下面为大家整理一篇优秀的澳洲代写范文- A Short Story is An Epitome of Real Life,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了短篇小说。短篇小说是文学体裁的一种,它的特点是篇幅短、情节简单、结构精巧。短篇小说一般选择的题材是生活,通过刻画人物形象,反映生活中的某一面,所以又被称为生活中缩影。
A short story is a genre of literature, which is characterized by short length, a simple plot, centralized characters and a delicate structure. It often selects and describes the typical meaning of life fragments in an effort to portray the personalities of the main characters, reflecting a certain side of the life. Therefore, a short story is an epitome of real life.
Generally speaking, a short story has four elements: setting, characters, theme and plot. The setting refers that where and when the story happens. There characters refer to main and minor figures of the story. The theme means the lesson learned in the story, the purpose of the story and the author’s message. The plot mainly refers to the events in order in the story.
First and foremost, My Mother’s Garden derives from the real fact. The story is based on the background of Chernobyl disaster, which is a nuclear reactor accident, occurred in Ukraine. The accident is considered to be the most serious nuclear accident in history. After the accident, Chernobyl has been abandoned. “I strayed from the silent, wide street that led into the abandoned town, turning instead into the forest.” (My Mother’s Garden, Page 275) The background alone can give readers a broad concept of the environment of the story, arousing the memory of the tragic accident.
Secondly, due to the short length, the author cannot beat around the bush and the wring methodology must be straightforward. In the beginning, the author has introduced the place of the story. “Spring had come to my hometown.” (My Mother’s Garden, Page 275) In the ending of story, the author has also concluded the story, echoing with the beginning. “I turned off the recorder. The bus was pulling up to the gates, and Oles waved and shouted at me to hurry.” (My Mother’s Garden, Page 295)
Thirdly, the short story has a realistic meaning, which is a reflection of realism. The story mainly depicts three characters: a grown woman, a twelve-year-old daughter and an elderly grandma. The story not only demonstrates the stubborn love towards Chernobyl disaster of the three main characters but also presents the intricate emotions and feelings of all related civilians in the society.
From the above analysis, the story is a representative of the realistic short stories. It is also an epitome of the real life, which conveys realistic meaning and arouses echoing of the public.
Katherine Shonk. (2003) My Mother’s Garden.The Red Passport.Picador USA.
Wikipedia. (2015). Short story. Website.
Wikipedia. (2015). Chernobyl disaster. Website.
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