
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The interview about different culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国和日本的文化差异。在人们的交际中,美国人是非常直接的,而且注重个性。而日本人则比较委婉,更尊重对方。两国对于女性的态度也不一样,在美国,女性可以得到男性的尊重和保护;而在日本,男性的地位明显高于女性,很多女性都是没有工作的,只是在家当家庭妇女。

different culture,文化差异,美国论文代写,assignment代写,美国作业代写


As is known to all, people live in different environments with different cultures, and there is huge gap between different cultures. In order to improve the development of the communication in culture and people, I have to do some interview with two people who come from different cultures to discuss the cultural difference. One of them comes from the United States, the representative of western culture, and the other comes from Japan. We mainly discuss the difference from three aspects. They are language and verb communication, gender roles and gendered communities, and family communication. There are several question is prepared for the interview. As the result, it is obvious that the cultures are different, but the effect of cultural globalization is also huge.

Language and verb communication

The difference between American and Japanese culture in the language and verb is very interesting. The communication of American is very direct and pays attention to individuality. While the Japanese are more tactful and respect each other in the communication. The Chinese are similar as the Japanese in this aspect.

In the American, whatever the age of the people, people just directly call their name. However, in Japan, it is very particular about the pecking order. People usually become very strict when communicate with older people.

American worship the individual struggle, especially for personal achievements. They never hide their self-confidence, sense of honor and the ecstasy of after achievement. And they are proud of the achievement, and accept the praise. On the contrary, in Japanese culture, the people advocate modest instead of advocating personal honor. They are emphasizing holistic and integrated.​

The equality consciousness is very strong in American. Whatever the rich or poor, people do not allow others infringed upon their rights. At the same time, everyone can fully respect others. In the United States, few people are proud of their eminent family background, and also few people ashamed of his poor family. The efforts can give them the chance to change their life. However, the background is important in Japan. Even the Japanese are also respect others, always some people maybe feel ashamed because of their family. In the process of language communication, the gap produced by the background of the family is very obvious.

Western culture encourages people to do something that nobody has done and distinguished extraordinary career. While the Japanese culture asks people to follow the stable state, and Chinese people is willing to maintain the status and harmony.

Gender roles and gendered communities

The status of women in American Japanese is different. American women have the opportunity to enjoy the respect and knight of many traditional customs and etiquette in American society. Men open doors for ladies, help women to go out of the car, men walk outside and the woman walk inside in the street. Man always willing to provide protection to women.

While Japanese women may not be so lucky as American. In Japan, the status of male was obviously higher than that of women. There may be some changes in recent years, however, the status of women is still not very obvious. Most women do not have their work and stay in the home as housewives. The whole life of those women is just husband and children.

For Chinese women, some of them are housewives, but most of them are independent from the family and have their own work. The women become more and more important in all the industry and social. The men also respect the women and the women first are popular in the China.

Family communication

The view of marriage between the American and Japanese people has been greatly different. As for American, marriage is a personal thing, nobody can interference,even for their parents. At the same time, marriage is not for moral issues. People have the right to choose their favorite people to live together. Once they found that the existing marriage is a mistake. They have the second choice to correct the mistake. If the couple fell in love with another one, either one will not to blame the other. In their view, forced two people who do not love each other lives together are cruel.

The marriage of Japanese remains relatively stable. This is because the Japanese people treat marriage as a top priority in life. Everyone is treated marriage with caution and choose seriously. Once they decided, they do not change easily. And the Japanese always regard marriage as a serious moral problems, cast or third party involvement is considered highly unethical.

American family structure is simple and called the nuclear family. It is content just parents and minor children. Once children grow up and get married, they have to move out the home, and live independent. Parents no longer have anything to support their children, a new family will create in that time. This approach provides many freedom for young people, and give them ability to live independently. However, at the same time, it has alienated the relationship between the family and relatives.

The Japanese family is included in the parents and children. The older live alone or in the care centre. The relationship between parents and children is equal, and the children always perform dependence.

Chinese family structure is more complex than other county. The traditional happy family is three generations. In such a family, the grandparents to help look after children. When grandchildren grew up, they need to support the old man. The family members live together, depend on each other and help each other. The relationships are close. However, This way of life is not conducive to cultivate the independence of young people.

As for American, parents treat children really very patient and equal, really like a friend. They will always be respect the choice of children. And the American parents, they pay more attention to their partner than children. However, the Japanese parents love their children is better than a love partner, and most of the parents have a strong desire to control their children.


In the Western culture, they attach great importance to the individual and emphasis on group. Western emphasis on private property since ancient times, the word private highlights the core of morality. While in the Eastern culture, people pay more attention to the moderation and human feelings. The collective interests is vital for Japan.

Self-centeredness and independent consciousness of American is very strong. In the law of the jungle society, everyone living style and quality of life depends on their abilities, therefore, everyone must self-made, put personal interests in the first place. And American did not accustom to care for others. They cherish personal freedom and reject the restricted. The thinking of the American is logic and insight. As for the Japanese, they are more depend on the experience and intuition.

During the interview, it is obvious that the American is more direct than the Japanese. The American boy is more like to use body language, and make people feel very warm and active. When the question he does not know, he will reject directly. On the other hand, when talk about something he like, he will talk for a long time to share his views and experiences. As for the Japanese girl, she is a shy and kind girl. Her answers of the questions are very detailed and cautious. The question she was not known, she was asked her sister before give us the answer.


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