
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Venice Tourism Problems,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了威尼斯旅游的问题。威尼斯是世界上非常著名的旅游城市,但其过度发展旅游业带来的经济效益远远赶不上负面影响。大量游客的不良行为对威尼斯以及威尼斯人产生了巨大的影响。更重要的是,游轮破坏了浅水泻湖,不仅破坏了生态平衡,而且对环境造成了严重的污染。另外,旅游业也使城市变得更加拥挤。毫无疑问,它严重困扰着当地人民的生活。此外,由于生活成本高,大量的市民不得不离开他们的城市。

Venice Tourism,威尼斯旅游,英国代写,英国论文代写,essay代写


This article is based on the development of the tourism industry in Venice. Through a brief analysis of the important significance of Venice analyze the reasons of entering into the "dangerous" list. Then, discuss the negative impact of tourism to the local, and finally put forward the relevant measures.


Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world (Guides). Rather, as the mega-cruise ships bring the tens of thousands tourists into Venice, it damages Venice's fragile lagoon and centuries-old heritage (Shakespeare). This essay will firstly discuss the critical issues of disadvantages caused by Venice tourism. Finally, it will pay close attention to the proposed solution towards the problems of Venice tourism.


First of all, the economic benefits brought from excessive development of tourism is far from the negative impact. Unrestrained tourism in Venice lost its hallowed status as an UNESCO World Heritage Site. What's worse, it enters the "In-Danger" list - a category normally reserved for war-ravaged ruins and dilapidated historical sites in Third World countries. Furthermore, comparing with other industries, cruise industry is the most dangerous in quite a few respects, like social problems and ecological problems. To be more specifically, some tourists' bad behaviors including the destruction of historical sites, vandalism, crime, inflated real estate prices, public urination and bathing in historical fountains have a huge impact on Venice and its Venetians. What's more, Cruise ships damage the shallow lagoon, which is home to a very exceeding ecosystem. Not only did it destroy the ecological balance, but also cause serious pollution to the environment. More importantly, the tourism industry causes the city to become more crowded. Homes and palaces have been turned into hotels, restaurants, and shops. There is no doubt that it seriously bothers the local people's life. Besides, due to the high cost of living, a large number of citizens had to leave their city.


First and foremost, it is necessary to take action to ban large cruise ships. If it not be controlled responsibly and that could be the reason for the city's demise. Second, maintaining the interests of local residents will control the loss of the local population. Third, to increase the fare and limit the number of tourist accommodations can suppress the number of tourists in some extent. Forth, it can promote the less well-known metropolitan area to attract tourists' attention instead of excessive tourism in Venice. Last but not least, it would be efficient for making Venice to be blacklisted. In this way, Venice will be under international oversight as a way to ensure its survival. Anyhow, the tourism industry in Venice must be handled responsibly lest Venice can continue to thrive as one of the world's most unique destinations.


Guides Insight. Insight Smart Guide Venice(ISBN=9789812821195). Insight Guides, 2011.

Shakespeare William. Merchant of Venice. Wordsworth Editions Ltd, 2000.



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