下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Britain's financial services industry,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的金融服务业。进入21世纪以来,英国金融服务业产业发展水平明显得到了进一步提升,为吸收就业和增加税收做出了很大贡献。如果把金融服务业发展的地理布局模式区分为集群式和分散式两种,那么英国金融服务业无疑走的是集群式发展的道路。从金融服务产业集群的角度来看,目前英国金融服务业基本形成了以大伦敦区、南苏格兰区、以及西南区为中心的金融产业集群。
The "big bang" in the mid-1980s brought obvious changes to the British financial system, such as the deregulation of the business of mutual housing associations and the reform of the stock trading rules. In particular, the financial services act of 1986, compared with some previous deregulation reforms, marked the rise of a wave of re-legislation in the industry and further improved the British financial system. On this basis, with the passage of the financial services and markets act in 2000, the integration of UK financial regulation was finally completed, and the financial services authority, established in 1997, has now assumed full authority as a single regulator.
The upgrading of financial service industry and the development of financial system complement each other. With the reform and development of the British financial system, the added value of the British financial service industry has a relatively obvious fluctuation in the proportion of GDP. The data from the OECD show that the proportion shows an obvious downward trend after reaching a high point in the mid-1980s. However, in the recent five years, the contribution of financial service industry to the national economy has increased significantly. Although the proportion of financial service industry decreased from 6.5% in 1995 to 5.5% in 2001, it has continuously increased from 2002 to 8.5% in 2005. By contrast, the share of manufacturing has shown a marked decline over the past decade, from 21.7 per cent in 1995 to 13.6 per cent in 2005, a decline of more than a third. Moreover, the contribution of professional services to GDP has risen steadily, from 2.6% a decade ago to 3.6% in 2004.
Financial services employment in the UK has been relatively stable in terms of employment absorption and this trend has not changed in recent years. At the end of 2005, there were 1.08 million financial services jobs in the UK. Before that, the number had dropped from 1.075 million in 1999 to 1.048 million in 2002. In 2005, financial service employees accounted for 4.1% of the total employment in the UK, which was significantly lower than the contribution of financial services added value to the GDP of the UK as high as 8.5%, reflecting that the labor productivity level of financial services in the UK was about twice the overall average level of the UK. If you look at the sector by sector, the majority of employees in the financial service industry are in the banking sector, with the number of employees reaching 430,000. In addition, the number of employees in the insurance industry is 325,000, and the number of employees in the fund management industry is 40,000.
Financial services also make an important contribution to the UK's national tax revenue. Financial services taxes include corporate taxes paid by financial firms and income taxes paid by employers. The financial services sector paid 8.1bn in corporate taxes in fiscal 2004, up from 10.9bn in fiscal 2002 and 2003 but below the 10.9bn collected in fiscal 2001. Over the past three years, the financial services sector has paid more than a quarter of all corporate taxes in the UK, and its employers have paid 11-12 per cent of all income taxes. At the end of 2004, the financial services sector generated close to 20 billion in corporate and income taxes, as well as other related taxes, such as social security paid by employers and employees. These taxes are not separately recorded, but are estimated at around 3 billion.
In terms of the regional composition of the added value of financial services, the financial services industry in Britain is highly concentrated in London. In 2003, the added value of the financial services industry in London accounted for as high as 42% of the national total. The south east and Scotland, which follow in the rankings, have just 11.2 per cent and 7.7 per cent respectively. The added value of the financial services sector contributed 16.8 per cent of London's gross domestic product, more than double the national average of 7.4 per cent that year, reflecting London's underlying strength as a global financial centre.
The concentration of financial services in London means that the share of financial services in other regions is lower than the national average. After London, the relative importance of financial services in the regional economy is Scotland, which contributes 7.1% to the regional economy. The lowest contribution of financial services to regional economic development is the East Midlands, Wales and the northeast region, which accounts for only 3.8% of the added value of financial services, about half of the national average.
According to the regional distribution of financial service employees, in 2005, there were about 313,000 people in the financial service sector concentrated in London, 128,000 people in the southeast and 113,000 people in Scotland. According to regional value-added data in 2003, the financial services sector added 65,400 per person, compared with the national average of 36,652. Of the regions, London's financial services sector produced the most value added per capita, at 89,400, compared with 50,000 to 60,000 in most other regions.
In addition, the number of financial service enterprises can also be studied at the micro level. Pandit & Cook divided the UK into 14 regions, analyzed the distribution of the UK financial industry according to the number and size of financial enterprises, and summarized it from the perspective of industrial clusters. From the perspective of the location distribution of enterprises, the British financial industry also shows a highly concentrated situation. The greater London area and its surrounding areas are home to 64% of the financial enterprises, among which the greater London area accounts for 44%, the southwest area accounts for 12%, and the northwest area of London accounts for 8%. This is consistent with London's status as the most important financial center. After greater London comes the south-east, which has l4% of the country's financial businesses. The region's leading financial cities include Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Manchester.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the development level of the financial services industry in the UK has been significantly improved, making a great contribution to employment absorption and tax increase. If the geographical distribution pattern of the development of financial service industry is divided into cluster pattern and decentralized pattern, then the British financial service industry undoubtedly takes the road of cluster development. From the perspective of financial service industry cluster, the financial service industry cluster in the UK has basically formed with greater London, south Scotland and southwest regions as the center, of which the scale of the cluster in London is much higher than the latter two regions.
Following the classification method that divides industrial clusters into Marshall new industrial zone, Hub and Spoke, satellite platform and state-anchored, it is safe to say that the three clusters of UK financial services are of a different type. Among them, the financial industry cluster of southwest China belongs to the satellite platform type industry cluster. The industry development history of this region is relatively short, and there was almost no financial industry in this region before 1970. After 1970, the government implemented many preferential policies for the local financial industry and began to encourage the development of the regional financial industry. Since then, many financial giants from London and other regions began to do business in the region, which promoted the development of local financial industry and economic growth. The financial industry cluster of south Scotland is a core and radial cluster dominated by a number of large Banks and insurance companies that specialize in providing services to the local banking and fund management markets and have high mobility of senior staff within the financial industry cluster within the region. The financial industry cluster in the greater London area is a typical core and radiation cluster. In the center of the greater London area, there are a large number of headquarters of large multinational Banks and almost all headquarters of large Banks in the UK. London area basically has various types of financial activities, leading to the region the accumulative effect of industrial cluster is very significant, to give full play to the scale of the enterprise reward, professional talents in the enterprise between liquidity is very high, create conditions for the professional knowledge of communication, makes the financial innovation activities are very active in the cluster.