下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Is Wal-Mart Good for America,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了沃尔玛公司。在过去的几十年里,沃尔玛一直在飞速地发展,如今已拥有一万多家门店,销售额也一直在稳定增长,所以沃尔玛无疑是一个非常成功的百货公司。它的空前增长主要得益于日益增长的全球化进程,这让该公司能够轻而易举地获得低成本的海外制成品。
Wal-Mart has achieved impressive sales growths in the past decades with 11,527 stores over the world until February 2016 (Wal-Mart Official Site, 2016), making it one of the most successful retailers wildly known. Its unprecedented growth has been largely profited from the increasing globalization process through which the corporation can easily access to low cost overseas manufactures. The video from PBS has looked through the origins of Wal-Mart and its worldwide impacts, so as to discuss the firm’s influence on the United States as it’s titled. This essay will combine the video and three articles to provide answers for the six questions, analyzing from the area such as the retailer-manufacture relationship, the Wal-Mart’s strategy and its impact on the domestic consumers and workers, with particular focus on the rise of Chinese suppliers and the job loss event in Circleville, Ohio.
1. How has Wal-Mart changed the power relationship between retailers and manufacturers? Give examples from the documentary.
First of all, Wal-Mart has changed the old “push” system between retailers and manufacturers, which is used to be dominant by the large multinational manufactures. Nowadays the situation is reverse as the retailers have taken over a dominant position with a “pull’ system by setting the sales rules to their manufactures in terms of prices, quantities, quality, schedules and displays for the products. For example, the Wal-Mart can tell manufactures what to produce and how much. For the manufactures, they obeyed the standards and manage their inventories as best as they could.
And according to the documentary, Wal-Mart has the advantage in its inventory system in which contains huge amount of accurate and efficient statistics for sales and inventories. The “pull” relationship has also attracted Wal-Mart’s large multinational manufactures to set their offices near the headquarters of Wal-Mart worldwide. Hence from the barcode of each product, it can fast inform those nearby representatives of manufactures the exact number of certain goods they would buy and the accurate price for them. And the nearby manufactures will have almost no space to negotiate but to provide products with good quality and low prices.
2. Why and when did Wal-Mart go global, specifically to China, for supplies
In 1992, the firm’s establisher Sam Walton died and after one year, the economic sluggish and bad sales records have decreased the firm’s stock prices seriously. By the late 1990’s, the firm started to go for a broader market, that is the global market, and especially for China. From Bob McAdam’s view, who is the Wal-Mart’s vice president for government relations, the reason for Wal-Mart to go global is mainly encouraged by the motivation to maintain the lowest costs and good quality in order to conquer the fierce competition. In such vision, going for China is particularly wise and profitable for the firm’s margin, which can reach 60, 70 or even 80%. This is incredible compared with the 20% margin from the American supplies. Meanwhile, the good quality is still ensured.
The proportion of its suppliers from China & The estimated value of Wal-Mart’s imports to the US are on an annual basis
According to the documentary, Wal-Mart has nearly 6,000 global suppliers, among which 80 percent are Chinese. For Wal-Mart, the country has become the cheapest and most reliable manufacturing source in the world, which generates an annual source of up to $15 billion imports value to the US. It is estimated that the imported goods have helped the firm to access 100 million customers every week with its everyday low prices.
3. How has Wal-Mart’s purchasing from China affected the locational decisions of its US manufacturing suppliers?
The Wal-Mart’s sole focus on low cost decided that manufacturing in the US is not possible any longer and suppliers have to move their factories otherwise they can’t reach the bottom pricing line. By the late 1990s, Wal-Mart has relied largely on the low-cost Asian countries, and it has effectively forced the supplies to move their locations to China as well, with the strong pressure of “opening price point”. This opening price point policy has made the bid process very transparent and little space to negotiate for the price. Hence the prices are pressed very low for the suppliers, for example, to reduce 30% of the price. Such reduction can only be achieved in the low wage and low cost countries overseas, such as China. Hence US manufacturing suppliers had come to China one after another.
4. Do you think the Wal-Mart story is the new model of global capitalism?
Yes, of course. Wal-Mart’s story is a new model of global capitalism, which takes advantage of the free trade regime and fast information technology development. Facing the fierce competition in the global market, instead of only using the capital in America, it fully exploited those in the global market, especially in China, where the capital is abundant for its low-cost, high-quality goal. Hence it has discovered a much broader market and successful developed its multinational business in the globalization process.
The implications of this model for US prosperity and workers specifically
This model has enabled millions of Americans to buy cheapest goods at good quality, so that they can spend money on other business, which equals to an increase of the US income. Meantime, such increase consumption in other business will also create jobs and is good for the US economic development. However, the Chinese suppliers with low cost while good quality goods started to flourish in the American import market, which means a relevant loss of jobs in the US market. The consumers are also workers who need a decent wage and job to maintain their living standards and obviously this model has also largely decreased the workers’ employment in the US manufacturing industries.
Circleville, Ohio illustration
The town has also been affected by this free trade model of global capitalism. Before 2002, the town is described with good jobs and good living standards. The town mainly depends on the big manufacture whose buyer Sanyo bought its TVs and sold worldwide. Thomson Electronics is also the past major employment source in the town. While around 2002, things changed as Wal-Mart negotiated with Sanyo for low pricing TVs and the low pricing rule forced Sanyo to change Thomson Electronics to end the relationship with high-cost supplier. Such loss of contract for Sanyo meant a huge hit on Thomson and it closed the Circleville location that year. As data shows, over 1,000 jobs in the town are lost. This is all originated from the Wal-Mart’s new model of global capitalism that pursues low cost and the emerging Chinese low-cost suppliers.
Ironically, later Wal-Mart has started the opening of a new Super Center in the town, which is quite near the old abandoned sited of the Thompson plantation. And the local residents are hired for the new Super Center. But compared to the Thomson’s wage rate at $15 or $16, Wal-Mart only pays half of it, let alone the pension, health care and job security benefits in the past. U.C. Santa Barbara’s Nelson Lichtenstein described this effect as the creative destruction. As he pointed in the interview, “Wal-Mart has discovered, with this low-wage model, with a– technologically proficient, its global reach– it is a sort of new model of world capitalism…beginning in America and the rest of the world. And it is destroying, creatively, but nevertheless destroying competitors and, really, other ways of thinking about the way the world works.”
5. Evaluation of Wal-Mart’s free-trade/free-market/lowest price strategy
Wal-Mart’s free trade or lowest price strategy is a double-edged sword to the US. On one hand, it promotes its trade prosperity and consumers’ overall income. On the other hand, it’s criticized for the sole focus on low cost, leading to job loss wave and huge trade deficit and failing to curb the inflation in the state
Considering such low price strategy’s benefits, for consumers, it is no doubt beneficial because people can buy more than before, which stimulates the other business opportunities in the US; on the other hand, for workers, the job loss is a severe rising concern. However, considering the integrated impact it brought to the nation, it should not distinguish the two groups as consumers also contain workers and the latter also need to consume goods. And as the major contributor to the labor transfer from American to China, Wal-Mart has led to millions of job loss and lowest wages and thus decreased the living standards for the American. Besides, the trade deficit is also an unwanted result for the America. From the documentary, we can also see that the trade deficits with China in 2003 had reached to $120 billion, which is still increasing annually. The excess of imports is because the low pricing goods can be afforded by the American’s income, while the weak of exports is because the Chinese’s income level has not reached yet.
Overall, the strategy is good to help the American consumers to save money and spend on other consumption, which indirectly created more jobs in other business in the nation. It provides consumers more possibilities to reach the cheapest prices for various kinds of good products. While on the other hand, the domestic manufacturing industries have suffered from the low cost competition from overseas, which forced them to move away and increase the unemployment of the local workers and lower the wage rates, which is lowering people’s living standards. From the huge trade deficit, we can say that actually most of the participants in this trade are losers.
6. Do you think that the manufacturing industry lost from the USA because of strategies pursued by Wal-Mart and others will come back? If so, what do you think this will mean for jobs? To answer, reflect on the documentary and read the following three stories in the New York Times that formed a series called “American Made”, published in 2013
According to the documentary, the job loss in the manufacturing industry due to Wal-Mart’s low pricing strategy will come back to other industries, as the consumers would spend the saved money on other business, which indirectly create more job opportunities.
While different from the reward on other industries in the Wal-Mart case, the loss will also be able to come back on the same manufacturing industry in terms of textile industry. According to Clifford (2013), among her research in the textile and apparel industry of the US, the local textile manufacturers have begun to flourish with the exports of which have increased up to $22.7 billion, about 37 % compared to three years before in 2012, although these industries are formerly considered left for dead. It’s mainly because the American manufactures have several advantages than overseas, which presents on the lower transportation costs, labor automation with not that high labor costs, and the relieve to the insecurity problem of workers overseas. In the survey of the 2012 M.I.T Forum for Supply Chain Innovation, a joint survey of 340 companies has been conducted. From the survey, we found that 1/3 of American firms with manufacturing overseas are considering moving some facilities back to the US, and nearly 15 % of the participants said they have already decided to do so. Besides, a survey from the consumer side also indicates good news for the American manufactures, which demonstrates that 68 % of consumers preferred products that are American made, even though they cost more, and 63 % believed that they have better quality. And with more demand on complex technology the remaining jobs are those with higher specialty are paid higher, as Mr. Symmonds mentioned, whose production sites in the US is actually making more profits than those in China or India.
Although the situation becomes better for the American manufactures, it still shows a long distance in achieving the employment rate as before, as nowadays the machines have largely replaced human labor. Overall, the American manufacturing industry shall have a long path to build its new labor pool, and to resolve the high vacancy of professional worker, as Clifford suggest.
Word account: 2004
Clifford, S. 2013. A Wave of Sewing Jobs as Orders Pile Up at U.S. Factories. Retrieved May 1st from http://faculty.washington.edu/ellism/g208/American_made_2.pdf
Frontline. 2003. Is Wal-Mart Good for America? PBS. Retrieved May 1st from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/showswalmart/
Clifford, S. 2013.That ‘Made in U.S.A.’ Premium. Retrieved May 1st from http://faculty.washington.edu/ellism/g208/American_made_3.pdf
Clifford, S. 2013. U.S. Textile Plants Return, With Floors Largely Empty of People. Retrieved May 1st from http://faculty.washington.edu/ellism/g208/American_made_1.pdf
Wal-Mart Official Site. 2016. Retrieved May 1st from http://corporate.walmart.com/our-story/our-locations