下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The economic legacies of Olympic Games are critical to their sustainability,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了奥运会的经济收益。作为世界上最盛大的赛事之一,举办奥运会能为主办国带来众多商机。奥运会经济已经被视为经济领域的一种特殊现象,包括关注经济、品牌经济、依赖经济和催化剂经济等。在关注经济方面,奥运会的举办将会引起世界各国的广泛关注,这将促进主办国的经济发展。对于品牌经济而言,举办奥运会可以为企业展示和宣传其企业形象和品牌形象。至于依赖和催化剂经济,举办奥运会会促进东道国的所有行业,即使这些行业与奥运会没有直接联系。奥运会的举办使奥运会经济成为一个有吸引力的经济领域,这是凝聚和广泛影响的综合效应。
1. Introduction
The essay is to discuss the economic legacies brought the holding of Olympic Games as the host country. Firstly, an overview of the economic influence brought by the holding of Olympic Games is presented. Secondly, the positive effects on sustainability of holding the Olympic Games are discussed in many aspects, including benefits on infrastructure development, globalization, employment, PE industry development, cultural development and an improvement of international image. Then, negative effects brought by the holding of Olympic Games are presented in various aspects. At last, conclusions are made according to comprehensive analysis on the topic of economic legacies brought by the holding of Olympic Games.
2. Legacy definition
It has been more and more common for government to apply the standard of legacy as the measurement of the influence of sports event on hosting countries. According to Carmichael, Grix and Marques (2013), the general definition of legacy is the long term or permanent outcomes for hosting countries, including potential economic, social, environmental, certain industries, material, physical and psychological factors. With an increasing value of legacy in event bids, the meaning of event legacy has been more specific defined as construction, people’s living quality and management outcomes both before and post event. Accordingly, the economic legacy of event should be defined as its infrastructure construction, employment rate, relative industry development and citizens living quality and satisfaction.
3. Contextual and historical information about the holding of Olympic Games
As one of the most grand events in the world, the holding of Olympic Games would bring numerous of business opportunities for hosting countries. Olympic Games economy has already been treated as a special phenomenon in the field of economy (Rustem and Evgeny, 2015) The Olympic Games economy describes an economic response before and after the holding of Olympic Games, in various aspects related to Olympic Games. According to Sussangkarn (2016), the Olympic Games economy is a comprehensive combination of multiple economic phenomenon, including attention economy, brand economy, reliance economy and catalyst economy. As for attention economy, the holding of Olympic Games would attract much attention from all over the world, which would boost the economic development of the hosting country. As for brand economy, the holding of Olympic Games is likely to provide excellent chances for enterprises to display and advertise their enterprises images and brand images. As for reliance and catalyst economy, the holding of Olympic Games is likely to boost all the industries in the host countries even if the industries that have little direct connections with Olympic Games. It is the combination of aggregation and wide influence effect brought by the holing of Olympic Games that makes Olympic Games economy an attractive field of economy.
4. Identification of key stakeholders
There are many key stakeholders in the holding of Olympic Games from the economic sustainability. The first stakeholder is the government of host countries and host cities of Olympic Games. The direct influence on host counties and cities is much stronger compared to other cities in the country (Schnitzer and Kopp, 2012). The second stakeholder of holding Olympic is the citizens in hosting cities and countries. The influences brought by Olympic Games are more essentially on business turnover, employment rate, environment and people’s living quietly. The third stakeholders of holding Olympic Games are native brands and industries in the hosting countries. With the attentions brought by Olympic Games, the brands and industries were likely to increase revenue and its global reputations. The last stakeholders are the athletics in the games. They are the people who directly enjoy Olympic Games constructions and equipment. A good infrastructure construction is likely to improve the achievements of athletics by bringing them good mood and living convenience.
5. Positive legacy
There are many benefits brought by the holding of Olympic Games, among which its benefits on the short term economic efforts are the most immediate and obvious. According to Cordova (2015), the holding of Olympic Games has brought an income of more than 300 US dollars million for Seoul, Korea in 1998, and an income of 1.756 billion US dollars for Sydney, Australia in 2000. The short term economic influences brought by the holding of Olympic Games concentrate on areas like commercial advertisement industry, TV broadcast right, ticket proceeds and relative hotels and restaurants.
5.1 The benefits on the infrastructure construction and economic growth
One of the most direct and obvious influence brought by the holding of Olympic Games was its boosting of the development of infrastructure construction, especially the investment in the public transportation construction and Olympic gymnasium construction. For example, in order to be a good host, Sydney relocated a military warehouse to build the wonderful Olympic eco park in 2000, as well as the modification construction of refuse landfill. To future establish an environmental friendly Olympic areas, a 440-hectre Olympic park was built to promote the development of eco environment (Frawley, 2013). For another example, the holding of Olympic Games in Seoul in 1998 successfully push the government in many infrastructure constructions, including the expansion of international airport, repairmen of highways and Hanjiang regulation, as well as an improvement in the sewer system under the city.
The benefits on the development of infrastructure brought by Olympic Games are quite important to economic sustainability in the hosting countries. According to Wilson (2015), the holding of Olympic Games pushes government to concentrate its efforts in the improvement of city infrastructure which would likely to be good for citizens in a long time. For example, the building and improvement in highway and sewer system would not only be good for the holding of Olympic Games, but also brought many conveniences to peoples’ daily life and economic development. For another example, the reinforced environmental management would not only benefit for Olympic Game, but also would increase the living quality of original citizens, as well as bring new investment brought by immigrant investors.
5.2 The benefits on globalization
Because of the fact that Olympic Games are worldwide competition, which would bring a lot of global attention from various different countries, the participation and hosting of Olympic Games would provide a good opportunity for the hosting and participating countries to show themselves on the stage that would draw attentions of 7.3 billion people. According to Mao and Zhang (2013), the sponsorship of Olympic Games was likely to bring a triple returns for the sponsors, causing a lot of multinational enterprisers to compete for the sponsorship of Olympic Games. For example, Adidas earned a profit 7 billion US dollars with the sponsorship of Olympic Games in Atlanta, while Coca Cola gained a quarterly growth rate of 21% and quarter income of 967 million US dollars (Abeza et al, 2015). Actually, the sponsorship of Olympic Games would not only bring economic benefits for the sponsorship, but would also increase its reputation. According to Rivenburgh, Bernstein and Blain (2003), the built image of Olympic Games as a sponsor would last for a long time with the creation of wide recognition and positive impression all around the world. Therefore, the globalization benefits brought by Olympic Games, made every shareholder in the game a fortune and helped to gain sustainable development.
5.3 The benefits on employment
The holding to Olympic Games would also bring a lot of employment opportunities during preparation, operation and after-game periods. According to Calzada-Infante and Lozano (2016), the average preparation period for the holding of Olympic Games is six to seven years. A lot of job vacancies were required during infrastructure constructions, transportation constructions, communication constructions, service industry and environmental constructions. For example, the holding of Olympic Games in Seoul created about 760 thousand jobs for Korean citizens, while the holding of Olympic Games in Los Angles created more than 25 thousand jobs (Brown, Hixson and Mccabe, 2013). As for the benefits brought by Olympic Games in employment, the stakeholders were employers, employees and the hosting government. According to Chong and Hui (2013) a good employment was a crucial factor for the sustainable economic development in a country. Therefore, the employment benefits brought by Olympic Games further ensured a sustainable development in hosting counties.
5.4 The benefits on the development of PE industry
The most direct benefit brought by the holding of Olympic Games was in the physical education industry, because of the nature of Olympic Games was to spread and celebrate the athletic spirit. With the holding of Olympic Games, the PE industry in the hosting countries would benefit a lot, not only from the business opportunities brought by worldwide competition, but also by the learning opportunities.
5.5 The benefits on the cultural development
Besides, the cultural benefits brought by the holding of Olympic Games were also important for the sustainable development of a country. For example, the holding of Olympic Games in China in 2008, brought not only economic benefits for China, but also brought a China fever all around the world, with young people crazy about Chinese culture and Chinese elements. The cultural benefits brought by Olympic Games on Chinese culture gave China a chance to prove itself to the world, as well as an opportunity to the world to recognize and know Chinese mysterious culture.
5.6 The benefits on international image
At last, there were also some benefits of holding Olympic Games in the improvement of international images of a nation. The quality of Olympic Games would not only reflect the economic power of hosting countries, but also present cultural and political powers as well. The successful hold would win both respect and economic opportunities for the hosting countries, which would be crucial for the sustainable development of hosting countries.
6. Negative legacy
Despite the fact that holding Olympic Games benefits a lot for hosting countries, there are also some negative effects brought by the holding of Olympic Games. In some cases of Olympic Games host countries, there was an economic depression after the holding of Olympic Games, with declining demand for investment, declining employment rate and a low usage rate of Olympic stadium. The economic depression after Olympic Games would likely to cause many properties to be useless, which would bring a shock to economic development of the hosting country. According to Bulter and Bissel (2015), the economic depression after holing Olympic Games would be attributed to the fact of overinvestment in the process of preparing for Olympic Games. The most typical examples were China’s holding of 2008 Olympic Games and Alanta’s holding of 1996 Olympic Games.
7. The impact of Olympic Games on sustainability
The impact of Olympic Games on sustainability was quite controversial. In some cases, the holding of Olympic Games would like to contribute to the long term development of the company, while in other cases, the holding of Olympic Games would cause a series of problems. According to Streicher et al (2016), different results from Olympic economy mainly came from the initial design and planning of the constructions for Olympic Games. A good and sustainable design and planning would take the future application and usage of Olympic specific constructions into consideration, while a bad and unsustainable design and planning would lead to a large waste of Olympic specific construction because of its lack of further potential use, which would also cause a chaos in employment. Therefore, the impact of Olympic Games on sustainability relies on preliminary design and planning.
8. Conclusions
In conclusion, the holding of Olympic Games could bring many benefits for the hosting countries economically, culturally and politically. According to the analysis of the cases of Olympic Games holders, both positive and negative influences brought by the holding of Olympic Games were given. As for the positive part, the holding of Olympic Games was likely to boost infrastructure construction, employment rate and improve national image on the worldwide stage. As for the negative part, the holding of Olympic Games was likely to cause the issue of after-game economic depressions, which was likely to be caused by the over-investment of properties during the preparation of Olympic Games. Therefore, it would be better for future Olympic Games host countries to look for a way of balance which can both ensure the successful carrying out of Olympic Games and a sustainable development after the holding of games. Many suggestions were proposed for the after-game economic depression. For example, the design and building of Olympic stadium should care for both the use of Olympic Games and a future potential uses. Therefore, with a consideration for future application, the planning and building for Olympic Games would likely to bring only economic benefits to the hosting country, without any economic depressions.
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