下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Enterprise capability theory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业能力理论。企业能力理论把对企业竞争优势来源的探讨从企业外部转向内部,认为内部条件对于企业获得竞争优势有决定作用,企业内部独特资源与能力的积累是解释企业获得超额收益和保持竞争优势的关键。企业资源基础论、核心能力论、动态能力论及企业知识论等围绕企业如何在动荡的环境中获得持久的竞争优势做出了不尽相同的解释,形成了企业能力理论的演进框架。
Enterprise competence theory, the study on the source of enterprise competitive advantage from external to internal, think that the internal condition for an enterprise to achieve competitive advantage is decided, the accumulation of unique resources and capabilities within the enterprise is to explain enterprise get excess returns and the key to keeping competitive advantage. Degree-effect of enterprises, the core ability theory and dynamic capability deals with the theory of enterprise knowledge around the enterprise to gain lasting competitive advantage in the turbulent environment made different explanations, the formation of the evolution of enterprise competence theory framework.
The discussion of modern economics on enterprise ability originated from the theory of enterprise growth in 1959. From the perspective of economics, it is the foundation of enterprise capability theory, which analyzes the enterprise behavior from the perspective of enterprise internal dynamic activities. Penrose through constructing "the enterprise resources, enterprise capabilities, enterprise growth" analysis framework, revealing the inner motive power of enterprise growth, the enterprise is defined as "being an administrative framework to coordinate and limited resource aggregation of boundary", enterprise resources condition is decided to enterprise ability, the basis of productive service function produced by resource promote the process of intellectual growth, the increase in knowledge management strength increase, promoting the evolution of enterprise growth. She believes that organizational learning and knowledge accumulation can improve the accumulation rate of enterprise resources and the accumulation of resources and services can create conditions for organizational learning. Penrose also emphasized the accumulated experience of team work as the organizational capital of the enterprise and played a role in promoting internal cooperation and coordination among enterprises. She also believes that there is always a lack of resources in the enterprise, which is an important source of enterprise creativity. Although Penrose did not use the concept of "ability", her internalized enterprise growth theory laid the foundation for the development of enterprise competence theory.
The first to put forward the concept of "enterprise capability" was Richardson. He believes that the ability to reflect the knowledge, experience and skills accumulated by the enterprise is the foundation of enterprise activities. He also from the perspective of enterprise competence, distinguish between the "similarity" and "complementary activities," the former in the range of enterprise internal organization and coordination, because companies tend to be engaged in the activities of their ability to adapt or similar activities; The latter by the enterprises with different ability of integration and exchange between implementations, when companies have already not "similarity" or "complementary", better decisions is passed on to the market. Richardson expanded Penrose's theory of internal growth and laid a foundation for the formation of enterprise competence theory.
Since the 1980 s, the enterprise theory on the basis of enterprise growth theory, developed "the enterprise resource base chakra" "enterprise core ability theory" "the enterprise dynamic ability theory and the theory of enterprise knowledge base chakra, etc, make the enterprise competence theory evolve, explanatory power of reality.
Enterprise resources are the basis for the formation and operation of enterprises and the conditions for the existence and development of enterprises. Resource base theory holds that enterprise is an organic combination of resources. Barney think, enterprise resources including control, can use to develop and implement strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all assets, capabilities, organizational processes, enterprise quality, information and knowledge, etc. In addition, many scholars have discussed the definition of enterprise resources. Munger believes that the accumulation and reserve of machinery, equipment and money are enterprise resources. Everything in a firm's strengths or weaknesses is resources, including physical resources, human resources and organizational resources. Dv believes that enterprise resources are factors that are controlled by the enterprise and can be used to develop and implement strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Think of meter, and cisco, enterprise resource is controlled by the enterprise or possess, could participate in the production of products and services to satisfy human needs, tangible and intangible, the human and the human all inputs; Grant believes that resources are inputs to the production process. Thus, the definition of enterprise resources can be relatively broad, that is, all economic matters that can effectively or potentially affect the enterprise value creation can be regarded as enterprise resources.
The resource base theory starts from the inside of the enterprise, and thinks that the unique resource inside the enterprise is the cause of enterprise growth and sustainable competitive advantage. However, the parametric work of resource base theory is far from being completed, which impedes the quantitative analysis and practical application of this theory.
So far, there has not been a universally accepted concept of core competence, which is defined by describing its characteristics. Core competence is the "organization of accumulating knowledge, especially learn how to coordinate diverse production skills and how to integrate multiple technology flow ability", is "the organization's ability to work and providing value", is "communication, participation and commitment to working across organizational boundaries, it involves many levels of personnel and all functions". Core competencies will not wear out with use, but will be enhanced by application and sharing. Therefore, core competence is the combination of a series of complementary skills and knowledge within the enterprise. As the core competence of embedded knowledge and skills in an organization, there should be three standards:
In a rapidly changing technology and the uncertainty of the super competition condition, the enterprise must put ability in when making strategic environment analysis, attention to the significance and particularity, the ability to not only should also look at the ability of dynamic and adaptive.
Of all the scholars who study enterprise knowledge, grant is the most comprehensive and sufficient. He believes that most organizational studies and knowledge-based enterprise values focus on the acquisition and creation of organizational knowledge. Grant sees the enterprise as a knowledge coordinating body, and believes that the main role of the enterprise is to integrate the professional knowledge that exists in the individual, and then transform the knowledge into products or services. The main task of management is to establish the coordination mechanism necessary for knowledge integration. Grant points out that knowledge integration is a difficult task, especially when it comes to tacit knowledge. Therefore, coordination is not a minor issue even if there is no target conflict within the enterprise.
Knowledge is the key strategic resource for enterprises, and knowledge is regarded as the main source of enterprise profit or value increment. In terms of enterprise knowledge, the creation, storage, use or transmission of knowledge cannot be achieved without the staff of the enterprise, which is the main carrier and media of enterprise knowledge. For this reason, enterprise knowledge theory thoroughly changed the enterprise employees in the subordinate position in the enterprise resource role, make the traditional top-down rights configuration based hierarchical organizational structure can't play its proper role, also make enterprise theory research perspectives from the traditional focus on things to focus on people, to have the innovation of knowledge and technology of an individual or a minority of people provided a broad space to start a business.
Within the enterprise competence theory, the enterprise is analyzed in the development viewpoint, and realizes that the enterprise is essentially a collection of abilities, and analyzes the source of competitive advantage and how to continue to solve the problems. Evolution process can be seen from its development, the core of the four branches of enterprise competence theory research question is the same, namely under the hypothesis of the enterprise heterogeneity, from the perspective of inputs to explain enterprise competitive advantage to obtain, maintain and update. Just because the driver's point of view and different emphasis, form the four different ability view, its evolution logic from the enterprise internal variables to the combination of internal and external variables, from tangible to intangible knowledge resources, material resources from static analysis to dynamic analysis. Resource base theory and core energy theory are based on static analysis of internal variables. The former emphasizes the endowment of input factor, the latter is more concerned about the connection and application of elements. Dynamic ability theory to dynamic analysis, the ability to ascend from the one-time get into sustained obtained, using the ability to learn and improve mechanism, continuous cultivation, improvement and reconstruction enterprise heterogeneity ability, make the enterprise keep stable in the dynamic competition advantage. Based on the theory of the ability of tacit knowledge is the most important contribution from specific physical resources, explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge to understand the enterprise competence, changed the enterprise is the contract point of view, the market mechanism of alternative that enterprise can more effectively within the organization knowledge sharing and transfer individual and group, the mechanism of knowledge creation and utilization between different enterprises of different performance differences.
The influence and significance of enterprise capacity theory lies in: firstly, the enterprise capability theory brings people's attention to the competitive advantage from the industry to the enterprise itself; Second, the enterprise competence theory denied the traditional theory of enterprise competence infinite assumptions, think that the ability of enterprise reserve decided to enterprise business scope and business boundaries, especially the breadth and depth of diversification; Finally, make the enterprise managers realize the enterprise competence theory, only with core competence as support, through the use of the combination of various resources and strategic interaction of freedom system, strengthening development to keep sustainable competitive advantage.
The enterprise capability theory also provides beneficial inspiration to the development practice of Chinese enterprises. First, the big company, the big group strategy and the enterprise's blind diversification may not improve the competitiveness of the enterprise, because it lacks the core ability. Enterprises only on the basis of long-term cumulative learning through internal, seek effective product, market positioning, with the ability to adapt to the scope of business, to ensure sustained competitive advantage. Second, Chinese enterprises must strengthen their core competence cultivation to meet the competition of the world. The key point is to improve the level of R&D, to form independent intellectual property rights, and to introduce and imitate cannot gain sustainable competitive advantage. Third, accumulation, keeping, using the core competence is a long-term fundamental strategy for enterprise development in our country, through this way can promote sustainable development of the enterprise, reduce China's "a flash in the pan" phenomenon in the development of private enterprises.
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