下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Obama's immigration reform,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了奥巴马的移民改革。自从奥巴马上任以后,他一直努力在移民制度方面进行改革。奥巴马表示,对于移民和留学生,他们也可以从改革中受益。但奥巴马的移民改革也面临着大量的困难和挑战。毫无疑问,在他的改革取得实质性进展之前,中国留学生还是得排队等候签证,而他们中的大多数人可能会选择回国。
Since Obama has been elected as President of USA, he has tried to make reforms in health care, banking system and immigration system. The comprehensive Immigrant Reform may have significant influence on both the USA and Global South countries such as India and China.
President Obama has tried to push forward execution of the reform. In November 20, 2014, President Obama announced a program of “deferred action” which may legalize roughly 45% of illegal immigrants in the United States.
President Obama’s effort to reform the immigration system has different influences. For USA, it can be seen as a way to improve American education system and Research and Development. In a speech on immigrant reform in 2013, President Obama claimed that “We’re giving them all the skills they need to figure that out, but then we’re going to turn around and tell them to start that business and create those jobs in China or India or Mexico or someplace else? …That’s how you give new industries to our competitors...” He regarded the reform as a way to improve the soft power of America, and the reform may help maintain USA’s advantage in technology.
For immigrants and international students, they may also benefit from the reform. For example, “The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” a merit-based point system was proposed to reform the visa system and the immigration system, and this may benefit the International students (时间过长就跳过). President Obama also directed the US Citizenship and Immigration Services and department of state to work out the numbers of unused visa to reallocate the visa, which may benefit Chinese students on F1 visas who graduate in science, technology, engineering and mathematics streams. The optional practical training (OPT) period was also being extended from 24 months to 36 months. This means Chinese students can look for job in a longer time after finishing their courses. These reforms may incent more Chinese students to pursue higher education in US and choose to stay in USA’s technology industry. Their intellectual ability may help maintain USA’s leading edge in technology.
However, President Obama’s Immigrant Reform may in effect push many Chinese international students back home. First, his immigrant reforms, just as his other reforms, was faced with abundant difficulties and challenges. Before his reform made substantial progress, many Chinese students may still have to wait in line for visa and many of them may choose to return home. As Chinese economy develops quickly, many Chinese students tend to use their American certificate and working experience as leverage to bargain with local employers to get high salary, if they cannot be granted visa or green card. Second, the future of international students is not stable and bright enough so many of them may choose to leave US after graduation. In this way, President Obama’s reform may still fail to some extent.