下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The function of cloud money,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了云货币的功能。云货币功能,就是计算功能,没有其他功能,这一点和传统货币是相似的。货币本身也是商品,有储藏功能,但云货币不一样,由于云的功能和特征,使云货币失去了储藏功能。加之云货币的无限虚拟化,其本身也失去了商品属性。
The development history of money, from sheep, to metal money, to gold, to paper money, to electronic money, all showed the development level of science and technology and productivity at each stage.
With the development of the world economy and trade, the scale is getting larger and larger, and the transaction between each other becomes ubiquitous. With the development of economy and the development of trade, people are getting more and more benefits of economy and trade and its integration. The author is analyzing and studying the issues of economic and trade integration, such as the European Union, the newly established Latin American integration and the Asia-pacific integration. On the one hand, all countries have the demand of economic and trade integration; on the other hand, we see the world economy and military hegemony. The United States adopts military, political and diplomatic methods, running from east to west, to suppress China and other economies in order to protect its own interests. The economic phenomenon in today's world is dazzling. In fact, it is decided by countries to protect a certain fundamental interest.
The us economy is gradually improving, but the situation that the us dollar is maintained by aircraft carriers is bound to fail eventually. The exploitation of other countries by the us dollar and the exploitation of China in recent years will not achieve harmonious development. From the perspective of economy, if the United States does not conform to the economic law and tries to change the system of trade-currency hegemony, its economy will inevitably collapse.
It doesn't help to look at the European economy alone, with Germany. China's economy, some see it as a "one-flower show", some see it as an "immediate collapse", and the author thinks both are claims of ignorance. As the world economy and trade develop to today, the degree of economic and trade integration is higher and higher, accompanied by economic ups and downs, it is inevitable that both prosperity and loss, which should be a basic judgment. We have turned over the past century of China's modern history. Why did the western powers use force, opium and other means to get into China? I am optimistic about China as a big market, whether it is World War I or World War II. The fundamental reason is the pursuit of economic interests and the transfer of crisis. The United States and NATO, why are they going to pick up Iraq, Libya, Iran, Syria, and then finally contain China, are going to preserve their existing interests, do not want to change, sit back.
Can this approach be sustained, I think, by cleaning up these countries and preserving the dollar's dominance? The answer is no. Europe's welfare system is designed so far that the euro is bound to go bust, and Germany and France tinker with it, an unsacrificial way to get by today, but certainly not tomorrow.
China's economy, with its vested interests, is seen as a "one-flower show" that saved America in 2008 and Europe in 2011. Today there is a clamor of bank ethics, of welfare excess, of liquidity trap, of dollar conspiracy.
The author thinks that the world trade-currency system cannot keep up with the pace of world economic development, or deviate from the law of economic development. Vested interests such as the United States and China have obstructed the process of world economic integration and the establishment of a new trading currency system. For example, the United States is willing to wage war to maintain the hegemony of the dollar and bring about a comprehensive crisis. If it continues on this path, the world economy will go into reverse, and China will not be immune. The only solution is the creation of a new "trading-money system" in the world.
The idea is that the world's "trading-currency system" will be based on a dual-track system, and work in the Asia-pacific region in accordance with economic laws. In this way, we can control the amount of money in the world economy, stabilize the currency, gradually achieve the balance of trade, gradually solve the wealth distribution between countries, and tend to be reasonable, and maintain normal trade.
From the history of trade and currency, science and technology, and productivity, we have come to the conclusion that trade in goods has become closer and closer, making all trade possible. The reason is the continuous progress of science, technology and productivity, rapid change and promotion of trade development. The uniqueness of cloud currency function discussed in this paper is the core of the establishment of the new trade-currency system.
We know that money has three functions: medium of exchange, computing, and storage. Why does cloud money have only one function?
The cloud money function, is the computing function, has no other function. Currencies are similar. The reason why there is no exchange function is discussed by the author, namely "as the transaction distance is getting closer and closer, cloud money has lost the function of medium". It is the electronic money given to you by the bank today that you can buy things without having to take money. Why does money have storage function? We know that money itself is also a commodity, which has its own value. As a result of the transaction distance, many transactions cannot be realized immediately. Put in the warehouse first.
Today, with the development of information and logistics highways, it is no longer necessary to build more warehouses to store goods. The same is true of cloud currency, which loses its storage function due to its functions and features. In addition, the infinite virtualization of cloud currency also loses its commodity attribute.
The world economic crisis is caused by the imbalance of production, consumption and distribution. But today's money, not only cannot serve a balance, but because of its storage and liquidity characteristics, it cannot be tied to the wild horse of money no matter what anchor it USES. Looking at the state of financial management in China, a typical bowl of thin soup "noodles".
Commodities -- money, money -- money, money -- goods. In this process of continuous cycle and repetition, on the one hand, transactions are realized between commodities and commodities, or currencies and currencies, or commodities and currencies. On the other hand, since there are many kinds of currencies and the currency is constantly virtualized, the amount of money that has no economic essential relation with the trade itself is constantly produced in any transaction process. Because trade is affected by different factors such as labor productivity, money supply, commodity consumption and tariff, the amount of new money is difficult to calculate. Add virtual exchanges and games between currencies. The aggregate amount of money is ballooning. That is, the euro is in a dead end, the dollar is kept alive by India, and China is following in the footsteps of its mentor, the virtualisation and the expansion of the underlying currency to address trade imbalances, which are at the root of the world economic crisis.
The study found that the actual money storage function has lost the existing conditions, but in practice it continuously amplified liquidity. The new monetary system is difficult to establish because of the old production relationship. Through the phenomenon, we can see that the essence is that money is no longer the product of commodity trading, it is alienated as a tool for people to pursue profits, and its function and function will be enlarged indefinitely, which will inevitably violate the law of economy and transaction.
To sum up, the uniqueness of cloud currency computing function is the inevitable requirement of world trade development. The old production relationship and the obstacles of superstructure will be broken through by the reform force advancing with The Time