本篇essay代写- The class ESL 111讲述了作者在ESL课程中学习英语的情况。在上ESL课程之前,作者几乎失去了对英语的兴趣和信心,因为英语是作者的第二语言,经常会对一些英语问题感到困惑。但学习了ESL课程之后,作者在写作、口语和阅读方面都有了很大的进步,最后对英语重拾信心。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家从参考阅读。
I used to be an average student in English before taking the class ESL 111. At that time, I thought it was a little difficult for me to have a good command of English, a second language in reality. Being confused about a number of English questions, I had experienced some time during which I nearly lost my interest and confidence in English.
It is this course that gradually helps me to obtain my interest and confidence in learning English again. Nowadays, I have clearly realized the importance of learning English, which can be widely used to communicate with others in life. I have strengthened my English skills in writing, speaking and reading. When talking about the most beneficial aspects, I think the group discussion is the most influential one. As far as I am concerned, group discussion is a great challenge for me. At first, I often felt uneasy or even nervous when having group discussions with my classmates. Most of my group members are able to express themselves freely and happily. In contrast, I have some worries about expressing my opinions. Will they agree to my opinions? What if they have contradictory ideas to me? What should I do if I give a misleading suggestion? Gradually, I feel adapted to discussing the given topics in groups. We can not only share our own opinions, but also can work together to figure out the proper answer to the topics. Nowadays, I can even give my presentation by myself, freely and fluently.
However, I still have some personal confusing problems about learning English. For instance, the most difficult one for me is to compare the two articles. When making comparisons I just find it hard to find the corresponding points which can be used for further analysis. Maybe I should find more articles for practice.
I appreciate the instructor’s efforts and engagement during this course. I have gained a lot due to the instructor’s full preparation, proper course arrangement and rational instructions. Personally, if we can have more communication opportunities, I think we will have a perfect course effect. Interaction activities can help us to learn more about each other, thus the course content can be more adaptive to our demands. Besides, limited by the course span, I think I still need more necessary exercise work after class. Some practical skills can only be sharpened and improved if there are enough practice work.
I feel lucky and pleased to have this course. As has been stated, this course helps me to gain my interest and confidence in learning English once again. I used to take learning English as a difficult and boring thing. But this course helps me to realize learning English can also be an interesting and meaningful thing. I am able to take advantage of the practical skills of English and I am especially good at speaking at the moment. I believe that the learning experience in this course will be useful for me if I meet similar learning problems in the following terms.