本篇paper代写- Us trade deficit讨论了美国贸易逆差。美国的贸易逆差是一个历史性的问题,其原因是美国制造业的国际竞争力下降,导致贸易出现巨额逆差。近几年,由于美国民众消费支出增长以及企业增加商业库存等因素,美国进口增速快于出口增速,贸易逆差的趋势越来越大。虽然巨额的贸易逆差给美国经济带来了不利影响,但是美国依靠跨国公司对海外的投资可以获取巨大的收益,撑住了巨额贸易逆差带来的压力。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
In recent years, the us trade deficit has been persistent and increasing. Why does the United States continue to have deficits? Fundamentally, there are many reasons for the deficit. Our team mainly studied and investigated by means of data search and literature review, and mainly analyzed the three reasons, namely, the change of international trade pattern, the development of Asian countries, and the decline of international competitiveness of manufactured goods.
The United States has a long history of trade deficit problems. From 1983 to 2000, the United States had a huge current account deficit for 18 consecutive years, and the scale of the deficit gradually expanded. By 2011, the United States had become the world's largest trade deficit and debtor country. In December 2011, the trade deficit widened as U.S. imports grew faster than exports because of rising consumer spending and businesses increasing business inventories, according to Commerce Department data. That month, the U.S. trade deficit was $48.8 billion. For the whole of 2011, the us trade deficit was $558bn, up 11.6 per cent year on year, a three-year high. That means the U.S. trade deficit is trending higher as the economy recovers.
Why is the us running such a large trade deficit? Some Americans do not look to themselves for a reason, but to others. More than 20 years ago, they thought trade deficits were caused by Japan, Germany, etc. For more than a decade, China has been accused of "unfair" competition in trade with the United States. Therefore, the United States has adopted various trade protectionist measures against China: demanding RMB appreciation, imposing anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, and setting various technical barriers, green barriers, social barriers and so on. Is America's huge trade deficit really caused by China? This is not the case. There are three main reasons for the huge us trade deficit:
The huge trade deficit is the result of the adjustment of international division of labor and American industrial structure. After the war, especially since the 70 s and 80 s, on the basis of the preliminary of the development of globalization, multinational companies in the United States to use its own various monopoly advantage, in Canada, Britain, Western Europe, Japan and other developed countries as the main target of investment, in the manufacturing sector, including automobile, rubber, chemical, computer, precision machinery and instrument industry such as a large number of investment, greatly deepened level division of labor between the United States and other developed countries, expanding the scale of the trade between the developed countries. At the same time, transnational corporations have also invested heavily in developing countries and established a vertical division of labor with developing countries. As a result, the scale of commodity trade between them has expanded rapidly. In this context of international division of labor, the United States gives priority to the development of new and high technology industries, which are mainly based on information technology, to produce high value-added new and high technology products, and to achieve the strategic goal of advanced industrial structure, which fully reflects the strategic intention of the United States to transfer inferior industries and develop superior industries. Therefore, under the background of globalization, the United States has a large trade deficit.
The further development of economic globalization will further expand the us trade deficit. In the context of globalization, the emergence of e-commerce and online trade has also changed the connotation of trade. As a leader of the knowledge economy, the United States has an absolute share of e-commerce. Microsoft sells nearly $100 billion of software products around the world. Instead of exporting traditional goods, it makes CDS in the United States, labels them and sells them around the world. However, the traditional balance of payments does not take into account the export volume of the United States. Obviously, the nominal trade deficit of the United States expands with the deepening development of globalization.
Europe, Asia and North America were major trading partners of the United States, and the U.S. trade in goods was in surplus until the 1980s. Asian countries, represented by China, have replaced countries such as Europe as the leading global exporter to the United States and generated large trade surpluses.
In the last century, the focus of U.S. foreign trade is mainly trade in manufactured goods, and this trade in manufactured goods is becoming increasingly important to the U.S. trade deficit. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze the formation of the U.S. trade deficit from the perspective of trade in manufactured goods.
Its trade in manufactured goods was also in surplus in the 1960s and 1970s, with a small deficit in the 1980s and a growing deficit in recent years. The U.S. trade deficit in manufactured goods reached $464 billion in 2004. That accounts for two-thirds of the overall trade deficit. It can be seen that the change trend of trade of manufactured goods and total trade of goods in the United States is very close.
With the accelerated globalization of the world economy, international trade and industrial division of labor are developing and changing at an accelerating pace. The huge us trade deficit that has been growing in recent years is caused not by other countries but by its internal causes. On the one hand, the strong dollar drives a lot of commodity imports, and more importantly, the relatively high labor costs make the domestic manufacturing industry less competitive internationally. Although the United States still has core technologies such as integrated circuits and aviation products as well as strong capital and management capacity of multinational companies, with the international division of industry and technology diffusion, many products or production links including information industry have been transferred to newly industrialized countries, especially Asian countries. As a result, U.S. manufacturing has become less competitive internationally and trade has run large deficits.
Although the huge trade deficit of the United States brings adverse effects on the exchange rate, employment and other aspects of the American economy, the United States still has strong technology and capital strength. As the world's largest foreign investor, it can obtain huge benefits by relying on the overseas investment of multinational companies. This is why the United States has been able to sustain a large trade deficit for a long time.