下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Social media news,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社交媒体新闻。在人们的眼中,社交媒体上的新闻被一般会被认为是不准确和不可靠的,但社交媒体新闻却逐渐成为主流,塑造了很多舆论,并以多种方式影响着社会。社交媒体作为新闻平台的主要问题在于它所包含的信息的有效性。一旦社交媒体新闻的信息是假的,那么就会影响很大。
The development of social media in the US was initially designed as a tool for people to establish personal spheres and social networks, where interactions between individuals can happen online. The function of news was merely a by-product for most of the social media platforms. Traditionally, news from social media is considered inaccurate and unreliable, but the forces of social media news is gradually becoming mainstream nonetheless, shaping the public opinion in America and influencing the society in multiple ways. There are both positives and negatives brought by the social media news. This essay will analyze the significant components and characteristics of social media news, and evaluate the effectiveness and negativities of it with case specific examples. Despite the increasing powers of social media news over the majority of Americans, it is a two-edged sword which must be handled with care.
The role of social media in the spread of news information has transformed in recent years with the development of the Internet. However, such a role is becoming paradoxical and nuanced. Initially, the status of social media as the news communicator was not recognized by the well-established mainstream media. However, more and more people are relying on social media as the source of news, which has resulted in the loss of revenue in the traditional print and broadcast media (Pentina, 211). Gradually, the once neglected force of internet based media is becoming the major source of news for most Americans. Social media nowadays have the power not only in the personal and networks aspects of the users, but also in how they obtain news knowledge to shape their world-views. The role of social media is, however, becoming paradoxical and nuanced. Pentina (212) has pointed out in her study that the amount of information is explosive compared to the past. “A single Sunday edition of The New York Times today contains more information than typical 19th-century citizens faced in their entire lifetime, and more news information has been produced in the last 30 years than in the last 5000.” Despite the overload of news information in social media, it can also alleviate the problem for the consumers by the development of an information selection system. In the selection and consumption processes of social media news, users tend to prefer information from their own social circles, which is another way of dealing with information overload (Pentina, 221).
The behavior of the news consumers in social media is equally important as the social media itself, since the process of news reading is expanded to not only consumption, but also sharing, liking and even creating of news content. The behavior of information processing was detected as early as the broadcasting times. Instead of passively accepted the information fed to them, the audience would actively interpret media in their individual ways. However, there was no way to express such personal expressions. This has changed in the age of the Internet. The development of Web 2.0 has enabled people to participate in not only the observation, selection and filtering of news information, but also in the distribution and interpretation of events (Hermida, 816), In recent years, Facebook and Twitter have emerged to be the most influential host of news information(Hermida, 817). The intrinsic characteristic of Facebook is that it enables the users to categorize themselves into different public spheres, in which recommendation is the most important source of information. Within the social sphere, users become more dependent on their personal network to filter the news for them, instead of on the evaluation of the authority of the news. Similarly, over 50% of Twitter users post links to stories they read. On average, one piece of news information is recommended 15 times, expanding the reach of these information further. Overall, the behavioral patterns of the users have made the idea of sharing center of the social media news diffusion process (Hermida, 821). The extended powers of the users have enabled them to make their own impact in spreading the news information, which leads to the discussion of the effectiveness of the process.
Whether the information is successfully communicated to the user remain questionable in spite of the huge amount of traffic for the social media websites, especially the information that are relevant or of certain importance for the target audiences. There have been attempts for the mainstream media, newspapers and magazines for instance, trying to use the power of the social media in extending and maintaining their influences. Facebook and Twitter accounts are set up, links, texts and images are used as the main forms of their social media explorations. Despite the efforts made, most of the newspapers have abandoned their established style and tried to bring more “eyeballs” to increase the number of audiences (Ju, 12). Without a proper understanding of user behavior, the resource of these media may be put in the wrong places without achieving the desired outcome. The research by Ju (12) has pointed out that the size of a website is not necessarily the key to the successful distribution of information. Compared to social media like Facebook, Twitter is evaluated to be more effective in the spread of information, since it is more dedicated and concise. Most of the content on Twitter focuses on reading and posting tweets, while Facebook offers much more options to its users. Such user orientations have diminished the status of Facebook as the news platform. However, there are problems with other social media as well, in the credibility of information sources. Without proper regulations and standards, misleading information is likely to be generated.
The major problem with social media as news platforms is the validity of information it contains. The size of the internet traffic volume has made it extremely difficult to establish a monitoring system on all contents created in social media. Since social media has become the major force in shaping public opinion, it is dangerous that such a high degree of freedom should exist. The functioning of social media news in the Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) in 2014 is an example. During the EHF epidemic, social media was one of the major sources of information for the public. An evaluation was made on the top 100 videos on YouTube as the search result of “Ebola”, and the findings were quite shocking. Over 60% of the videos contain misleading information about EHF, and only a third of them are evaluated to be useful information (Nagpal, 338). Although the videos labeled “useful” resulted in larger numbers of subscriptions in general, the result is alarming. Faced with disasters and contagious diseases of such a large scale, the credibility of social media information becomes unreliable, which can cause serious damages to the health of the public. Smarter filtering technologies are needed for websites like YouTube and Facebook, so that users will be able to rank news information according to their accountability and authority.
Despite the misleading and negative factors in social media news, it has triumphed in the political field and succeeded in challenging the traditional way of political practice in the United States, especially in recent years. During the 2016 US presidential election campaign, social media had already become the major tool for people to receive information about the campaign, which was a huge difference from how things worked four years ago. Editorial media was completely replaced with social media, and the reverse has happened: the traditional mainstream media had to source from social media to put into their news reports during the campaign. The millions of followers of the candidates on Twitter have made it a platform of communication between candidates and the public. the strategies adopted by the candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are completely different on Twitter. Clinton’s social network is in alignment with her professionalism style and appearance, while Trump adopted a somewhat amateurish style (Enli, 52). The result of the election surprised not only the US, but the entire world. The contribution of social media, Twitter specifically, in the election should not be underestimated. The style of Trump on Twitter and his amateurism have created a “counter-trend” in the field of political communication. During the campaign, the social media news was no longer source of information alone, but became a marketing tool for the candidates to win over voters (Enli, 59). As the breaker of rules, the success of Trump has made people reevaluate the power of application of social media news in politics. However, whether such a success can be recreated is still in doubt.
Social media news has experienced the transformation of roles rapidly in the age of the Internet. In the past, it was neglected by the mainstream media due to its lack of credibility and seriousness. Nowadays, social media itself has become the mainstream of news information, and the old mainstreams have become the traditional, trying to catch up with the successes of the social media. From the analysis above, it is found that the way people select, interpret and share information is only natural and instinctive, social media is just the easiest platform for it to take place. In the process, the effectiveness of communication, accuracy and credibility of information were questioned. Serious social problems can be caused without proper regulations and filtering technologies applied. On the other hand, social media news has proven to be successful in the political field as well, which may result in more profound transformations of the American society. It is the responsibility of the government authorities to ensure that the social media news functions and develops in healthy and positive ways, with the enforcement of necessary laws and regulations on the content credibility.
Works Cited
Enli, Gunn. "Twitter as Arena for the Authentic Outsider: Exploring the Social Media Campaigns of Trump and Clinton in the 2016 US Presidential Election." European Journal of Communication, vol. 32, no. 1, 2017, pp. 50-61doi:10.1177/0267323116682802.
Hermida, Alfred, et al. "SHARE, LIKE, RECOMMEND: Decoding the Social Media News Consumer." Journalism Studies, vol. 13, no. 5-6, 2012, pp. 815-824 doi:10.1080/1461670X.2012.664430.
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Nagpal, Sajan J. S., et al. "Dissemination of 'Misleading' Information on Social Media during the 2014 Ebola Epidemic: An Area of Concern." Travel medicine and infectious disease, vol. 13, no. 4, 2015, pp. 338-339doi:10.1016/j.tmaid.2015.05.002.
Pentina, Iryna, and Monideepa Tarafdar. "From “information” to “knowing”: Exploring the Role of Social Media in Contemporary News Consumption." Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 35, 2014, pp. 211-223doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.02.045.