下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Why We Shouldn’t Ban Guns,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了应不应该禁止枪支的问题。2016年6月12日,一名持枪歹徒在奥兰多的一个夜总会杀害了49人,引发了关于是否应该控制枪支的争论。首先,枪支不应该被禁止,因为美国的传统就是保护人民的权利免受国家的暴力。虽然枪支已越来越成为一个象征性的对抗国家的武器,但枪也是一种强烈的抵抗精神。其次,政府不应该禁止枪支,因为人们有正确保卫自己的权利。枪支是自卫的有力工具,免于伤害是一项基本的人权。
On June 12, 2016, a gunman killed 49 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando, raising the debate that whether gun should be controlled. Some insists that gun control is urgent and significant while others argue that gun control is a bad policy that would not reduce crime rate. In this essay, I argue that we shouldn’t ban guns because of the American heritage, the civil rights, the need to fight against terrorism, and the potential risk of gun market going underground.
First, guns shouldn’t be banned due to the American heritage of protecting people’s rights against the violence of the state. As Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding father of this nation once famously said, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms”. In one of his letters written to James Madison in 1787, he said that he “prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery” (Jefferson). He further explicated this idea in a later letter to James Madison that “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms” (Jefferson).
The U.S. is a state built on the fundamental ideology of freedom. The first pilgrims came to the new continent with the hope of realizing their own religious freedom. When the king put heavy taxes on those early settlers, they were able to raise their firearms againsta tyrannous king. Freedom is one of the most important values of this nationthat we should strongly defend. For without freedom, especially the freedom of carrying arms, the nation cannot exist.
What’s more, letting go of our freedom of carrying arms can have strong consequences on the ideology of this country. For deriving people of their freedom of carrying arms is to give the state the absolute power of bearing arms. The state then becomes the only possible actor that can use firearm. This is of grieve danger as we put absolute trust in the state. People then have no possible means of resisting against the powerful state. The state is free to perform tyranny on the peopleas people have no possible leverage against the state. Great power always comes with it great possibility of the corruption of power. A nation is never naturally just and for the good for the people. A nation is only just and good and good for the people when there exists constant threat that a nation will be challenged by its discontented people. Both the Declaration of Independence and Lincoln’s first inaugural address pointed out thatpeople have the right to revolution or the right to “alter or to abolish” the government.(Congress; Lincoln). Although guns have increasingly become a symbolic leverage against the state as the state has in its possession weapons of massive destruction, the gun is nevertheless a strong reminder of the people’s spirit of resistance.
Secondly, the government shouldn’t ban guns because people have the right of properly defensing themselves. Guns are powerful tools of self-defense. It is a fundamental human right to be free from harm. As listed in the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights issued by the united nations, right after the first articles, is article 3, stating that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”. (UN General Assembly) Without the means of implementing this article, this article would be deprived of its meaning.
One may argue that there are many ways of realizing this right. We can have the state strengthen its police power or put more efforts on education. Yet despite of all the layers of defenses, self-defense is always the last defense when harm comes to people. When all of the other defenses fail, as they often do, people can only depend on self-defense. Although the efforts of state and society can lower the possibility of violence against ordinary citizens, this is simply no guarantee for safety. When the time comes for self-defense, ordinary citizens should be ready and be armed with the best defense possible.
Yet some may argue that guns are not the best self-defense possible. Some may say that people not effectively trained with the use guns might lead to more harm to themselves when they are trying to defend themselves with guns. However, a recent study on guns which President Obama commissioned,proved that the use of firearms in self-defense is “important crime deterrent” (Tabirian, 2013). The study performed by CDC shows that when compared with other self-defense strategies, the use of guns can effectively lower the injury rates among crime victims. This 10-million dollar worth of study conducted thorough research on gun violence.
Although gun seemed to be a harmful weapon, it should also be reminded that guns are important when deterring violent crimes from happening. As the Cato institute powerfully argued, guns are able to help curb crimes from two perspectives (Cato, Institute). First, criminals are likely to flee the scene and stop an ongoing crime when they realize the “victim” is in possession of firearms. Second, when a “victim” shoots down a criminal, he or she is stopping the criminal from harming other ordinary citizens and making it more effective for the police to catch criminals. As self-defense is such an important right and guns can greatly help citizens to defend themselves, we shouldn’t ban the ownership of guns.
Third, under the severe challenge of terrorism, people should be able to use guns to protect themselves against the potential violence. There have been 139 Americans being killed in 48 terrorist attack in U.S. since September 11, 2001 (TROP).Because of the nature of terrorist attack, if a potential victim cannot be equipped with guns, he or she may be more helpless when faced with a terrorist attack. In the situation of terrorist attack, only gun can stop the gunfire of terrorist.
However, some people may argue that the case of Orlando killings show that the use of gun may lead to terrorist attack. This argument was also repeated by President Obama and Hilary Clinton. But this may be the political correctness cliché. Take terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Brussels and Paris for example. Although there are bans on guns, it hadn’t protected the safety of citizen (Revesz).
Fourth, banning guns would only lead to the illegal trading of guns, leaving it difficult for government to monitor guns.
Works Cited
Assembly, UN General. "Universal declaration of human rights." UN General Assembly (1948).
Cato Institute Guns and Self Defensehttp://www.cato.org/guns-and-self-defense
Jefferson, Thomas. "letter to James Madison." Paris, January 30.1787 (1999): 416-417.
Lincoln, Abraham. "First inaugural address, March 4, 1861." (1861).
Tabirian (2013) CDC Study: Use of Firearms for Self-Defense is ‘Important Crime Deterrent’. CNS News. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/cdc-study-use-firearms-self-defense-important-crime-deterrent
TROP,. "Islamic Terror On American Soil". The Religion of Peace. N.p., 2016. Web. 25 June 2016.
Revesz, Rachael. "NRA Says Gun Control Laws 'Won't Prevent Next Terrorist Attack'". The Independent. N.p., 2016. Web. 25 June 2016.