下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- how are different types of DNA damages associated with organismal aging,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了不同类型的DNA损伤与机体衰老是否有关。科学家们在了解衰老的机理方面取得了进展,衰老被发现与一种叫做“端粒”的结构高度相关。端粒是一种在染色体末端中发现的异色结构,是染色体稳定的重要组成部分,保护DNA信息不被丢失。然而,随着DNA分子的每一次分裂复制,端粒被缩短了一点,最终导致细胞的凋亡。人们观察到,细胞越老,端粒就越短,离死亡越近。
Scientists have made exciting advancements in understanding the mechanism of aging. The secret of aging is found to be highly associated with a structure called “telomere”. As a heterochromatic structure found at the end of chromosomes (DNA containers), telomere is a component that is crucial for chromosomal stabilization. It is like a lid of the chromosome carrier that protect the DNA information contained from getting lost. With each split replication of the DNA molecules, however, telomere is shortened by a bit, eventually leading to the apoptosis of cells. It has been observed that the older a cell is, the shorter its telomere becomes, and the closer it is to death.
However, researchers are still on the way to find how exactly is the process of aging induced by telomere shortening. Two major parameters in the research are believed to be X chromosome inactivation (XCI) and global transcript tome alteration. The former is a mechanism in cells that regulate the over expression of genes, while the latter determines how accurately the genes are being expressed. These two are believed to correlate with aging directly. In the paper by Schoeftner et al, the influence of telomere shortening on the two parameters is studied, which explains the process of aging caused by telomere wear.
Experiments are conducted on mice to determine how DNA damage would impact aging on the organism level. By putting a control on the dysfunctional telomeres, the respective effects on global genome regulation are observed. From the results of the experiments, it has been observed that telomere shortening in skin cells of the mice has two direct effects:
First, deregulation for mammalian transcript tome. Such a deregulation is observed in three ways: reduced regulation of genes promoting cell cycle progression, increased regulation of the mTOR and Akt survival pathways, as well as reduced regulation for multiple pathways of DNA repair.
Second, loss of maintenance of epigenetic silencing mechanisms. In other words, the expression of the Xi-linked transgene, which is supposed to be inactivated, goes back to being expressed with the shortened telomere. Basically, the function of the “cap is lost” for the X chromosome.
Such changes are found to happen in a non-random and cumulative manner. Gradually, both the deregulations and the loss of maintenance will lead to the ineffectiveness of cell/DNA replication and increased errors in it, which is shown as aging on the organism scale. Finding how telomere shortening has resulted in cell aging has shed light on further studies of aging delay or even prevention in the future.