
下面为大家整理的一篇优秀essay范文- Erving Goffmans Daily Life,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了欧文·高夫曼的日常生活。本文通过在日常生活中展现高夫曼的思想、行为和细节,引导大家更多地思考,以便对所描述的事物有更多的了解。世界就像一个舞台,每个人都扮演着重要的角色,而我们所扮演的角色也涉及到自我表达、情感表现以及对每个人所呈现的符号和行为的理解。

Erving Goffman,欧文·高夫曼,留学生作业代写,essay代写,美国作业代写

As a representative personage in theory of symbolic interaction, Goffman’s self description of daily life has laid the foundation of the academic status. The book uses a methodology of thinking and understanding to describe how people make the self-presentation in the daily life.

Unlike other theorists, Goffman applies no digital analysis or scientific survey in his book. By presenting people’s thought, behavior and details in the daily life, Goffman lead readers to think more so as to have more personnel understanding of the things described. In this chapter, region and region behavior, Goffman demonstrated his idea that how people’s behaviors would be influenced by the environment.

By focusing on the interactions happening in the social system, Goffman initially compare the society to a broadcasting room. The thick glass is the boundary that separate people inside the room and outside the room. Just like people in the world, we all live in the region divided by an invisible thick glass.​

The glass may imply the cultural difference, the geological difference or the language difference. In the big social system, Goffman described interpersonal communications or daily life as shows on the stage. All our daily activities could be seen as the performance. As the ancient Chinese saying, life is like a play. Whether the show is great or not depends on how much you like the role and to what extent you would like to play the role.

Shakespeare once said, the world is like a stage and each of us plays an important role in it. Roles that we play would concern self presentation, emotion expression, information delivering and others’ understanding of symbols and acts that every person presents. However, role of each person would change in different situations, different area. Even when facing different audience, we perform different.

In order to accurately describe behavioral patterns of people in their daily life, Goffman puts forward the concept of “make-work”. Just like performance on the stage, the daily life is also been well designed and has its own script. People would act according to the surrounding environment to comply with the invisible script.

For example, when a student studies in a literature class, he would perform studying. When he plays in the playground after school, he would perform doing sports and playing with other. Similarly, interactions in social system would also be designed before it could be shown to the public. The true aspect of the system would be nearly impossible to discover.

Theories in Goffman’s book could be related to cases in daily life. If we explore the theories deeper, we would find a new aspect of people’s daily life.


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