下面为大家整理的一篇优秀assignment范文- The Video Game and its Culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电脑游戏和它的文化。电脑游戏从引进开始就一直都处于低迷状态,直到上世纪90年代,随着电脑软硬件的发展,电脑游戏才真正迎来了高速发展阶段。电脑游戏不同于其他艺术形式,它是玩家亲手参与艺术的过程,这也意味着电脑游戏拥有自己独特的文化和吸引力。而美国开发的电脑游戏中也体现了他们的个人、自由和理性主义,成为了一个现实和虚拟之间的桥梁。
Video game was introduced in the 1970s as a commercial entertainment media, and America was an important foundation of the entertainment industry. Game industry depressed in 1983, not a long time later, recovered again. The computer chip itself weathered the storms of consumer demand and technological revolution (Wills 2008). After two years, the video game industry had become a $10 billion industry, and turned into the world's most profitable entertainment industry. In fact, the video game is a tool used to capture human spiritual enlightenment. From this perspective, there is no essential difference between plays, films, music and other art forms. Despite this, what the game differs from other art forms is that players are personally involved in the process of art and cannot stand idly by. This means that the game must have self-contained meaning and attractive culture.
World of Warcraft was produced by the famous game company Blizzard Entertainment, which is the most popular online role-playing video game so far. With millions of subscribers worldwide, it shared 62% of the global online game market in 2008. With no doubt, it is a very successful online game.
The background of "Warcraft" series is set in the world named Azeroth. Warcraft ushered in a new "azeroth" history of the world. It is described as a heroic myth: endless war lasts thousands of years, and two camps named "tribes" and "alliance" emerge and fight in order to save the world.
As a strategic rivalry game, warfare is the basic element (Campbell 2008). the first four versions of the "warcraft" game develop over the war of "tribes" and "alliance", and each of them has different six races. These races are set to own different talent and a lot of professional skills. For example, monk is good at Chinese kung fu. All the characters have five basic attributes: strength, agility, endurance, intelligence and mental. Moreover, the ability of these five attributes affect the capabilities of the role. These elements underline the heroism of the game. Only when one person has one skill, he or she is able to survive in the game world better and save the whole world.
As a kind of award-winning subscription-based and massive multiple player online role - playing game, its players also occupy the world and influence game events at the same time. They can not only take measures individually to accelerate the development of the game, but also choose any different camp, forming a 5 to 40 people team, to participate in combat. It embodies individualism and liberalism, which is important part of American culture.
What is more surprising,"Warcraft" is not just a game, but also a kind of social way Sub-culture. "Warcraft" constructs with virtual reality that is connected tightly with Social network in reality, including the game strategy, trading, daily life (love, friends) and network celebration (festivals) so on. Players can experience leisure, entertainment, social communication in the virtual world, and get self-identification. That is why the game succeeds.
StarCraft is another famous video game issued by Blizzard Entertainment. It was officially released on March 31, 1998. Due to February 2009, star craft have been sold more than 11 million sets worldwide, which is one of the best selling games on PC platform. The background of the game was set in the 26ed century, there are three races located in the center of galaxy. They all need more interstellar space to survive, therefore, they constantly wage wars for supremacy. In the game, every player is one member of any race, they must cooperate or fight with other players in the battlefield. At the same time, the game provides players with multiple playing mode, as a consequence, the players can choose the mode freely. In the battle of the game, players can manipulate any race, to collect resources according to the specific map, recruiting soldiers, and destroy your opponent's buildings, then you will be the winner. It is this strong sense of possessiveness and competition that become the game's cultural psychology. At the same time, the fantastic special effect and cool technology also make the game more attractive. StarCraft is a science fiction game, it is a blend of traditional literature and art such as music and movie, which create a comprehensive audio-visual enjoyment. For example, it shows a cosmic grand sky background, designs exquisite appearance of three races, and provides all kinds of cool weapons. The vanity of players will be able to get great satisfaction. He will be very happy to participate in.
In order to survive, the three races cooperate or compete with each other, and help each other or go to war. But the war is not only a fighting force, but also includes land management, development of the economy. Therefore, players both need force and wisdom. The game is not only for a person to vent his or her aggressive instinct, but for a person to pursuit strategic wisdom (Shaw 2010). This is the unique charm of the game to attract players.
At the beginning of the game, the purpose of the attack is to destroy farmers belonging to enemies. In this way, they can make the enemy's economic construction slower. In fact, economy is a very important part of the game. In the early stage, every sides need to accelerate the primitive accumulation of capital in order to gain economic advantage. In the middle stage of the game, there are a small range of wars, but economy still is very important this period. Because the space is not able to meet the need of players, as a result, expanding territory became the main goal of the mid. Getting more lands means more resources. This actually reflects the rationalism spirit in American culture, and also is a typical reflection of the primitive accumulation.
Video game tends to be a different kind of virtual reality, it often have elaborate meaning system. The individualism, freedom and rationalism in American culture is also reflected in the American video game, and become a bridge between real and virtual.
Campbell, J. “Just less than total war: Simulating World War II as ludic nostalgia.” Playing the past: History and nostalgia in video games, (2008):183-200.
Shaw, A. “What Is Video Game Culture? Cultural Studies and Game Studies. Games and Culture 5, no.4 (May 2010):403-424. http://gac.sagepub.com/content/5/4/403.short
Wills, J. “Pixel Cowboys and Silicon Gold Mines: Videogames of the American West.” Pacific Historical Review 77, no.2 (May 2008): 273-303. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/phr.2008.77.2.273?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
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