
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The super computer,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了超级计算机。超级计算机,就是信息处理能力比个人计算机快一到两个数量级以上的计算机,它在密集计算、海量数据处理等领域发挥着举足轻重的作用。作为高性能计算技术产品的超级计算机,又称巨型机,是与高性能计算机或高端计算机相对应的概念。处于信息技术前沿的超级计算机一直是一个国家的重要战略资源,对国家安全、经济和社会发展具有举足轻重的意义。

super computer,超级计算机,英国代写,英国论文代写,essay代写

The supercomputer at the forefront of information technology has always been an important strategic resource of a country, which is of great significance to national security, economic and social development. This paper describes the history and application of supercomputer, expounds the current situation of supercomputer development, and probes into the development foreground of supercomputer.

November 20, the International TOP500 organization in the United States Denver held in the International Supercomputing Conference, officially released the 42nd World Super Computer Top 500 rankings, by the National Defense University of Science and Technology research and development of the Tianhe second super computer system, to superior operational performance again ranked the top, the 3rd time to the world's highest.

So what is a supercomputer, and how does it work for us now and in the future? This paper will give a brief introduction to supercomputers from the development history and research status of supercomputers.

Super computer refers to the information processing capacity than the personal computer faster than two orders of magnitude of computers, it in the intensive computing, mass data processing and other fields play an important role. Supercomputers, also called Jumbo machines, are the concepts that correspond to high-performance computer or high-end computing.

Depending on the processor, the supercomputer can be divided into two categories, a dedicated processor or a standard compatible processor. The former can deal with the same type of problem efficiently, while the latter may use more than one machine, which is more flexible and wide-ranging. Computer-specific applications are found in astrophysics, code deciphering and other fields. The International "Chess Master" "Deep Blue", Japan's "Earth simulator" belong to such a supercomputer. According to statistics, the top 500 super computer has 232 non-proprietary systems, serving the military, medicine, meteorology, finance, energy, environment and manufacturing industries and many other fields.

Since 1975, supercomputers have undergone three revolutionary developments: vector supercomputing, parallel supercomputing on multiple CPUs, and a layered, supercomputing cluster with a cache of microprocessors.

In the the late 1970s, machines dominated by vector supercomputing appeared, such as CDCCyber205 and Cray-1, where Cray-1 became more popular. In the early 80 's, large-scale parallel processing became popular, although the appearance of vector computing made the computer performance reach the digit level. However, because the CPU speed of the supercomputer is close to the physical limit of its clock speed, to continue to improve performance means that more than one CPU must be put into a program to work at the same time, a large number of small processing units connected with the Internet, as a large-scale parallel processing system. With the continuous development of technology, supercomputers are increasingly adopting cluster technology, using standard network technology to combine the few powerful and cost-effective machines supported by the commercial market. To solve a single problem with some of the standard single-processor workstation networks that have been established, coordinated across multiprocessor workstations, resulting in comprehensive supercomputer performance and bringing cluster computing into the Supercomputing Arena.

Supercomputers are widely used, including computing-intensive, data-intensive, and communication-intensive three. The progress of supercomputers has greatly contributed to the development of these applications, whereas the emerging needs of these applications have directly stimulated the research and development of supercomputers.

Today's supercomputer can ensure the safety of nuclear arsenals, predict weather, design safer energy-efficient cars, map DNA, explore the universe, and even design new crisps. Peak 11 trillion times per second the Dawning 4000A Super server runs in Shanghai, and as of now, the fastest computer in the country has successfully run more than 30 applications in the fields of weather forecasting, oil seismic data processing, nuclear energy development and utilization, computational fluid dynamics, gene and protein analysis, and materials science. Demonstrated strong scientific computing, transaction processing and information service capabilities. The U.S. military has installed a Roadrunner computer that is mainly used to analyze the military data of the US side, such as nuclear weapons and other military strategic data, and to simulate the destruction of the human environment after the outbreak of the nuclear war. For climate researchers, supercomputers can help them study global warming. Supercomputers can produce climate models that predict the climate over the next 50-100 years.

The original global supercomputer rankings, most of the closest computer rooms are made up of ordinary computer hard disk with novelty software. But things are different now, and some systems are starting to decide these rankings. In recent years, the development trend of supercomputers can be seen, MPP structure is still the mainstream architecture, SSMP become the development of hot, vector machines continue to develop, now the structure of the broad future.

In today's world, the level of a country's supercomputing technology not only embodies the ability of a country's computer technology, but also the performance of national dignity and strength, and is one of the important indicators of national comprehensive strength. Super computer is a national scientific research strength embodiment, it is important to national security, economic and social development. How to use supercomputers to serve our industry, scientific research and academic fields has become an important subject for our future research and development. The development of supercomputer and its application has provided a solid foundation and guarantee for our country to take the road of science and technology power.



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