下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Galileo’s mathematical-experimental method,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了伽利略的数学实验方法。伽利略是近代科学的奠基者之一,创立了数学与实验相结合的科学研究方法。近代自然科学的发展正是借助于科学方法论的变革而实现的,伽利略以他的科学实验和科学方法上的创新,引导近代自然科学走上了实验科学与精密科学的道路。
According to Galileo, nature is belongs to the category of the mathematics and determines the nature of mathematical characteristics(Galilei Galileo, 1990). However, not all the natural phenomena can be described through mathematical method. General steps of mathematical method is to describe the law of the natural phenomena in mathematical language at first, and then obtain new theoretical knowledge through reasoning and proof on the basis of axiom, finally construct the various branches of science in a deductive system with logical structure.
Galileo was emphasizing the importance of sensory experiences in scientific understanding. He thinks that science is the science of experiment in nature. At the same time, he was also emphasizing the role of rational thinking, he thinks feeling experience is limited, only rational thinking to achieve a common conclusion (Paul Restocks & Paul Haggard, 1995). His mathematical-experimental method first extracted intuitive knowledge of the main parts of the phenomenon. In the form of a most simple math to establish the concept of quantity (Galilei Galileo, 1990). This mathematical method is used to derive another relation which is easy to experiment confirmed. At last, to confirm the quantity relation through experiments. He made a series of scientific discoveries and completed the innovation of the modern scientific method. In addition, Galileo's mathematical-experimental method makes the ancient philosophy in an embarrassing situation, because of the method, the value of philosophy was faced severe challenges.
Galileo’s mathematical-experimental method
Galileo's mathematical - experimental method is used to the test relationship between time and the speed of the falling objects. Since velocity could not be measured, Galileo used a combination of mathematics and experimentation to verify the relationship and the method was named as the mathematical-experimental method. Because this method is used to test a hypothesis which cannot be measured directly by experimentation, it was also called the hypothetico-deductive method. It is used to test the hypothesis that difficult to direct testing through the experiment. Essentially, the mathematical-experimental method can test the theory through proxy. Because distance and time can be measured, this was possible to do. Galileo could not to measure velocity and time. Thus he decided to test hypothesis reasoning after velocity and time.
According to Galileo, it is easy to measure a test on the relationship between some experiments, then through the experiments, he can find that whether velocity equals time, when density is generated from velocity and time.
How he used mathematical-experimental method to formulate a new theory of terrestrial motion
According to the mathematical- experimental method, Galileo discovered that the velocity of two different objects from the same height to fall down is similar. He can clearly demonstrate that objects have different weight in different speed rates. Galileo discovered that gravity is always the constant. With different weights of two subjects, they will have the same velocity of the earth. Because both pull gravitational of two subjects are identical(Paul Restocks & Paul Haggard, 1995). In order to find mathematical laws, Galileo introduced mathematical - experimental method to control the movement of the ground subject. In order to better approve his experiments, he proved that the object tends to freely move in a horizontal way at a constant speed, since the constant acceleration, it was falling vertically.
In order to meet the parabolic trajectory, the horizontal and vertical motion must be connected together but analysis independently. Thus, Galileo discovered the mathematical theory that can connect motions to the forces that generate them in order to develop a new theory of the ground motion. He had to set up new ideas and new mathematical methods to complete the improvement and development of science.
How mathematical-experimental method contributed to the acceptance of Copernican heliocentric theory
The polish astronomer Copernicus was constructed a new theory that shook the Ptolemaic system of the universe. After the analysis of planetary motion and study the harmonious mathematical method Copernicus made a major discovery - the planet sports center is the sun, not the earth that people have considered. Copernicus think the earth and other planets revolve around the sun as a uniform circular motion. Copernicus expressed his system of astronomy with mathematical aesthetic advantage. According to Copernicus through the mathematical method of quantitative knowledge is truly determine the knowledge. His knowledge of mathematics has the nature of metaphysics(Stephen Hawking, 2009). The shape of the universe is spherical. Movement of celestial bodies must be perfect and harmonious circular motion. The structure of the universe is determined by the nature of mathematics. Math is not just as a tool of knowledge, this kind of tool has obvious effect for the promotion of scientific theory, and is able to affect the theoretical content of a kind of method. There are no sophisticated scientific instruments as a means of observation allows people to common understanding heliocentric theory, because the lack of strong evidence to support. Geocentrism theory is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
With help of the mathematical-experimental method, Galileo had contributed to the acceptance of the Copernican heliocentric theory. According to his theory, he can prove that the sun orbiting space does not have to lose the moon. Ever though most people were against Copernican heliocentric theory, Galileo chooses to support this. However, not all experiments on the earth are enough to show or prove its. Because these experiments are not worth be adapted to the earth in moving or static. According to the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, it suggests that the sun can through the space with the moon at the same time. In addition, there is no difference between the universe and the solar system consists of satellites in orbit. Thus, Galileo takes advantage of this opportunity during determine the behavior of the universe. His mathematical-experimental method is very helpful to solve this issue. This method is very important in measuring the universe because it cannot be tested by some unavoidable circumstance.
Explain how Galileo’s theory disposes of the Aristotelian objections to the hypothesis of a moving Earth based on observations of free-falling bodies
The theory of Galileo is against Aristotle that an object that is falling down with a defined original falling speed instead of is proportional by its weight in performing various experimental parameter(Galilei Galileo, 1990). Galileo found that the main reason for different objects falling down with different speed is because the air friction is negligible. According to Aristotle, heavenly are spherical and smooth, they belong to another composition than the universe. Galileo was also disapproved the Aristotle because he proved that the surface of the moon has some similarities with some places on the universe.
According to the “Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems”, Galileo did not agree with the views of Aristotle. He thought they are just based on an assumption without the proof of experiment.
Through the experimental method to obtain the scientific knowledge can be used as a reference, the conclusion is not necessarily true. To get the real uncertainty knowledge of science, will have to prove, through the logical deduction is axiomatic. Galileo has the ability to understand natural creed. In the process of studying movement generally absorb several study axiomatic way of thinking. In Galileo's view, it is necessary to find and prove conclusions abstracted from physical barriers in order to apply them in practice(Galilei Galileo, 1990) .
Galileo made careful preparations before the experiment and made a lot of experiments of mechanics phenomenon. He designed mathematical-experimental method of free fall bodies. The parabolic movement experiments is also classic. The mathematical-experimental method is completely suitable to help him win as a founder of the scientific inquiry method.
The mathematical-experimental method of Galileo to finalize the design of the experiment, and become the general procedure and the classic method of the study of modern science. Based on the reliable experimental basis and mathematical logic, it has been proved that the study of physics of way began to change gradually from a qualitative description to quantitative description. The effect of Galileo's emathematical-experimental method in the formation and development of modern science is irreplaceable. It is not only successfully completed in the process of scientific research task of conclusive certainty and precision requirement, but also makes science as a matter of people understanding activity, to promote independent thinking in medieval scholasticism.
Galilei, Galileo.Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems, Ptolemaic & Copernican. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 1990
Paul Restocks, Paul Haggard, Strategies for conceptual change: Ratio and Proportion in Classical Greek Mathematics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 1995(26):110.
Stephen Hawking. Galileo and the Birth of Modern Science. American Heritage's Invention &Technology, 2009. 24(1):36