
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- American individualism values,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的个人主义价值观。个人主义价值观是美国文化核心以及美国社会最明显的特征之一。个人主义的价值观支配着美国精神文化、思维方式、行为方式和生活方式。在美国,个人主义强调个人的重要性和个人的尊严,主张自主动机和自主选择,鼓励个人竞争和个人成功的追求。尽管每个美国人在行为方式上都有不同,但是在价值观本质上却有着惊人的相似之处,而这一切都源于个人主义的价值观。

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Individualism values are the core of American culture and one of the most obvious characteristics of American society. The values of individualism govern American spiritual culture, way of thinking, way of behavior and way of life. In a sense, the understanding of American individualistic values is a key to the American society and culture, and it is of great importance to deeply study American values. This article will discuss the understanding of individualism from the concept understanding of individualism, the embodiment of individualism in American social life and the influence of individualism on American society.

The term "individualism" was first coined by the French political critic Alexis DE Tocqueville. Tocqueville, in his book on American democracy, used individualism to describe this core American value. Our ancestors knew only about self-interest. Egoism is an extreme and excessive love for oneself that makes people care only about themselves and love themselves more than anything else. Individualism is an emotion that is self-centered and secure, which isolates every citizen from his fellow citizens, from his relatives and friends. So when each citizen builds his or her own little society, they leave the larger society to its own devices.

After individualism came to the United States, the development in the United States was increasingly complete with the development of society. American individualism is representative and dominant in the western school of individualism and has become the core ideology and dominant values of western capitalist ideology since the 20th century. The central theme of American individualism is "self-motivation, self-determination, self-realization through self-reliance. Most closely associated with it are notions of equality, freedom and competition. Equality of opportunity and individual liberty are the basic guarantees of self-worth, while competition is the fundamental way to realize personal worth. In the United States, individualism emphasizes the importance and dignity of the individual, advocates independent motivation and independent choice, and encourages individual competition and individual successful pursuit. Although every American behaves differently, there are striking similarities in the nature of values that stem from individualistic values.

Language exists in social life and can be said to be the carrier and portrayal of a culture. Different languages can reflect different cultural attributes and social values. American individualistic values can be found in American English in many aspects of the portrayal and verification.

In the personal pronoun, we can clearly find the shadow of individualism. In English we have pronouns you, we, they, he, she, etc. "I" is considered the most important in American values and relationships, so capitalize, while other pronouns are less important than "I." Many other compound words in American English are related to ego, such as self-control, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-esteem, egocentric, and ego trip, which naturally show the American people's self-identity, self-centeredness, and self-trip.

English proverbs also reflect the western culture of individual values. Americans believe in God helping those who help themselves. They have a strong sense of personal struggle and competition, and generally accept the living creed of Every man for himself, and God for us all. In the declaration of independence more than 200 years ago, Americans advocated for freedom and equality: All men are created equal. All of these reflect Americans' sense of competition and struggle based on equality and freedom, and the values of individualism have been well reflected.

American individualism emphasizes self-centeredness, self-reliance and self-reliance. Americans grow up on their own. At 18, they have to earn money to support themselves, even the children of the rich. Parents give little financial support, and relying on their parents to support them as adults is seen as a sign of weakness. Many young people take part in social voluntary work, which is not to work for money, but to gain social recognition through their own hard work and experience the meaning and value of their own existence as an individual.

The right to privacy is an individual's basic right, and individualism emphasizes the protection and respect of personal life. It is impolite to offend without the consent of the party concerned, and legal liability shall be investigated in serious cases. In China, "how old are you? ", "where are you going? All of these are very common everyday expressions. For self-conscious Americans, this is their own privacy and no interference from others. Poke /push one's nose into other people's business, meddle in other people's affairs. There are expressions of protest and warning in American English about such behavior: Keep your big nose out of my business, Mind your own business, Put not your hand between the bark and the tree. So when dealing with Americans, be careful not to ask personal questions such as age, marriage, family, income.

Individualism promotes economic development by encouraging competition. Individual competition is an aggressive attitude towards life, which can improve the efficiency of individuals and the whole society and make economic and social progress. The values of individualism have contributed to the initiative spirit of Americans and given them a strong spirit of struggle, competition and innovation, which has played a positive role in promoting the social and economic development of the United States. For an individual, the pressure of competition will bring a sense of urgency, crisis and challenge, and eventually motivate him to give full play to his initiative, enthusiasm and creativity. For society, competition can keep it alive. The society can develop rapidly and unceasingly through the "survival of the fittest" principle in the competition mechanism. In the historical development of the United States, Americans rely on the power of individualism to develop the frontier, for survival and development, for the United States created great material wealth. Therefore, in the United States, individualism plays an important role. In a certain sense, individualism is a synonym for Americanism. The reason why American social and economic development has a strong impetus is closely related to individualism.

The American sense of innovation has changed people's way of life and attitude. Innovation and invention drive the progress of society, new products and new concepts emerge in endlessly. The idea of seeking new and changing urges Americans to innovate, to invent, and to promote social progress. The number of Nobel Prize winners each year speaks for itself. People like excitement, adventure, the pursuit of novelty and fresh experience, and constantly surpass themselves.

The influence of individualism on people's attitude towards life is also evident in American family education. Individualism is a kind of personal life attitude and way of life, which emphasizes the independence of individuals. Americans always pay attention to the existence and development of individuals and respect the development of individuality. In American families, children are respected and treated as individuals. Americans do not encourage students to blindly obey, but encourage them to put forward their own views and opinions.

The most distinctive feature of American culture, which is based on different ethnic and ethnic relations, is diversity. Individualism emphasizes freedom, which determines that the United States can be tolerant of various cultures. Therefore, the diversity of American culture reflects not only the rich connotation of culture, but also the unified value and spirit. It has a strong flavor of The Times and changes with The Times.


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