下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The development of healthcare in contemporary Australian society,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了澳大利亚社会医疗保健的发展。澳大利亚医疗体系的发展受到诸多因素的影响,其中包括历史、政治、文化和技术原因。随着经济和科学的发展,许多发明和技术以各种方式改变了奥尔利亚人民的生活,包括特别是医疗领域。澳大利亚在改善公民医疗体系方面一直备受关注,在卫生保健领域的全国范围内,许多发明和技术已被应用于医疗保健,以增加公民的生活条件和改善澳大利亚人的生活质量。
1. Introduction
Many factors have influenced the development of Australia healthcare system, including historical reasons, power and politics reasons, cultural reasons and technology reasons, among which the most important factors are likely to be the history and the future of Australia healthcare industry. As for the history, historical factors are discussed, while as for the future, the technology factors are selected. The essay is to discuss two key influences that have played an important role in the development of Australia healthcare system—the historical factor and technological factor. Firstly, the historical factors in the shaping of Australia health care system have been discussed. Secondly, technological factors that have made a difference in the development of Australian healthcare system are discussed, with more detailed discussions on two representative technologies—gene technology and new diagnostics and treatment—are conducted. At last, conclusions are made with respect to the influences of historical aspects and technological aspects.
2. Historical influences on the development of healthcare in contemporary Australian society
2.1 An introduction about Australian’s healthcare system
According to Ostafin and Kassman (2012),the best way to develop a bright future is to carefully examine its history, learn successful experience from good actions and learn lesson from historical failure. The development of nursing history has began since 18-19 centuries when Australia and New Zealand were still colonies of British. Because of people’s emphasis on the needs for healthcare, the institutional healthcare was established in 1840s, where the nurses’ job involved simple practices of cleaning and ventilation. With the development of healthcare system, it was nurses’ duty to do bedside attendance and domestic work. Because of the lack of standard and professional trainings, many accidents have been caused by working nurses. Thus a nursing reform happened to redefine the job of nursing and set industry standard for the whole industry. Many benefits were brought from nursing reform, including the establishment of nursing training system, the segregation of duties for the career as a nurse and the carrying out of nurses’ code of conduct, all of which have set a solid fundamental on future development of nursing industry.
2.2 The historical influence on nursing
2.2.1 Voluntary regulation
The introduction of voluntary regulation in nursing industry in Australia followed the examples of British. Without a legislation system established in Australia, the voluntary regulation set standards for nurses and did all the jobs that should have been covered by legislation. In order to better regulate nursing behaviours all of Australia, a Victoria Nurses Association was formed in 1890s, being the first association for Australian nurses.
2.2.2 Statutory regulation
Statutory regulation followed the voluntary regulation and was established in 1901 in New Zealand. Despite more complicated situations in Australia, the first statutory regulation was passed in 1901, setting the conducting code for nursing practising in Australia from a legislative level.
2.3 Recommendation for the future
With the insights provide by history, future development of Australia’s healthcare system is likely to be bright. The history of existence of nursing’ role in war is likely to expand to the future. Besides, the industry of nursing has been influenced by many other factors, causing an instable supply of nurses in the history, which is likely to happen in the future as well. Thus the constant cultivation and training for professional nurses in Australia should always been an important topic in the building of healthcare system. According to the history of nursing in Australia, a change of responsibility of nurses from cleaning to professional assistance and attendance has been revealed, as well as the working environment change from home to professional hospital. However, according to Sawyer et al (2013),the needs for home nurses have increased dramatically in recent years, along with the increasing living quality of Australian residents. Therefore, special trainings for both modern hospital and home care should be conducted, in order to satisfy the needs of the market.
3. Technological influences on the development of healthcare in contemporary Australian society
3.1 An introduction to emerging of technologies in the field of Australian healthcare industry
Along with the economic development and scientific development, many inventions and technologies have changed human’s life in various ways dramatically (Oliphant, 2015), including the field of healthcare. Being a developed country with one of the highest GDP in the world, Australia always pays a lot of attention on the improvement of citizen’s healthcare system (Rogowski, 2012). With a nationwide appreciation in the field of health care, many inventions and technologies have been applied in healthcare to increase citizens’ living conditions and improving Australians’ living quality.
According to Scott (2015), there have been many new technologies applied in the field of healthcare in Australia, among which the application of gene technology and new diagnostics and treatment bring most benefits.
3.2 Genetic and genomics technology
Researches on genetic and genomics technology have been conducted since the discovery of DNA’s double-helixed structure. Various applications of the genetic and genomics technology have been invented in both real world and human’s imaginary world. In the field of healthcare, the technology of genetic and genomics has already been realized and applied in the prevention detection and genetic diseases treatment (Higgins et al, 2015) Because of its mysterious structure and power, the application of genetic and genomics technology in human healthcare has always been controversial with both advantages and disadvantages.
As for the advantageous part of genetic treatment, many diseases which are likely to be mainly influenced by genetics, like diabetes and breast cancer, can be detected even before the appearance of symptoms (Prajapati, Solanki & Sen, 2014) Besides, the technology of genetic and geometrics could be used to screen the possibilities for cancer only by a simple blood test, which could save the lives of cancer patients who die mostly because of their unawareness in early curable stages. With the help of genetic and geometrics technology, the examination for cancer by a simple blood test could be easily add to general physical examination. Despite there are many advantageous sides of genetics and geometrics technology, the application of gene technology is also clouded because of people’s limited recognition of the full picture of gene science.
Despite the fact that there are some doubts and opposed opinions about the application of gene technology, the application of gene technology has been widely spread in Australia. Many cases with the application of gene technology have been fully cured. However, there are still some challenges faced the application of gene technology in Australia. For example, the knowledge nurses about gene technology is not so adequate that makes them hard to explain and even recommend it to their patients, which limited the spread and application of gene technology.
Better researches should been done in the field of gene technology. And more training should be conducted, both on professional knowledge of gene technology and operational practices on gene treatment, in order to better apply gene technology in Australian’s healthcare.
3.3 New diagnostics and treatment
Many new diagnostics and treatment have been invented, developed and applied in clinic medicine. Among all the innovations, the technology of less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnostics and treatment is one of the most useful technologies. The application of non-invasive and minimally invasive tools is quite wide in medical practice because its higher accurateness, less pain, lower cost and higher efficiency for the diagnostics of patients. Despite the benefits brought by new diagnostics and treatment in Australia healthcare, the wide application of this technology is not easy, considering its high requirements for professionalism and competency by nurses. Therefore, to better promote the application of new diagnostics and treatment, frequent professional training should be conducted.
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, both historical and technological factors have had big influences in the shaping of Australia healthcare system. As for the historical factors, the history of nursing industry has shaped current nursing industry and healthcare system. Besides, insights for future development of nursing and healthcare system are likely to be concluded according to former history. As for technologies factors, gene technology and the development of new diagnostics and treatment have made a difference in many aspects of Australia healthcare. Despite the benefits brought by both technologies, there are some challenges in the application process as well. To better take advantage of technologies factors, more trainings should be conducted for nurses in both professional knowledge and operational practices. Therefore, influenced and promoted by both technological and historical factors, Australia’s healthcare system is likely to develop toward a brighter future.
5. References
Higgins, T., Crosson, J., Peikes, D., Mcnellis, R., Genevro, J. (2015). Using health information technology to support quality improvement in primary care. Mathematica Policy Research Reports, 34(1), 58.
Oliphant, B. (2015) Business Model and Technological Innovation. International Journal of Computerized Density, 5(4), 239-41.
Ostafin, B.D., & Kassman, K.T. (2012). Stepping out of history: Mindfulness improves insight problem solving. Consciousness & Cognition, 21(2), 1031-1036.
Prajapati, P.M., Solanki, A.S., & Sen, D.J. (2014). Gene technology: A new way to treat cancer. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 3(6), 45.
Rogowski, W. (2012). Current impact of gene technology on healthcare: A map of economic assessments. Health Policy, 80(2), 340.
Sawyer, M.G., Barnes, J., Frost, L., Jeffs, D., & Bowering, K. (2013). Nurse perceptions of family home-visiting programmes in Australia and England. Journal of Paediatrics & Child Health, 49(5), 369.
Scott, A.M. (2015). Health technology assessment in Australia: A role for clinical registries. Australian Health Review, 41, 23.