下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Children's participation in competitive sports,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了儿童参加竞技体育比赛。很多家长认为,孩子在参加竞技体育比赛的时候,总是会害怕失败而导致无法全力以赴。其实竞争不是平常的娱乐或者玩游戏,它追求的是最后的胜利,而竞争可以在一定程度上让孩子进步,教会孩子遵守规则。
The article mainly talks about the disadvantages of children playing competitive sports game with parents and coaches too much emphasis on winning. The author lists out three reasons on her anxiety: she worries that for children from 6 to 12 playing highly organized competitive games is harmful to children's bodies and minds. She thinks the elimination push too many children out of sports. She also worries that the over-emphasis brings parents fantasies, making them ignore their children's welfare.
The author proves her first view by quoting many studies and public's saying, that children has great opportunities to get hurts in these sport games, causing kids fearing of playing games. Psychologically, children lose their happiness because of coaches’ whistle and parents and coaches' expectations. Children therefore are afraid of playing games due to the afraid of failure.
The author concerns that the severe selection makes children out of sports because they fear of failure. The author also proves score keeping and league standings bring parents fantasies with the news report. With the severe situation, people are aware the wrongness of the sport educational theory. The author concludes her idea that children should not be involved in competitive games at this stage, and the fun of playing games is emphasized before, which should replace overly competitive programs. Children should play competitive games with their willingness.
In my opinion, I agree with what the author’s view that playing sport should be in great fun because entertainment can be one of the purposes of our playing these games. But on the other hand, I think the goal of winning the game on the competition should not be abandoned when teaching child to play games, because to some extent, the ambitious of winning the competition is also what we need to teach our children.
Let me explain why we should keep the desire of winning the game. First of all, we should be clear that the original purpose of playing a competitive game is to compete with their opposite, instead of playing for fun or developing our bodies. We have many ways to have fun or do exercise rather than play competitive game, like jogging and swimming. So when we are on the pitch of the football game, the first thing we should consider about is to win. The most important thing in the rules of this kind of games is how to judge a person or a team wins the games fairly. So the spirit of the rules is fairness and the desire of winning.
Secondly, only the competitive motivation pushes children to make progress in their skill or strengthen their bodies. It is easy to draw this conclusion, because one will not be willing to train so hard since he or she has no need to fight for any honor or championship. Children will not get tired on their training because it is not essential. We should believe that in children’s deep heart, they have the instinct of performing better than their peers, or they will have no motivation to try their best both in sport or academy. Many children play games because they want to “be the best” just like their favorite stars. Without comparing or competition, there won’t be “the best”.
But it doesn’t mean that we should give up chasing fun when playing competitive games. Having fun in playing competitive games is significant for children, which benefits their physical and mental health. We can find that the greatest men, no matter what area they are in, have their interest in some sports, which is always cultivated in their childhood. Therefore we should make our children feel happiness when they are playing their favorite game.
In my view, we can combine the emphasis of winning and the happiness of playing together, which cannot only teach our children to obey the rules and suit the competitive situation, but also how to achieve our happiness in the fair game. When children are in the ring or pitch, they should be ambitious and aggressive. When they are training, they can be laughing with great happiness. This kind of theory can find even in professional sport teams when the managers or coaches are training the athletes.
Happiness and victory are both what our children desire for. Therefore we should not do one thing and neglect another