下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The Cameroon,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了喀麦隆。西方文化主导了喀麦隆社会,甚至到了“文化灭绝”的地步,它已经成为了一种社会意识形态。喀麦隆人几乎没有民族自豪感,即使在殖民结束后这么多年,喀麦隆人仍然觉得种族和社会地位不如白人。因此,努力学习和“变白”是许多年轻人的动力。过去,对媒体的控制是殖民者的一种宣传和洗脑的方式,如今这种方法仍应用在喀麦隆社会。
Right after the fall of colonialism in Cameroon, the French ruled out all potential nationalist leaders in the future, and kept only those who were corrupt and bureaucratic. This is referred to as the “neocolonialism” in Cameroon. This legacy of colonialism continued to serve the interest of the previous colonizers, when new leaders of the country simply copied the way colonizers ruled. Violations of human rights were common. In addition, western cultural has dominated the Cameroonian society, which is mentioned in the film by the name of “cultural genocide.”
It has become a collective social ideology to achieve success by becoming white internally, through learning the language of the former colonizers and a western education that are only accessible for the children of the social elites. As a result, there is little sense of ethnic pride in the Cameroonians. A western education became the best way for a Cameroonian student to become successful. Even so many years after the end of colonialization, the Cameroonians still feel racially and socially inferior to the white. Therefore, studying hard and “becoming white” serves as the motivation of many youngsters. With the original social structure of Cameroon destroyed by the colonizers, a new value was installed in most of the Cameroonians: learning the colonizers’ language, beliefs became a way of achieving social supremacy.
Although colonialism has ended for decades, the influence of colonialism is still obvious in Cameroon, as shown in the film. In the past, control of the media was a form of propaganda and brainwash adopted by the colonizers. Such methods are still being applied in the Cameroon society. Newspapers have become political tools of the ruling class, while the poor and exploited have no voice in society, which is exactly how things worked back in the days of colonialism.
The press, television and publications in Cameroon are dominated with European content, with little about the native culture of the country. In the interview with a manager of a local TV channel, the interviewee required Teno to pay for his film to be aired, stating that the audience of Cameroon preferred TV programs from the US and France to local ones. Even a distributor of media has no sense of protection for local content and culture, let alone the common audience in Cameroon. Cultural genocide is probably the most lasting and influential legacy left by colonization: almost all African traditions, culture, language, cultural and religious identity have been erased, replaced with the promotion of western supremacy.