下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Broadcasted Game Video,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了游戏直播。随着互联网带宽的快速增长和更加成熟的流媒体技术,以游戏直播为主的新媒体也在飞速发展着。如今,玩电子游戏和看别人的游戏直播已经成为人们娱乐活动的重要组成部分。数以百万计的人把时间花在观看游戏直播上,由于用户数量庞大,直播平台每年不得不将用户基数翻倍。
With the increasing growth of game industry and the constant innovation of internet technology, video games gradually draw great public attention. At the same time, with the help of rapid increase of internet bandwidth and more mature streaming media technology, new medias which mainly diffuse video games have experienced fast expansion. The term “online live streaming” also appears in public’s sight. According to Daniel Recktenwald (2017). “Online live streaming is a new media genre which combines the broadcast of an activity with cross-modal video-mediated communication”. Furthermore, it enables individuals to publicly broadcast live video streams, and allows other people to watch the video via web and communicate with each other (Hu, Zhang, & Wang, 2017). Recently, playing video games and watching others play video games have become an important part of people’s recreational activities. There are millions of people spend their time in watching others play games on the internet, and platforms have to double their user base every year because of the huge number of users (Sjoblom & Hamari, 2017; Sjoblom et al., 2017).
Influenced by prosperous development in practice field, academic realm also has attached much importance to online live streaming. For example, researchers such as Max Sjoblom, Juho Hamari, Mu Hu, and Mingli Zhang conducted related researches to figure out the reason why audience choose to keep watching others play video game through the internet. However, it is important to note that a large number of researchers mainly focus on the issues with respect to technology, such as ways to improve the streaming network systems. What is more, few researchers consider broadcasted game video from the perspective of anchor and live broadcasting platforms. In this way, it is necessary to further study the reasons why broadcasted game video is so popular among people. The study not only helps anchors and live broadcasting platforms improve their performance to attract more users, but also help family members of users to better understand their behaviors and figure out ways to prevent users from indulging in watching others play video games through internet.
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