
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The artistic creation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了艺术创作。无论作品的创作存在于何时何地,无论艺术家要传达什么样的理念,所有艺术家都应该遵循在分散与不完整并存的情况下追求整体性的尝试。创作作品的目的是艺术家传达思想,所以艺术家应该在理解自己目的的基础上完成作品。这样,他们才可以更好地利用艺术技巧,实现他们的潜力。

artistic creation,艺术创作,英国代写,英国论文代写,essay代写

Art is something hard to define, whether recognizable or ambiguous, whether shattered or integrated, whether true or illusion. Art, nowadays, has been changed a lot, including forms, styles and materials. However, how to define what kind of art is meaningful? As far as I am concerned, the ambiguous recognizability and shattered integrity are what make art meaningful and attractive.

When wondering around an exhibition, you may hear many people feel puzzled about what the painter is going to tell, and that is called ambiguity. The untitled picture of a working lady standing in front of the buildings taken by Cindy Sherman in 1978 is a good example of the combination of recognizability and ambiguity. Audience are sure that the lady on the picture was a career girl in that time and she was obviously anxious. However, what they do not know is what happened on the day the picture was taken, therefore the photographer left a huge imagination space for audience. In contrast, some artists may like to use the name of the work to indicate the theme, using a single word or two to make audience understood suddenly when they catch sight of the name. But this one is different, in the series of the photographer’s pictures, there was nothing related to this picture, thus this was a staged one.

Shattered integrity is another characteristic for the theatrical pictures or photographs. For example, the mother-and-child picture is obviously not a complete one, however, it seems that none of the information is missing in the picture. We can easily find out that this is a mother holding her child in the kitchen and they are happy. People know this picture is a cut-out, maybe from a book or a magazine, but they seldom care the origins of the picture but the theme. Therefore, this picture is shattered but also completed. Sometimes, the artists intend to make the completed works incomplete in order to achieve its integrity. For example, the famous masterpiece Venus de Milo, used to be an integrated sculpture, but it was just a sculpture with no extraordinary attractions. But a Venus without her arms makes audience notice how beautiful Venus is, even she does not own arms any more. And due to the radical innovation, this work became a masterpiece. Though this work was not a representative of the modernism, the artist Milos indicated how attractive the shattered integrity was.

Artworks in modernism were all under delicate radical innovation to make progress. And in my opinion, radical innovation is as important in the modernism as in today’s art. When doing artworks, artists sometimes try to make every single work perfect but neglecting the aim of this work. Therefore, when creating works, the whole concept of the works is more important than the detailed parts and artists need to consider innovation in each step of their creations. In addition, artists should jump out of the limitation of art form, for example, Two Fencers by Goldstein is a good way to show the combination of different art forms and also it an example to show the importance of radical innovation.

In conclusion, no matter when and where the creation of work exists, and no matter what concepts which the artists are going to convey, the attempt to pursue the integrity with the co-existence of scatter and incompleteness should be followed by all the artists. The aim of creating works is for artists to convey ideas, therefore artists should accomplish works on the basis of understanding their aims. In this way, they can better make use of the artistic techniques and achieve their potentials.



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