下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The reform of new Labour's employment policy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国新工党就业政策的改革。从1997年5月执政以来,以布莱尔为首的新工党政府将就业问题作为优先考虑的问题,先后出台了一系列政策和计划,以进行改革,如实施“从福利到工作”的新政、加强教育和培训促进就业、强化公共就业服务机构服务功能、促进中小企业发展、实行国家最低工资制度等。
From since he took office in May 1997, headed by Mr Blair's new Labour government employment problems as priority, has launched a series of policies and plans, such as the implementation of "from welfare to work" the New Deal, strengthening education and training to promote employment, strengthening the public employment service agency service function, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the national minimum wage system, etc. Throughout history, the introduction of a policy is under a certain social background, under the joint efforts of various forces. Similarly, new Labour's employment policy reform also has its deep background.
Since the end of last century, the trend of economic globalization has become increasingly obvious. The whole world economy is closely linked as a whole, with resources, capital, technology, market, talent and information all breaking the boundaries of the original nation-state and carrying out cross-regional and cross-national exchanges. Undoubtedly, globalization has become the development trend and objective trend of the contemporary world.
Multinational corporations with capital as the carrier are the main body of today's globalization. In order to maximize their profits, they try their best to reduce their costs by improving labor productivity and reducing workers' wages. With the development of high technology, market competition and division of labor, the productivity has reached a rather high level. In order to maintain the international competitiveness, these multinational companies compete with each other to lower the price of goods by lowering the wages of workers or reducing the cost of social welfare. Economic globalization has provided conditions for multinational companies to seek cheaper labor. If governments do not agree and cannot meet the demands of multinationals, they threaten to shift production abroad and reduce employment opportunities for their own workers, and governments have to agree to their excessive demands in order to retain capital and maintain social stability. As a result, workers' wages fell sharply and their purchasing power shrank. Many workers are not even paid enough to support their families. Sweatshop workers, in particular, have low wages and often struggle to get by. At the same time, in line with the principle of profit maximization, multinational companies seek to invest in developing countries with low wages, few benefits and little labor regulation. The capital export and industrial transfer of developed countries have hollowed out the domestic industries of developed countries, thus threatening the employment opportunities of domestic workers. Robert Reich, a former American Labour secretary, blames the flow of capital from developed to developing countries for unemployment in the west. He claims that first-world capital now creates only third-world jobs. In addition, the investment of multinational companies in developing countries not only hollows out the industry of developed capitalist countries as the investment countries, but also becomes a huge weight to reduce labor conditions, and puts the pressure on workers in developed countries who are forced to compete with workers in developing countries.
Since the 1990s, the arrival of the knowledge-based economy era guided by the "new economy" of the United States has promoted the transformation of traditional industries. The tertiary industry with information technology as the core has gradually become the main pillar of economic development and a new economic growth point. Traditional industries such as primary and secondary industries face huge challenges. From the perspective of GNP, the output value of service industry continued to grow steadily and rapidly. The proportion of the output value of service industry increased from 60.2% to 66.7% in 1975-1996, while the industrial output value decreased from 37.8% in 1975 to 31.5% in 1996. The agricultural output value only accounted for 1.8% of GNP in 1996. In terms of employment, the proportion of workers in agriculture continued to decline slowly, from 3.0 per cent to 1.3 per cent, while the proportion of workers in industry dropped sharply, from 42.0 per cent to 22.9 per cent. The proportion of workers in the service sector rose sharply, from 55.0 per cent to 75.8 per cent. Among them, the number of "knowledge workers" engaged in the collection, processing and transmission of information increased. By the end of the 20th century, knowledge workers accounted for about 1/3 of the labor force and surpassed industrial workers to become the largest group of workers. At the same time, information technology also has a certain impact on the nature of labor and work mode. Employment methods are flexible and diverse, with more and more temporary, part-time and part-time jobs. Structural unemployment is more pronounced than in industrial societies, and jobs are increasingly unstable. For a country, facing the employment pressure and unemployment crisis caused by the information age, it can neither adopt the traditional welfare relief method, nor completely leave unemployment to the market and let individuals solve it according to the logic of neoliberalism. The new situation requires the governments of all countries to conform to the trend of social development, adapt to the requirements of The Times, and reform their employment policies.
Economic globalization has accelerated trade between countries. The import of cheap manufactured goods adversely affects some labor-intensive industries and domestic employment in developed countries. The import of a large number of cheap commodities from developing countries has impacted relevant industries in developed countries and reduced domestic employment opportunities. American international trade expert drian wood believes that the unemployment problem of workers in the north is related to the huge increase of trade volume between the north and the south and the change of trade composition. "Developing countries, which have traditionally supplied the industrial world with agricultural products and raw materials, have recently moved into the manufacturing sector, including clothing and consumer electronics. Today, they account for more than 50 percent of exports from the south, and low wage competition in developing countries has led to unemployment in the north. Before the European council President Jacques ? delors in December 1993 issued a titled "economic growth, competition and employment report, the European unemployment rising main to emerging countries are" we simply can't match with our low cost, and even in our own market competition ".
Globalisation has also meant the free movement of Labour, as workers from poor countries migrate to developed industrial countries, taking jobs away from local workers. Due to the severe shortage of talents in the fields of information technology, engineering and education, the governments of western European countries are reforming the traditional immigration policies and relaxing the restrictions on immigration. In addition, western European countries have not only good welfare treatment, but also sound labor security system, which greatly attracts the workers from the former Soviet union and developing countries. According to the statistics of the Geneva international society for social security in the mid-1990s, more than 100 million people have left their hometown to live or seek jobs in other countries. In this wave of immigration, North America and Europe respectively accepted 13 million to 15 million immigrants, a total of more than 30 million people. Britain is no exception. The observer newspaper, citing government figures, said immigration would account for half of Britain's population growth over the next 20 years. These immigrants take the jobs of their own workers and intensify the competition and contradiction between their own workers and immigrants.
As a popular political idea and policy in the world, and the governing program and strategy in the practice of the Blair government, "the third way" played a guiding role in the employment policy reform of the British new Labour party. "The third way", as the guiding ideology of the British new Labour government, advocates the implementation of "active" welfare state policy and changes the welfare state into "social investment state". We will combine the solution of the employment problem with the reform of the social security system, emphasize the strengthening of vocational training and the enhancement of employability, and replace welfare benefits with employment opportunities. This claim follows the following guiding principles:
The focus of "the third way" on the employment policy reform is around the transformation from a negative employment policy to a positive employment policy. Although the traditional welfare state is active in social significance, the citizens under the system are passive in employment. The new welfare state should make people active members of the system. This first requires the government to change its role in the new welfare system. As Mr Blair says, the government's role need not be to provide all social protection, but to provide organisation and discipline. At the same time, a positive employment policy also means changing the object and mode of employment from the simple benefit of the poor to the general benefit, so that employment becomes the vital interests of all citizens, not just a few poor people. In its way, it emphasizes providing people with a helping hand rather than charity. The new employment policy aims to change the past response to outcomes and instead emphasize prevention of unemployment. Encouraging education and training, encouraging people to work their way out of poverty, and thus reducing unemployment, is a preventive and positive approach to employment.
One of the important disadvantages of the traditional welfare state is that it encourages a kind of inertia of relying on welfare. The third way is an investment welfare state that puts work at the centre and encourages people to work their way out of poverty rather than receiving welfare. It is the important embodiment of new Labour's employment policy. Labour's "pro-work welfare" strategy reflects this thinking. This does not mean, of course, that the state has abdicated its responsibilities. The full meaning of this should be Mr Blair's words, reflected in the Labour government's welfare reform document: jobs for those who can work and security for those who cannot. It embodies the twin goals of the new welfare state.
The traditional welfare state focuses on the redistribution of social wealth through direct means of distribution, that is, through taxation and beneficiary system to compensate those poor people. The third way argues that employment policy reform should reduce this direct form of redistribution. New Labour has redefined social justice. They argue that the old system failed to adopt more fundamental solutions to poverty and inequality. The fundamental solution is to provide people with opportunities and the ability to survive. New Labour advocates strengthening and developing the potential of individuals through public policy means, emphasizing jobs and opportunities. Change to "teach them to fish" to "teach them to fish", the "negative welfare" into "positive benefits", namely the reform focuses on cultivate the spirit of the individual responsible for yourself and independent consciousness, giving play to the role of social organizations and institutions and make them have a more positive contribution to the welfare system, establish a new type of welfare state, its principle is that the change of "welfare state" to "social investment state".
The balance of rights and responsibilities is the core spirit of the "third way" values, as well as the core spirit running through the employment policy reform. It embodies the third way's redefinition of civil rights. An important principle of the third way is the emphasis on individual responsibility, as giddens put it, "no responsibility, no right." The "third way" approach, says Mr Blair, is to provide support where it is most needed, with corresponding rights and responsibilities. The third way of citizenship is from "the right without responsibility" to "the welfare with conditions", the main condition is related to the responsibility of work. The centrality of work epitomizes this spirit.