下面为大家整理一篇优秀的加拿大代写范文- Counterculture No Longer Exists,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了反主流文化。反主流文化,就是指反对主流文化的文化现象。反主流文化也是一场青年文化运动,对美国主流文化的反叛与背离。他们试图通过各种反叛活动来表达对主流文化、现存制度的不满,还有对妇女、少数民族处境的同情,以及对和平生活的向往。
Counterculture refers to the cultural phenomenon that opposes to mainstream culture. In the 1960s, the first large-scale counterculture movement was developed in the United States, which directly stimulated a series of social events including anti-war movement, the racial equality movement, the national liberation movement, free speech movement and so on. Typical example of counterculture in the United States is the Beat Generation. They were in opposition to the mainstream culture at that time of America, rebelling everything that was related to the traditional culture and values. They took drug, indulged in drinking and rock music, and advocated sexual liberation and women’s rights (Whiteley, 2015). They refused to put money first, and on the contrary, they were in pursuit of the freedom of spirit. However, at present days, counterculture seems no longer exists in the society of the United States. No matter in the newspapers, journals, television shows, or in our daily communication, we all talked about money, business and economy. Just as the saying goes, counterculture no longer exists. It is now more about selling than rebelling. In other words, today in the United States, people put money, or traditional values first, rather than take part in a rebellion to go against the mainstream values. In my opinion, I agree with this idea and I think the United States today is actually a material world which lacks the diversity in thoughts and values. Therefore, this essay explores why the counterculture no longer exists in the United States and to what extend the material values prevail the society.
First of all, at the present days, there is no any large-scale rebelling movement, like the anti-war movement, racial or sexuality equality movement, free speech movement and so on. Also, there is no such a pioneer that devotes himself to the causes that rebel against mainstream culture. For example, in the 1960s, the counterculture movement prevailed in the society at that time of the United States, including the anti-Vietnam War Movement, the Racial Equality Movement led by Martin Luther King, and the National Liberation Movement led by Che Guevara and so on. According to these movements, the young people expressed their rebellion opinions towards the traditional values like racial segregation, the large-scale development of military force, and some religious doctrines and so on. In fact, there were lots of reasons that caused the 1960s counterculture movement. Firstly, during the 1950s to the 1960s, America gained a remarkable momentum in its economic development. By the end of the 1950s, over 60 per cent of American people became the middle-class (Larkin, 2015). Due to the fast economic development, the living styles of the American people as well as their values underwent earthshaking changes. The young people who lived in the 1960s, began to rethink about the meaning of lives and redefine the values that they had received. As a result, they began to rebel against the mainstream values and tried to re-establish a new world with new rules. Thus, we could learn that the reason that the reason that caused counterculture movement is the changes in world economic development and living styles. However, at present days, though the society also undergoes great changes in fields of economy and living style, there is no such rebellion movement.
Today, the world also encounters great changes in the economic development and living style. For example, according to the data released by the Ministry of Commerce of the United States, the gross domestic product of America reached 16.7 trillion dollars, account for over 20 per cent of the world total value of gross domestic product. Maintaining the growth by the rate of 2 per cent of GDP, America is still the world most powerful economy (Walker, 2010). Meanwhile, the living style of people also changes a lot. Due to the development of Internet and IT technology, the world is connected by the Internet and people become more dependent on this technology in various fields including business, communication, transportation and education. However, though the currently society owns the similar environment as that of the 1960s counterculture movement, people now have lost their rebellion spirits and only pursue the money and material.
For example, business and finance become one of the most popular majors in the university and colleges. Most of students dream to work in banks or investment corporations after graduation. Advertisement and product marketing could be seen everywhere on television shows, newspapers, and magazines. In the bookstores, the “how-to” books always sell best among other literature genres. These kind of book tell you how to achieve success, how to earn money in a short time, how to start-up your own business and so on. The prominent example of the ear is no longer the national leaders like Che Guevara or Martin Luther King. Instead, the national idols are Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg and people worship them because of the big fortune they have made. The money people have earned becomes the key criterion to judge a person. In the Social Networking Sites, people show off the thing they have bought and the food they have eaten. All in all, today, the country is run by money and materials.
All in all, I do agree with the opinion that counterculture no longer exists in the United States, and it is now more about selling than rebelling. In my opinion, the reason why the counterculture phenomenon disappears is that the world is in a preparation stage for another great progress. Thus, people work really hard to accumulate fortune and capital. History is just like a circle and the economic basis determine superstructure. Maybe after 10 or more years, human beings would return to the period like the 1960s. At that time, more and more people would start to rethink about the value they used to stick to and try to rebel against the old rules of the world. At that time, the counterculture movement would be bake and is sure to lead to as series of new ideas, ideology and thoughts through a lot of rebellion movements.
Larkin, Ralph W. "Counterculture: 1960s and Beyond." International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 12 (2015): 73. Print.
Walker, Gregory. “A Safety Counterculture Challenge to a ‘Safety Climate’.” Safety Science 48 (2010): 333. Print.
Whiteley, Sheila. “Counterculture: The Classical View.” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 12 (2015): 80. Print.
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