下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- America's news entertainment phenomenon,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国新闻的娱乐化现象。新闻娱乐化是一种以信息为基础的,包含了娱乐成分的媒介内容或节目制作方式。为了最大程度的迎合观众和消费者,娱乐成分被加入到节目播放中。新闻娱乐化现象的普及与美国社会的认可和政府的默许有关,美国政府的默许为新闻娱乐化现象的持续存在提供了现实条件,另外娱乐经济的影响也导致了新闻娱乐化现象的出现。
The origin of the word "news entertainment" can be traced back to the emergence of the term "new news" in the late 19th century. As the opposite of "old news," "new news" appeared in the 1992 U.S. presidential campaign to refer to the phenomenon of presidential candidates participating in talk shows, lengthy and wide-ranging talk shows, and even advertisements. "New news" is the rudiment of news entertainment, it is entertainment and news. Shortly after that, U.S. media analyst Ben bernanke, On the basis of "new news," Mr. Badakon coined the term "news entertainment" to describe the trend of the confluence of news and entertainment. There are different definitions of news entertainment in academic circles, but most of them are similar. Wikipedia defines it as: "the entertainment of news is an information based media content or program production. In order to cater to the audience and consumers to the greatest extent, the entertainment component is added to the show. From the above definition, we can see the general outline of news entertainment phenomenon.
Since the 1990s, the tremendous development of science and technology has promoted a profound visual revolution in the cultural field. Image has become the most abundant daily life resources in this era. Data show that between 60% and 70% of the information available to the public is obtained by reading pictures, which indicates that the world has entered a new era of visual culture. It is worth noting that television images have become the dominant medium. It changed people's social cognition and interpersonal communication patterns, and eventually led to a profound cultural revolution.
Television encompasses almost all forms of discourse and is rapidly becoming the dominant way in which we understand culture. And television's easiest form of discourse is entertainment. Television's combination of sound and image is a new form of media that constantly stimulates the public's senses but never encourages them to think. Entertainment is the most convenient way to satisfy the public's desire for senses. As Neil? As posman points out in his magnum opus entertainment to the death: "television has but one unchanging sound -- the sound of entertainment In other words, television is turning our culture into a vast arena for the entertainment industry." TV hosts carry people's understanding of culture, and the spirit of entertainment has penetrated into the core of our culture. News, politics, religion and education are serious topics that have become entertainment. The TV culture seems to be a cultural wasteland that harms people's thoughts and minds.
The popularity of news entertainment is related to the recognition of American society and the acquiescence of government. The government's acquiescence provides realistic conditions for the continuous existence of news entertainment. As a general product of the media market, entertainment is popular both because it does not challenge existing systems and because it promotes social harmony. Absorbed in entertainment, the public is too preoccupied with serious political and social problems to criticize government policies and social ills too much. Of course, the government will let the news entertainment phenomenon go, because it can eliminate social contradictions and promote social stability. Social unrest could occur if people fail to express their job stress, fear of economic depression, dissatisfaction with government policies and fear of terrorist attacks. Mass media can not only satisfy the public's demand for information, but also alleviate their psychological pressure. Newspapers therefore play up the daily trivialities, entertaining sports news and funny news.
The entertainment of news is a derivative of market economy. In the new historical context, news selection and production concept is gradually replaced by market logic. Some scholars believe that the fierce market competition has made a significant change in the standard of judging the importance of news. The pursuit of profit is the motive force of the entertainment phenomenon of news. As an economically independent entity, American media gradually commercialized its operation mode and editing method in the fierce competition, among which news entertainment is a prominent example.
On the one hand, economic pressure forces the media to embark on the road of news entertainment. Driven by the commercialization wave, the media will inevitably pay more attention to profit rather than cultural quality. In order to make a profit, mass media devoted all efforts to maintain public attention to attract more advertising financing. For the media, the easiest way to get viewers' attention is to spread "non-intellectual" entertainment news. Gresham's law, which applies to the economy: bad money drives out good, applies to the media as well. In the competition for high ratings, scandals and sensational news have replaced traditional serious news. In order to make money, American morning TV news programs constantly make changes to improve their ratings, which further confirms the "gresham's rule" of the media industry.
On the other hand, the influence of entertainment economy also leads to the emergence of news entertainment phenomenon. Like the English philosopher Herbert gould, As sping put it: "after the completion of the main mission of sustaining and prolonging life, there is still the remaining energy, the release of which is mainly entertainment." America's economic prowess enables Americans to finally enjoy both work and play. Today, the goods and services on the market are more or less all about entertainment. We have begun to step into the era of entertainment economy.
From the negative aspect, the entertainment of news promotes the development of media industry. The soft, emotional and stimulating content of entertainment news draws viewers' attention and lures them to spend more money on entertainment. Increased consumption, in turn, encourages the entertainment of news. On the positive side, opponents argue that the entertainment of news distracts people from the truth and prevents them from making rational decisions. It has a negative impact on people's behavior patterns and lifestyles. Elite culture tends to disintegrate under the strong attack of mass culture. Professional journalistic principles give way to market theory, and the media face an unprecedented credit crisis.