
本篇paper代写- APST Standards include seven standards讨论了APST的七个标准。APST包括七个标准,每个标准涵盖几个重点。了解学生以及他们如何学习;了解教学内容和教学方法;计划和实施有效的教学和学习;创建和维护一个安全的和支持的学习环境;进行评估、反馈和报告学生的学习;积极开展专业学习和反思,和学校和专业团体作出贡献。这七个标准可以分为学习者知识、学科内容和学科教学知识、教学过程管理、环境管理、评价和教师专业发展策略,从教师的实际职业行为出发对教师专业发展提出具体要求。这些维度大多与学习者直接相关,教师的专业发展策略也间接促进了学习者的学习。本篇paper代写51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

APST Standards include seven standards, and each standards covers several focuses. The seven standards include: (1) understanding students and how they learn, (2) knowing the teaching content and the way of teaching, (3) Plan and implementation of effective teaching and learning, (4) Creating and maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment, (5) making assessment, feedback and reporting on the student learning, (6) actively carrying out professional learning and reflection, and (7) making contributions to the school and professional groups (QCT, 2011). The seven standards can be divided into learners' knowledge, subject content and subject teaching knowledge, teaching process management, environmental management, evaluation and teacher professional development strategies, which proposes specific requirements for teachers' professional development from the actual professional behavior of teachers. Most of these dimensions are directly related to learners, and teachers' professional development strategies also serve to promote learners' learning indirectly.

In standards 1, understanding students and how they learn, teachers should command the knowledge related to the students, including students' backgrounds (race, religion, etc.) and their physical condition (physical development, intellectual development level, social cognitive level, etc.), learning and understanding ability, and interest (QCT, 2011). Australia is a multicultural country, different children may grow up in different cultural environment, such as language, race, religion and other aspects (AITSL, 2011). Therefore, understanding and respecting the cultural differences of students is important, and teachers should adopt corresponding teaching strategies according to these differences, so as to better promote the healthy growth of students. In addition, children of different ages in physics, psychology, intelligence, learning, understanding, interests are varying, so teachers should understand these differences in order to teach students in accordance with their aptitudes.

In Standard 2, knowing the teaching content and the way of teaching, teachers should command the subject knowledge, including subject content, pedagogical knowledge, curriculum, and information and communication technology knowledge (QCT, 2011). Novice teachers need to master the concepts, components, and basic applications of the knowledge. Mature teachers should not only have the basic requirements of novice teachers, but also have higher professional knowledge (Queensland Government, 2016). Mature teachers should skillfully apply this knowledge to their educational environment, who also can share their knowledge with novice teachers, so as to drive the other teachers to improve their understanding of subject knowledge and application.


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