




Information systems modifications and routine enhancements is one of the most significant changes that could affects organizations productivity and performances in delivering high quality products and services, many organizations are concerned with problems of running applications that have been in operations for several years, these types of systems are known as the legacy types, a critical point .html in many of such old systems arrives when

I. High maintenance costs is been incurred.

II. Use of obsolete hardware and software resulting in loss of profit and decline productivity.

III. Improper documentations and lack of user support with the knowledge required to maintain such systems.

IV. Systems becoming problematic and incapable of handling requirement for change in the business environment.

All these factors combined results in the need to carry out overall changes in current systems used by most organizations. Some companies prefer to replace legacy systems with new ones, to achieve their objectives, however this may sometimes be expensive, therefore modifying existing ones is always a good choice. As Warren (1999) stated, ‘if you abandon a legacy system, you face a risk of losing vital businesses knowledge which is embedded in many old system’, (Warren, I.1999, p.120). If organizations eventually choose to continue maintaining the existing system, consideration should be given to implementing new features that will make the system more effective and efficient in accommodating changes in tasks and the business rules, also the system should incorporate new functional requirements and that the existing problems are corrected.

This report has been prepared as recommendations of an appropriate information system development methodology ISDM for quality Kitchen Company; it summarizes DSDM as an appropriate method and explains reasons with various issues to consider by the IT manager of quality kitchen in choosing this method.



System developments can be done in several different ways, among these different approaches, two methodologies are especially important as they work as the fundamental system development approaches today. They are: traditional structured approach and object oriented Approach.

Traditional structured approach which was developed in 1970s became the dominant system development methodology in 1980s. However with the growing complexities of information system, the traditional approach has shown less competent in modern system development.

Since traditional structured approach has shown the inherit shortages when dealing with complex systems, which is the main trend of the current system. A new system developing method was introduced to better cope with the new system developing environment, that’s the object-oriented approach.

The following sections will provide a basic introduction of these two methodologies, compare their advantages and disadvantages. And finally a short discuss about the risks might involved in transition from traditional structured approach to object oriented approach



Nowadays, everyone is using software application to perform their tasks. Software application is being utilized in everywhere, be it in the public, within a particular organization or at home.

There is a study named human-computer interaction (HCI). This study is very important to enhance the effectiveness of a software application. It is a study of the interaction of humans with computers and to what level that computers are or are not developed for successful interaction with human beings. HCI tries to ensure that the interaction between human and computer are successful. Interaction between users and computers happens at the user interface, which include both software and hardware.

My final year project, Timetable Management System, requires a lot of interaction between user and the system. It is mainly because it requires many data from the user to generate the timetable or reports. Hence, in this seminar, discussions on a few important aspects will be included. Some brief overviews on the contents are such as introduction to HCI, importance of HCI, issues in HCI, theories and principles of HCI and types of User Interface. The main ideas of the contents are adapted from the book “Human-Computer Interaction” by Alan Dix, Janet Finlay and etc, published by Pearson Prentice Hall. Another main reference is “The Essence of Human-Computer Interaction” by Christine Faulkner which is published by Pearson Prentice Hall too.



This project is on the design and development of an inventory management system which is part of the supply-chain Management. This system will attempt to solve issues with current inventory management systems in order to give businesses a better competitive edge.

The literature review will provide a detailed overview about Inventory management; why business need to manage their inventory, benefits and objectives of inventory management and best practice in inventory management. It will go on to further discuss what inventory management system is all about, a detailed explanation of the benefits, future of inventory management systems and talk about success of inventory management system.

In the review, various factors for implementing efficient inventory management systems were listed in order to understand fully how to design and develop a software solution for a company that would provide the best services and effective solution to their current problems. The report also discussed some challenges faced by most inventory management system in providing businesses with an effective solution.

As part of the literature review, a case study was carried out on Sahad Stores, a distribution company in Nigeria and a detailed investigation into their existing system was accomplished highlighting the problems of the current system. Based on knowledge gained from the literature review, a proposed solution was presented to resolve the issues with the company’s current system of inventory management.




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