英国essay论文精选范文:“The Influence of Enclosure Movement in England”,这篇论文讨论了英国圈地运动的影响。英国圈地运动是资本原始积累的典型方式。从15世纪晚期开始,一部分贵族地主使用暴力手段圈占公共土地和农民耕地,作为牧场或农场,大批农民被从世代居住的土地上驱赶出来。最终致使大量农民的土地被剥夺,成为了流民。
In the history of the famous "sheep eat people," the enclosure movement, a large number of landless peasants how to go? The Government is how to quell the enclosure caused by social unrest? Through the study of the above issues, trying to present the Chinese government In dealing with the issue of a large number of landless peasants to provide some clues. But also hope that the interests of the masses in the vast rural areas of our country can get proper protection.
Enclosure movement in Britain is a typical way of capital primitive accumulation. Since the late 15th century, a number of aristocratic landlords used violent means to encroach on public land and peasant land, as rangelands or farms, a large number of farmers were expelled from land for generations to live out. This is the British utopian socialists Moore in the "utopia" in the attack "sheep eat people" enclosure movement.
First, there are several situations in rural areas: one is to stay in the circle of areas where a lot of labor is needed. At that time, the level of productivity is low, agricultural mechanization is not high, basically rely on human and human skills. The improvement of agriculture tends to make the labor force more intensive. Fences and trenches also require labor, in addition to the commons, and the forests, wilderness and swamp enclosures require large amounts of labor. Second, from the circle has been out of the area of farmers into the uncharted region, or stay in the countryside in situ, or farming or semi-workers and peasants. Third, the parliamentary enclosures caused many peasants to lose their land and had to become wage-earners in capitalist farms. The British farms of 1850 required many, not fewer, workers. Many farmers were completely separated from the land and became purely employed agricultural workers. Fourth, overseas immigrants. After the victory of the British bourgeois revolution, the bourgeoisie to open up overseas markets and plunder the colony, some landless peasants living abroad.
Second, the flow of farmers from rural to urban areas is mainly to enter the industrial and service industries. However, such farmers are not always welcomed by the city's handicraftsmen, because they destroy the labor market, crowding out some local handicraftsmen, and increasing the difficulty of urban employment. Finally, the enclosure movement is the most serious cause of the problem of displaced persons. One of the most serious consequences of the enclosure is the denial of farmers' land. 1517 ~ 1519, the report of the British Government Enclosure Investigation Committee provides a number of examples of aristocratic landlords how to use force to force farmers to retire tenant, change farmland as pasture, resulting in some areas of barren land, houses destroyed, population reduction, displacement of peasants. Farmers who have lost their land and cannot be converted into hired laborers will become displaced persons. On the one hand, displaced persons provide cheap labor for the development of capitalist economy; on the other hand, they become the main force of social instability and unrest. In the enclosure movement process, because the problem is serious, not only caused the people at the time of severe condemnation, also caused the violent resistance of the victim. 1607 the most intense enclosure of the central six counties outbreak of the massive peasant uprising, Warwickshire Milton 3000 people gathered, the other concentrated nearly 5000 people. They angrily cut down the hedge, fill the ditch, demolished the fence around the commons and cultivated land, since ancient times is open fields now encircled the land to restore the original. The insurgents said in a statement: "The recent popularity of the enclosure, resulting in the poor desperate ending." The government's repression measures are stirred up again and again against the uprising.
The government regulates enclosure movements and uses factories to manage surplus labor that can lead to social unrest. Enclosure movement is not entirely a chaotic process, the British government has taken a series of measures to ensure its orderly conduct. First, the development of enclosure movement requires certain legal procedures. The British Parliament adopted a large number of enclosure Act, which adopted in 1766, the most representative of private law enclosure procedures. It stipulates that the enclosure shall be jointly presented to the House of Commons by the petitioners of the large tracts of real estate of the locality, of the holders of public land holdings, of the houses, of the farmhouses, of the property and of other property, and shall be read there; and the House of Commons shall draw up according to the petition And the motion, in the solicitation of landowners and owners of public ownership of the views of the owners, if not to the Committee to express objection to the adoption of the motion; in the House of Commons after the Third Reading, the motion passed in the House of Lords, Shall take effect.
The specific implementation of enclosure members of the work in general is fair and meticulous. In particular, the "possession of land for more than 20 years, that is, to enjoy the ownership, you can share in the circle after the corresponding small plot" approach "for their own land is difficult to find a legal basis for part of the farmers. Members of the enclosure are also qualified because they have the relevant professional and technical knowledge and "honesty and fairness" reputation. At that time a large number of enclosure records also show how the enclosure members "carefully and carefully" to perform his duties. Third, the government has imposed some restrictions on the enclosure movement. Acts of Congress not only prohibit specific geographical enclosures, but also provide measures to protect farmers. Such as Congress in the late 15th century and early 16th century to prevent the destruction of the village law was enacted, provides that: all 20 acres of arable land must remain intact for a family to live. Henry VIII also in 1514 also stipulated that in February 1515 after the demolition of peasant houses should be within a year to rebuild. This was declared a permanent decree in 1515. In the Elizabethan era, legislation was also required to protect tenants who own more than 20 acres of land. 1634 ~ 1639, Central England, a riot of revolt occurred, Charlie I accordingly in the central seven counties on the enclosure to impose huge fines.
In order to ensure the reproduction of the labor force, the development of some civilian relief law. The first law was enacted in 1601, the provisions of the dioceses have the responsibility of poverty, in the dioceses to carry out taxation, for poor cost. In 1795, the "Spinhamland Regulations" were enacted to provide government subsidies if their labor earnings were not sustainable. However, the Ordinance, entitled Poverty, actually provides an excuse for exploiting workers' labor, so that the wages of workers can be reduced to the bare minimum to maintain themselves and their family members. The British bourgeoisie also endeavored to downplay the social status of workers and peasants receiving relief, depriving them of their personal freedom. In 1834, the principle of relief was the basic principle, and the hospital relief was strictly restricted. The so-called hospital relief means that the peasants and the unemployed workers must give up all political rights in order to obtain the relief. , Must wear a uniform, but also lose a series of personal freedom is said to be to make these people pay a certain price. So it is known as the "poor Bastille" of the Labor Institute. Although the early poor law is to discipline the poor But also some scholars believe that the "Poor Law" laid the United Kingdom and Europe and the United States modern social assistance legislation based on the recognition of social relief is a citizen should enjoy the legitimate rights of the European social security system is the origin.
China is a socialist country, and all the reforms in the countryside must be in the interests of the peasants. The government is accelerating the process of urbanization, the rural labor force is gradually transferred to the town, it is necessary to stabilize the rural areas, where conditions permit, explore the establishment of new rural pension, medical insurance and minimum living expenses guarantee system, reduce the burden on farmers to create more Employment opportunities for the stability of rural areas, strengthen agriculture, promote industrialization and modernization are of great significance.
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