
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The gutter oil,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了地沟油。总所周知,地沟油含有有害物质,对人体健康会造成严重损害,但有一些不良商家为了利益,还是铤而走险使用地沟油。而地沟油是肉眼无法识别的,所以给人们带来了很大的困扰。虽然政府也采取了一系列的措施解决这一问题,但问题并没有得到解决。

gutter oil,地沟油,英国代写,英国论文代写,essay代写

As gutter oil has been spreading over a majority of tables in China, it is a subject for a number of researchers to study how it can be produced and what negative influence it can exert on people’ s health. To raise the public confidence in food safety, on October 13 2011, the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment was set up and took charge of a project that pooled together six experts’ efforts to explore and test the five potential detection methods of refining waste oil. Their results proved gutter oil contained hazardous elements that exacted a heavy toll on health, as nutritionists warned that “such oil can damage the gastrointestinal tract if consumed occasionally, and trigger cancer after long-term consumption”. The Chinese government has been striving to crack down on recycling oil used in food, through establishing related researching institutions.

A decade ago, gutter oil emerged on tables in China and the government took steps to address this problem that triggered massive fear among people. However, to its disappointment, such refined waste oil has not been removed from tables. Rather, this disgusting food material has even become more extensive and harder to be told from healthy oil. As China is still a developing country that has not established improved law system to regulate oil industry well, an estimated 80 percent "gutter oil" in China is collected by unqualified enterprises or people. Thus, it is safe to say that China is facing a tough task that can be solved by joint efforts in all walks of life. 

Gutter oil is difficult to set apart from the ordinary oil in appearance. What is worse is that law breakers “are skillful at coping with the established standards” and they are capable of purifying waste oil to a standard level. That means those who produce harmful oil are so shrewd that it is difficult to punish them.

What makes the presence thornier is that some Chinese restaurant owners even have signed long-term contract with recycling oil producers to sell leftover oil. As they behave that way, those greedy owners can make a big fortune from such trading. That can explain in part why recycling waste oil is so hard to be wiped out from tables.

Chances are that you will eat gutter oil once in every 10 times you eat out in China——it is so popular in these days! However, such waste is not unfavorable in all aspects: it can be applied for industrial use, not cooking. If recycling oil is used soundly, it can save this country considerable costs in other industries that are not related to food.

Amid such challenging situation, Chinese government does not just let it go——it has issued a host policies and punished a wave of law breakers. More than 100 criminals who commit to produce and market gutter oil were arrested and put in prison.



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