下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Internet finance mode,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了互联网金融模式。互联网金融模式,就是一个既不同于商业银行间接融资、也不同于资本市场直接融资的第三种金融运行机制。在互联网金融模式下,因为有搜索引擎、大数据、社交网络和云计算,所以市场信息不对称程度非常低,交易双方在资金期限匹配、风险分担的成本非常低。另外支付便捷,搜索引擎和社交网络降低信息处理成本,资金供需双方直接交易,可达到与现在资本市场直接融资和银行间接融资一样的资源配置效率,并在促进经济增长同时,大幅减少交易成本。
The most basic function of the financial service real economy is the financing, and the matching between the supply and demand of funds can be carried out through two kinds of intermediaries: one is commercial bank, which corresponds to the indirect financing mode; The other is the stock and bond market, which corresponds to the capital market direct financing model. These two kinds of financing models play an important role in resource allocation and economic growth, but the transaction costs are huge, mainly including the profits, taxes and remuneration of financial institutions. In 2011, the profits of national Banks and brokerages were about 1.1 trillion yuan, with tax revenue of about 500 billion yuan and employees' compensation of 1 trillion yuan.
Modern information technology represented by the Internet, especially mobile payment, cloud computing, social network and search engine, will have a fundamental impact on the human financial model. Twenty years later, may form a different from both the indirect financing of commercial bank, it is also different from direct financing capital market of the third kind of financial operation mechanism, can be called "Internet direct financing market" or "Internet financial model".
In Internet financial mode, because there are search engines and cloud computing, big data, social network, market information asymmetry degree is very low, both parties match the financing time limit, the cost of risk sharing is very low, such as Banks, brokers, and exchange the mediation doesn't work; The issuance and trading of loans, stocks, bonds, etc., as well as the payment of coupons, are directly online. This market is fully effective and close to the state of financial intermediation described by general equilibrium theorem.
In this kind of financial mode, and convenient payment, search engines and social networking information processing to reduce costs, capital supply and demand both sides traded directly, can achieve and now the capital market of direct financing and indirect financing as the resource allocation efficiency, and promote economic growth at the same time, significantly reduce transaction costs.
Understanding this mode of Internet finance needs to grasp several key points: first, information processing; Second, risk assessment; Third, the matching of the time and quantity of capital supply and demand does not need to be solved by Banks or brokers. Fourth, the centralized payment system and individual mobile payment; Fifth, the supply and demand side trade directly; Sixth, product simplification; Seventh, financial markets are fully internet-enabled and transaction costs are minimal.
The payment method in Internet finance mode is based on mobile payment. Mobile payments depend on the development of mobile communications technology and devices, especially the popularity of smartphones and ipads. Juniper Research estimates that global mobile payments totalled $240 billion in 2011 and is expected to grow 200 percent over the next five years.
With the development of technology such as wi-fi and 3G, the convergence trend of Internet and mobile communication network is very obvious, and the cable telephone network and radio and television network are also integrated. Mobile payment will be further integrated with electronic payment methods such as bank CARDS and online banking, which can be paid in any way at any time, anywhere and in any way. As the identity authentication technology and the development of the digital signature technology and other security software, mobile payment can not only solve micropayments in daily life, also can solve large payments between enterprises, replace the bank settlement and payment method such as cash, cheque.
Although mobile communications equipment is more intelligent, it is limited by portability and volume requirements, and storage capacity and computing speed cannot be compared with personal computers in the short term. Cloud computing can make up for the short board of mobile communications devices. Cloud computing can shift storage and computing from mobile communication terminals to cloud computing servers, reducing the burden of information processing on mobile communication devices. In this way, mobile terminals will integrate the functions of mobile phones and traditional PCS to ensure the efficiency of mobile payment.
Under the Internet financial model, the payment system has the following fundamental characteristics: all individuals and institutions have opened accounts in the central bank's payment center; The payment and transfer of financial assets such as securities and cash shall be carried out through the mobile Internet; Payment and liquidation is completely electronic, there is no cash flow in the society; A secondary commercial bank account system may no longer exist. Both individual and corporate savings accounts are in the central bank, which will have a significant impact on money supply and monetary policy, and will also promote major changes in monetary policy theory and operations. Of course, such a payment system would not overturn the current system of the central bank issuing a unified credit currency. However, in the current social network, it has issued its own currency, which is used to pay for the purchase of private data and even the purchase of physical goods, and has established an internal payment system. According to a survey, in China, 60 percent of urban youth under 35 use online banking to pay for shopping.
Information processing is the core of the financial system. Financial information, is at the core of capital supply and demand information, especially the capital demanders of information, such as borrowers, issuers, offering enterprise, is the foundation of financial resource allocation and risk management.
Internet financial mode, the information processing is composed of three parts: one is the social network generation and dissemination of information, especially for individuals and institutions under no obligation to disclose information, make people's rising levels of "good faith", greatly reduce the cost of financial transactions, have basic role of financial transactions. The information revealed by social networks can be expressed as: individuals and institutions have a large number of stakeholders in the society. These stakeholders have some information, such as property status, business situation, consumption habits, reputation behavior, etc. Individual stakeholders information may be limited, but if these stakeholders are posted on social networking information, send together can get complete information for the credit certificate and earnings outlook. "Taobao" similar to the social networks, for example, merchants trading between formation of huge amounts of information, goods and capital exchange of information, in particular, shows the merchant's credit certificate, if taobao set up small loan company, use the information to some merchants make small loans, the effect will be very good.
The second is the organization, sorting and retrieval of information by the search engine, which can alleviate the problem of information overload and meet the information needs pertinently. The integration of search engine and social network is a trend. The essence is to use the relational data contained in social network to conduct information filtering, which can improve the degree of "integrity". For example, the "crawler" algorithm that crawls web pages and the link analysis method of web page sorting all take advantage of the link relation between web pages, which belongs to relational data.
Third, the cloud computing guarantee the massive information high-speed processing power. Under the guarantee of cloud computing, the information of both sides of the fund is revealed and transmitted through social network, which is organized and standardized by the search engine, and finally forms the information sequence of continuous and dynamic changes. The risk pricing or dynamic default probability of any fund demander can be given, and the cost is extremely low. Thus, the information base of financial transactions is satisfied. In February 2011, there was a spot market for computing power, and futures markets are expected to emerge. The financial sector is a big user of computing power, and cloud computing will have a big impact on the financial sector.
We can cite a few examples of information processing in the Internet financial mode: for example, because the information technology developed enough, natural person after the birth of key information and actions were recorded, can query, inaccurate information via social networks and search engines to verify or filtering. In this case, the analysis of the personal credit situation will be very efficient. Again, such as, people found a bank service in our daily life is bad, efficiency is low, can send the information to social networks, these information summary helps to assess the bank's profit and credit outlook, if the "people" to participate in the bank bond CDS trades, the price change is dynamic probability of default. CDS market, therefore, is to use with a similar mechanism, social networks and search engine, through the market to produce time sequence, continuous and dynamic changes of default probability on the default information reveal more effective than the credit rating agencies. In theory, in the future any financial products are in fact implies a CDS, at any point in time can know the probability of default, in this case all financial products pricing will be very easy. In the modern stock market, shareholders can only deal with their judgment on the bank's profit outlook by "buy - sell".
Resource allocation is the feature of the Internet financial mode: money supply and demand information directly online and match, contact and matching supply and demand both sides, do not need to mediation by Banks, brokers or exchange, etc. A typical example is p2p lending. Prosper, founded in 2006, has 1.25 million members and contributed $307 million in membership loans. The us "Lending Club", established in 2007, took facebook as a platform for member loan business. By 2011, it had borrowed $590m, with interest income of 51,000,000 yuan.
In 2004, Google used an online Dutch auction method for its IPO, rather than a typical investment bank roadshow and inquiry. The likely scenario is that issuance and trading of loans, stocks, bonds and so on are on social networks.
In the supply and demand information is almost completely symmetrical, the transaction cost under the condition of very low, the Internet financial model to form the "full trading possibilities set", such as small and medium-sized enterprise financing, private lending, personal investment channels and other problems would be easy to solve. In this resource allocation mode, the two parties or multi-party transactions can be carried out simultaneously, the information is fully transparent and the pricing is fully competitive, thus the most efficient and social welfare maximization. All kinds of financial products can be traded in this way. It is also the most fair market, with transparent and fair opportunities for supply and demand.
On facebook's platform, for example, there are nine hundred million Internet users, have been issuing its own currency, data between the Internet users, commodities, stocks, loans, bonds issuance and trading of all can be dealt with through the network, while retaining the full credit default records, the formation of the optimal price. The value of facebook's $96 billion listing is due to its huge value.
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