
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Color and emotion expression in photographic art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了摄影艺术中的色彩与情感表达。在人们的生活中,色彩表达了人们的感情和情绪,它的表现对摄影艺术也非常重要,是其不可欠缺的,摄影师在摄影艺术创造的过程中,要正确把握好色彩和人们心理活动的关系,对此要有深层次的理解,最大限度的发挥色彩对情感的作用。

photographic art,摄影艺术,essay代写,paper代写,美国作业代写

Color performance plays an important role in photographic art, and it is one of the indispensable factors, photographers in the process of creating photography art, to correctly grasp the relationship between color and people's psychological activities, to have a deep understanding of this, to maximize the effect of color on emotion. It can be imagined that for the different colors of photographic works, it gives the visual effect is not the same, or even individual, the different colors expressed emotions will not be the same, thus people's feelings will be different. Therefore, a successful photographic work, the photographer has not brought the color emotion into the photographic work, through the different color conversion, to convey the photographer's deep understanding of the subjects and insights.

Whether it is art or life, color not only reflects the feelings of people, but also expresses people's different emotions, with the continuous development of economic construction, the multiplication of human society, the continuous development of culture, color has also been endowed with the ability to express emotions, color also has the ability to express emotions of life, In a certain angle color is also given the function of referring to some kind of Peugeot thing. Different colors, the psychological impact on people will be different, not only to stimulate people's feelings, arouse empathy, in the psychological mood will also have a common view, but photography is the above-mentioned emotions through the lens of the form of the actual recording of the expression. Therefore, in the process of taking photos, the author should correctly deal with the relationship between color and human psychology, and constantly study the relationship between the two, play the role of color.​

Color is rich and varied in human society, for several different colors, they often allude to different emotions in a way not to be looked at, for example, the red color can express joy, happiness, joy, festive mood, on the contrary, black is a symbol of weakness, depression, melancholy, the yellow symbolizes the bright, bustling, Green often see the color, the nature of the main green, it is clear that it symbolizes the eternal life. therefore。 Photographers in the photographic art of the process, to correctly handle and grasp the color and feelings of the connection, the use of color is not blind, on the contrary it is purposeful, aimed at the theme of the work can be vividly expressed.

According to the theme of the work of the relevant requirements to configure the color of photography, so that the use of color in the works to meet the requirements of art expression, in line with its laws, the correct use of color to achieve the purpose of foil atmosphere, while good highlighting the theme of the work. We should correctly understand the law of the use of color, the color of the work is not the richer the better, it is by no means simple, pure disorderly heap, if with the work of the theme irrelevant colors appear in the picture, give the first impression is crowded, messy, disorderly, so that the audience can not feel the art of beauty, not accurately grasp the theme of the screen features. So, in the process of applying color, should be appropriate to choose, the photographer in the use of color process, to refine the best color, the generalization of these colors, through its processing, so that photographic works can accurately express its theme, whether it is painting coloring, or expression is in a very good level of state.

In the color configuration, the correct grasp of the relationship between the main color and the background color can determine the success of the work, which directly affects the final film effect. Therefore, the photographer in the color process, should pay attention to the following: First, the photographer in the process of artistic creation, the main body color can not be darker than the background color, on the contrary it is brighter than the back scenery, brighter than the background, mainly because of the bright color relative dark color, color relative to the turbid color, presenting is a foil effect, Properly handling the use of the two tones will enhance the effect of the works. Second, for bright, vivid main color, its color area should be smaller than the background color, the opposite dark color, the purity is low, the background color area of the color mixing is relatively large, because the area relatively small main color is more effective than the background tonal expression which the area is relatively large. For example, in the depths of the winter of all things wither in the dark, gray sky mixed with white snow constitute a more depressing background, in a picture of a few trees, then there will be a bright feeling, both the performance of the circumflex, more dynamic performance.

Success or failure of the photographic work is the overall tone of the construction effect. Therefore, the process of building the overall hue, color in the hue, purity, clarity of the relationship between the screen must have a whole hue. For example, for a warm-toned picture, it feels warm, is warm, the opposite cold tonal picture gives a person's feeling is cold, chilly, tranquil; the picture of high degree of clarity gives the feeling of being relaxed and clear, it expresses a kind of joy, an ideal, a hope On the contrary, the low image usually gives the impression of deep, solemn, solemn, profound, forceful and powerful; for the strong color of the photographic picture, it has a dynamic beauty, usually it gives people the feeling is active and dynamic, the contrary hue weaker picture, it has a thick beauty, give the feeling is stable, is thick A piece of work contains a variety of colors, like the bustling city, there are endless lively and noisy, some of the more monotonous color works, such as the harbor after the storm, peace and quiet.

In the process of artistic creation, the photographer usually determines the sense of balance in the shape of the shot by the size, quantity and texture of the object. Color of the cold colors, warm tones, light color, heavy color, strong color, weak color directly affect the tone of the sense of balance. Therefore, in order to foil a part of the picture, accurately express the theme of the work, should be as far as possible to allow the existence of key colors.

In the process of photographing a photographic work, in order to accurately express the theme of the work, to better express the feelings of the author, should choose the key color correctly, and correctly grasp the balance of color. For example, in the process of selecting a key color, the author the choice of colors will be more intense than the main hue, or the green land to compete in full bloom of rape, or snow-capped hills are blooming, or the graceful white dress of the woman in the ballet, in the front of a black suit conductor. In the process of photographic work, the spokesperson of the emotion should be the key color, but cannot be replaced by other colors, this will accurately express the theme of the work, and the theme of the work is contained in the key sedan.

Photographer in the process of expressing photographic emotion, in addition to the effective allocation of color highlighting themes, expression of emotion, in addition, can be changed through the dress style, effective combination of light and shadow conversion effect, the use of the shadow of the screen, effective use of filters and props and background, to build a desired work. The author focuses on the color and emotion expression in photographic art, summarizes and analyzes the experiences and methods in the process of photographic creation, aiming at providing valuable suggestions for photographic creation.


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