
本篇paper代写- How to deal with pollution讨论了如何处理污染。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,伊朗正面临着空气和水的严重污染。伊朗东部城市ZabolPM2.5指数为217,在所有城市中排名第一。空气污染在城市中是如此严重,以至于孩子们每天都在尘土飞扬中玩耍。考虑到伊朗污染的严重程度,政府应该负起责任,通过实施更严格的法规和加强监管来应对污染。比如加强对石油化工行业的监管,或者限制伊朗的石油工厂的生产能力,从而减少每天的排放量。然后,政府应该考虑投资更新炼油设备,引进更先进和环保的新石化设备。本篇paper代写51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。


This post is well written. The face and severeness of the pollution in Ranipet has been supported by the authority as well as documented research. Examples are also given to further explain the result of the pollution on the health of human. The first proposed solution, the sewage treatment system, is a solution that try to reduce pollution in the middle of the chain. I think this solution will be implementable because it is a common action taken by most places with pollution. Through the second way she proposed, which is legislation, the author changes her point of view to try to stop the pollution from the consciousness and the degree of attention from the starting point. I strongly agree with this point because actions of reducing pollution have to be taken endlessly if no regulations are imposed. Third, the author comes up with an innovative point, suggesting the industry to find new more environmental friendly resources to replace the harmful materials.

One thing I think that the author can expand her thoughts on is the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solutions. Solution that are not so implementable and cost too much or takes too long can be ruled out by better solutions.


Regarding the most polluted places in the world ,most people will think about India or China. However, according to the Washington Post, Iran is facing much sever pollution, both air and water. Air pollution can be measured by particles of PM 2.5 size, which will may enter human lungs and blood tissue, leaving serious hidden health problems inside human bodies (Taylor, 2016). As indicate by the data of the World Bank, for example, Zabol, a city in the east of Iran, has PM2.5 index of 217, ranking number 1 among all cities. Air pollution is so severe in the city that children play everyday in a cloud of dust (Salemi, CBS News).

As to water pollution, the Caspian Sea, the world’s largest lake, which is in the northern region of Iran, is said to be so contaminated that delicate ecological areas are at risk (npr, 2007), and no wonder the health issues of people living in the area. Severe water pollution may include: deliberate contamination of rivers and streams and public canals, reservoirs, sources, aqueducts, wells by adding foreign substances, pollute the marine environment, pollute the public drinking water, and Infect domestic and offshore waters of the border river of Iran (SHARİFİ et BEİGİ, 2015).

Taken into consideration the severeness of the pollution in Iran, first and foremost, Government should take responsibility to fight the pollution, both by imposing stricter regulations and by stronger supervision. The Government should first strengthen its regulations on petrochemical industry for its production. To be specific, the Government could limit the production capacity of oil factories in Iran so that emissions will be reduced on a daily basis. In this way, air pollution will be reduced on a daily basis in the first place. Also, stronger supervision should be adopted, and each company that violates the regulation will be penalized. Then, the Government should consider invest in renewing the oil refinery equipment and introducing new petrochemical equipment that are more advanced and environmental friendly. This may require additional spending by the Government, however, high return on investment will be generated in the long term.

Second, in addition to stricter regulations and stronger supervision, steps can be taken to reduce the effect of the pollution after it has been let out. To reduce the effect of water pollution to the environment and to human beings, management should be taken place to ban pollutant emission to water and to transport pollutants away from water. To reduce the effect of air pollution to the environment and human beings, air purifier should be installed in all public buildings and owned by every single family in the most severely polluted cities in Iran to reduce the potential health risks that may brought to human bodies.

As a result, the most important issue is that government should take management responsibilities to enforce laws regarding pollution and regulate the petrochemical industry and take actions to implement any plan and equipment that will help reduce pollution in Iran.


Taylor, A. (2016, May 13). The most polluted city in the world isn’t Beijing or Delhi. Retrieved from:

The most polluted cities in the world, ranked. (2017, February 03). Retrieved from:

Iran's Pollution Worries Come by Air and Water. (n.d.). Retrieved from:

SHARİFİ L et BEİGİ J.(2015, January 02). Dealing with Water Pollution in the Iran Rightswith Respect to Transnational Documents. Retrieved from:


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