developing countries has a little increase, the effect is not obvious, for example, since 1989, the birth rate and family formation in Central and Eastern Europe have decreased dramatically, in order to change this situation, the European government used some incentive policies to encourage people have more kids, but these policies did not have a significant effect (Brainerd, 2014).Therefore, although birth rate change is complicated with fluctuation, developed areas like Europe tend to stay in a period of negative momentum of population growth in a predictable timeline (Lutz, 2006). Based on such negative effects of low birth rate, this trend should stop with some immediate and effective actions (Nargund, 2009). Further studies are ought to be conducted and close attention should be paid to declining birth rate to predict future development.
To conclude, the decline in birth rate is the general trend of developed countries in modern world, and this is caused by some factors, such as personal lifestyle choices, educational influences, career pursuit, relevant diseases and social-environment. Moreover, the low birth rate has profound and deep impact, especially lead to the slow economic growth of developed countries. Focus on work, different spiritual pursuit and high cost of children causes modern people have low willingness to give birth. As a result of low birth rate, labor recourse reduces, the aging problem get worse and the national economic development has been restricted. Therefore, the countries choose various policies to encourage give birth and increasing welfare to relieve this trend. Although the governments of developed countries have already adopted encouraging policies, it has less effect and this trend will continue in a not short time. In order to effectively relieve and solve this problem, some measures need tobe taken. The government can reduce tax revenue for the common families and increase welfare. In order to promote the willingness to give birth of people, the government needs to make sure the high income of family and suitable price to reduce the pressure of raising children.
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