下面为大家整理的一篇优秀assignment范文- Living in Jewish Life,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了犹太人的生活。犹太人一直都被认为是世界上最聪明的民族,他们为人类的发展做出了巨大的贡献。犹太人除了对科学的贡献之外,他们在生活中也有许多成就,像犹太词汇、犹太食物和犹太服饰等。
Living in a Jewish life describes the life of Jewish, not in a contemplative or abstract system but a comprehensive picture that print the map towards a full and honorable living. Most of up-to-date people have been taught to create values and build up beliefs of their own. However, at present, the pursuit of material may have become the only goal in our life.
The book living in Jewish Life describes the traditional Jewish life and reflect the life and beliefs of the Jewish with a presentation of their values, thought and emotions. Today, the Jewish people are regarded as the smartest ethnic group in the world. Lots of Jewish people have change the world or made great contribution to the development of human beings. However, we seldom focus on their daily life.
In fact, in addition to the scientific contribution, the Jewish also enjoy achievement in various kinds of fields including Jewish vocabulary, Jewish food and Jewish clothes. However, living in Jewish life would aim to introduce people outside the Jewish community to into the sensitive and comprehensive history that they created. In this case, Jewish traditions would be timeless and is rich of historical stories and would continuously influence the world in a special way.
The case of Jewish life could be able to wake up the rest of the world that self-thinking shall be encouraged. Cultures and lives could be closely connected and there are issues between the two items, which could achieve a closer connection in a tangible or intangible way. However, the two pathways could be mutually transferred since carriers would be the same to some extent.
Food, which is simple and easy to find, could be important carriers of cultures as well as lives. It would be one way to make culture and daily life become tangible, touchable and measurable. In this case, it would be a good way to exploit more information. However, it shall also be realized that food could be one tool to investigate into lives as well as cultures.
However, it could not replace the position of culture in social values. Hence, it shall be the first step to identify tools from essence of mass culture when consider a further research on one community, like Jewish. Spiritual aspect rather material aspect shall be the final goal and would be a timeless influence on the history of human beings.
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