Art as an art discipline, not only to enable students to have artistic creation ability, but also need to cultivate students' aesthetic ability. There is a certain connection between creation and aesthetics in the process of art learning. If students have a certain aesthetic ability, they are more likely to feel the good things in life, so as to convey the form of works out. Teachers in order to make students aesthetic ability to be effectively improved, they need to train students. And the improvement of aesthetic ability of art is not overnight to be able to achieve, students not only need to focus, but also need to persevere.
Art appreciation as a key teaching of art courses, can effectively cultivate students' aesthetic ability. Students appreciate through art, can understand, understand the author's background, thoughts and feelings, and then to master the works of art to convey the idea. Students learn and learn from, will learn the knowledge into their own knowledge, to make their own aesthetic ability to be effectively improved. In short, to enhance students' aesthetic ability is an important goal of art appreciation teaching. Art teachers need to pay enough attention to this point, and then lay the foundation for the realization of art appreciation teaching objectives.
Art has a visual communication characteristics, the text has not yet appeared when the ancients through the image of information exchange. Today, in advertising communication, art has a very important position. Such as visual communication design through the image, text and color in the form of expression, which art creation design is an indispensable and important part. Art appreciation can broaden the horizons of students and increase students' knowledge. At the same time, students can through some of the works of art, so that their own cultural cultivation to be effectively cultivated. Pottery culture, bronze culture and so on are closely related with the art, if the students have the ability to appreciate these cultures, it is clear that their own cultural accomplishment can be improved.
Art both artistic and emotional characteristics, when students have the ability to appreciate art, to make their own moral qualities to be improved. When students understand the story behind the works of art, they will be able to inspire their patriotic feelings, so that students' ideological consciousness is effectively improved. Such as the "flow map" describes the Japanese invaders to the Chinese nation brought deep disaster, inspired the Chinese people against the aggressors of the enthusiasm and morale. This kind of work not only allows students to remember history, but also to stimulate students' patriotic feelings. In short, art appreciation on the one hand to enable students to increase knowledge, on the other hand to enable students to cultivate cultural and moral quality has been effectively improved.
It is generally believed that a person if the lack of personality, its ability to innovate is also difficult to be excited out. In the field of art, the creator of the creative process in the performance of personality, to achieve innovation is very important. Therefore, in the art teaching process, teachers usually pay more attention to cultivate students' personality and innovation ability. Therefore, art appreciation teaching first to cultivate students' personality. As the saying goes, "a thousand readers in mind a thousand Hamlet", art appreciation is also true Different students face the same piece of art, their appreciation is different.
Which will be able to fully demonstrate the personality of students, so that students will appreciate the knowledge into their own knowledge, and then in the creation of art to achieve innovation. In a sense, art appreciation is the beauty of the works of art and profound meaning of the process. In this process, students tend to put their own feelings, so as to appreciate the connotation of the work, to further stimulate their own senses, affect their own psychology. When the students perceived ability, psychological ability to be enhanced, they can play the imagination and creativity, so that their own works of art unique, with the characteristics of personality at the same time, not the lack of beauty and meaning.
The value of art appreciation teaching is very high, which is mainly manifested in its ability to enhance students' aesthetic ability, cultivate students' cultural accomplishment and moral quality, and cultivate students' personality and innovation ability. Therefore, the institutions should pay attention to art appreciation teaching, clear teaching objectives, update teaching content, innovative teaching methods, so as to effectively improve the quality of art appreciation teaching.
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