下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Existence and time,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《存在与时间》。海德格尔的《存在与时间》是二十世纪西方哲学最重要的经典著作,它奠定了整个现代西方哲学的基础和方向。从海德格尔的思想渊源来看,海德格尔的《存在与时间》中的方法是来自于胡塞尔和狄尔泰的“解释学的现象学”,而《存在与时间》的实质内容就是来自于克尔凯郭尔的“生存主义”。
Heidegger's "existence and time" is the most important classic work of western philosophy in the twentieth century, which lays the foundation and direction of the whole modern western philosophy. For husserl, editor-in-chief of heidegger's philosophy and phenomenological research yearbook seventh volume theory written by Aristotle's 40 page of the manuscript is a forerunner of "being and time", which lee Celtic, that top, husserl to anoint the German philosophy genius. Since heidegger had not published any works and papers before "existence and time", the origin of this work became a mystery in heidegger's research. Until the ninety s, heidegger corpora and fundamental importance with the publication of the study of heidegger's thought of early works, the thought origin of "being and time" has a more clear. From the origin of this thought, "existence and time", this classic method, content and narrative structure is more clear. It is the aim of this paper to explain the method origin, content origin and the arrangement of narrative structure of "existence and time".
There is no doubt that heidegger's philosophy is rooted in phenomenology. Without husserl's phenomenology, there would be no philosophy of heidegger. Husserl often said to heidegger, "phenomenology, you and I". Under the guidance of husserl, heidegger engaged in the study of "phenomenology of religious life". In 1928, he succeeded husserl as heir at the university of freiburg. By 1930, husserl had been quite sure that heidegger had turned away from the phenomenological spirit and had turned to something like the philosophical anthropology and historical relativism of scheele. "Amicus Plato, magis amica veritas," husserl wrote in a bitter note on the title page of existence and time. Heidegger's contribution to phenomenology lies in the phenomenology of hermeneutics in existence and time. Even in his no longer use hermeneutics, or he is no longer using the method of phenomenology, hermeneutics of heidegger's is still a phenomenon, although the skin cell's reservations.
The phenomenology of the hermeneutics in heidegger's "existence and time" is clearly the source of the hermeneutics of husserl. Heidegger himself said that he had read the important works of diltai word for word. He was deeply impressed by dilhe's philosophy of life, hermeneutics and historicism. Dilthey for survival and the thought of historical insights that heidegger's can break through the category of husserl's phenomenology is intuitive and intentionality, lee Celtic neo-kantian universal validity and lasker reflective category of life. So we can say that heidegger's thought of the absorption and transcend the dominate the German ideological circle three philosophical schools: Germany southeast fort horses new neo-kantian school, husserl phenomenon of school and dilthey historicism school.
If the method of heidegger's "existence and time" is the phenomenology of hermeneutics, the essence of existence and time is "existentialism". Although heidegger in his later years has repeatedly claimed that the unfinished work only in the aspect of this article discusses the meaning of existence, from existence without thinking about the existence of truth and history, so it is one-sided, but this unfinished work still produced the effect of explosive, and raised in Germany and France's philosophy of "survival" and literary movement. Heidegger in 1945 criticisms of Sartre's existentialism can only say that the heidegger's thought of the great turning point, but it does not deny between "being and time" and kierkegaard thought origin and its decisive influence on the existence and the nothingness. In existence and time, we'll talk more about kierkegaard and Nietzsche. Obviously, heidegger kierkegaard is no longer a Christian writer kierkegaard, but a Nietzsche's historicism atheism of the baptism of kierkegaard, therefore we can say that heidegger was conducted between kierkegaard and Nietzsche's thinking.
At the beginning of the 20th century, died at the age of 42, only the danes, soren kierkegaard, become swept through the German thinker, by bart, Mr Garten and bult mann of the 20th century the first revolution of theology is the dialectical theology, as is the pioneer of kierkegaard. Jaspers made kierkegaard a survival philosopher in the psychology of the world view. Jaspers only learned the concept of "extreme situations" from kierkegaard. Only through heidegger, kierkegaard's thought has been transformed into a philosophical concept into the realm of philosophy. There are a lot of people who see that heidegger's philosophical term in existence and time comes from Christianity, but actually comes from Christian writer kierkegaard. The concept of "ordinary people", "fear", "death", "sin", "conscience", "determination" and "repetition" in heidegger's thought center undoubtedly came from kierkegaard. However, in heidegger, the existence of man is no longer the existence of the belief in the infinite distance of god, but the existence of Nietzsche's existence "in the world".
Look kierkegaard requirements in the "either/or" between the aesthetic life and ethical life do an either/or decisions, but he chose the is not in the religious life, this book more melancholy in the religious life of faith. In his subsequent work, kierkegaard is devoted entirely to the way of life of contemplation. Faith in man's survival defense that kierkegaard in the philosophy of the fragment unscientific last postscript incisively and vividly in the critique of Hegel's philosophy, this paper expounds the posterity as survival socialist basic principle of the thought of the "truth" subjectivity. It is from kierkegaard that heidegger understands the concept of "survival" and "this in".
Heidegger's "being and time" is a unfinished book, its complete part of the core part is "the with timeliness," the whole book introduction and are in the preliminary analysis of the two parts is relatively minor. Therefore, we seem to be able to say that existence and time is rather called "this time and time" in accordance with the completed part. Although heidegger repeatedly pointed out from there to provisions in this existence, but this time he only then in existence between the hermeneutic circle, which means that he is in hermeneutics to understand the meaning of "existence", rather than from the phenomenon of existence to understand "real". Correspondingly, heidegger does not directly discuss the way of the existence of time, but is to explain the time itself. At the end of "existence and time", heidegger is obsessed with saying that this is only a road to understanding the existence and time itself. Heidegger did take this turn in his later philosophy. However, in existence and time, we can understand his "existentialism" in the very exquisite narrative structure that heidegger himself planned.
Heidegger used phenomenological method to describe the existence of this in the first place, and first established the way of approaching the special existence of people. This is from the daily life of people. Heidegger regards the daily average survival of human beings as the starting point and basis of understanding the existence of this. It seems that heidegger's focus on the basic fact of People's Daily life has obvious anti-college and anti-reflective tendencies. But let's not forget that this is just the starting point of heidegger's philosophy.
The hermeneutics of the first part of heidegger's "existence and time" is to some extent based on the phenomenological interpretation of Aristotle's ethics. In this section, shows a new interpretation to heidegger's phenomenology of spirit of classical philosophy, this technique is of great significance for the philosophy of the 20th century, people from him to see a reading skills, the skills to restore the great philosopher in the text at the beginning of the radical source of thinking. In contrast to the leading scholars of weber, yeager, kasir and hartmann, many young people felt that heidegger's thoughts were far more powerful. Heidegger in the fort during the five years of coaching, is not only the harvest period, for he thought burst, the most is his love and arendt sweet period, he also attract the whole period of German philosophy of talented young people to follow him to learn. At the time, arendt, marcuse, jonas, anders and others were all in heidegger's class, except for marburg, gadamer and klugar. Strauss, voegelin and Kuhn were also influenced by heidegger. In the 1930s, after the publication of "existence and time", heidegger's class had fostered a generation of German philosophers with a large cast. This is the philosophical education movement in the most magnificent college of the twentieth century.
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