下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The Medea,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了《美狄亚》。《美狄亚》是欧里庇得斯的创作的古希腊悲剧,由于女主人公美狄亚杀子惩夫的复仇之举,“巫女”几乎成了她的代名词,然而这与作者的本意是相悖的。事实上欧里庇得斯正是借这一惨烈的复仇之举,撩开社会文明的面纱反映妇女遭遇压迫的生活现实,赞美女性生命的光彩,为女性作辩。以人的幸福为价值取向,为“爱情至上”张本,也表现了作者纯净的道德关怀。
Because of Medea's "evildoing", she became the synonym of "witch" in the history of western literature, which was contrary to the author's original intention. Reibnpei thinks that Medea's "killing his two sons makes the dismemberment of song yi have the deep meaning of breaking the chains of blood and the root of life in the anthropological sense, which is a challenge to the patriarchal society. Medea is not only a tragedy of family or fate, but also a tragedy of civilization. When men separate power, wealth and status from people's essential needs as the highest value standard of life, it will inevitably bring moral retrogression, family shaking and social unrest. This point of view emphasizes the disaster caused by the retrogression of male morality in the patriarchal society and the pale and unfair aspect of social civilization. Medea's revenge is based on her husband's moral retrogression. "I am done, I would rather die, and this life has no joy. My husband, on whom my life's happiness depends, has become the worst man on earth! . Faced with the retrogression of male morality and at the same time in a pale and unfair social civilization, women can only sacrifice themselves helplessly, and can only defend their rights by themselves. In the long patriarchal society, women mostly exist in the image of dedication, sacrifice and endurance, and few have the passion of life like Medea. She is like a flag driven to the hills, flying high, always remind men: where there is moral decay, where there is bloody resistance.
Euripides in clear transparent clear eyes, warmth of soul, kindness in profound male perspective, to see the ancient Greek women in front of the evil is lonely and living circumstances and fate of injustice, depicts the revenge of Medea, embodies the author focus on women, sympathy, awe, respect, praise, reveals the women's knowledge, wisdom, rebellion and life brilliance. As the chorus sings, "the sacred river is now flowing upward, and all order and universe are turned upside down: how treacherous the man is, and the oath he swore in the presence of heaven! From now on poets will grace our women's lives, and we shall never be maligned again if we receive this honor. The spiritual orientation of the work directly points to the height of morality, and the moral concern here is not only about Medea, because Medea's revenge is both self-meaning salvation and the salvation of all women. The author's praise and moral concern for women's life are of great progressive significance.
In biblical stories, it was eve who first ate the fruit of wisdom that opened her eyes to good and evil. The rebellion of eve opened a new chapter for human beings. The act of eve shows that the original state of women in the relationship is both rebellious spirit and intellectual. When human society developed into the democratic Pericles era, the relationship between the sexes showed the unfair and uncivilized state, and the patriarchy had won the total victory over the matriarchy. The father of tragedy Aeschylus's orestria before Medea truly reflects the struggle and victory of patriarchy against matriarchy. Greek coalition commander, Agamemnon to achieve their own hero, to Zeus will kill offering her daughter, her daughter's mother queen, the assistance of ink Stella in retaliation for the husband, will conquer returning to Troy, Agamemnon killed in your bathtub, son of Agamemnon Russia stuss back for revenge killed her mother and father, has finally been forgiven. The play ended in utter failure for women. As Medea said, "of all the rational, spiritual creatures, we women are the most unfortunate. First of all we have to buy a husband, who will become our master; But it would be sadder not to buy a husband. And the most important consequence is whether we get a good husband or a bad guy. Because divorce is dishonourable to us women, and we cannot throw out our husbands."
It is well known that in the sixth and fifth centuries BC, through land legislation and the development of private property in Greece, the family system was consolidated, and the marriage system was gradually fixed as monogamy. However, so-called monogamy "acquired its special nature from the very beginning, making it monogamous only to women and not to men". The real reality is that men "have geishas for pleasure, concubines for sensual gratification, wives for legitimate children, and reliable protection of family property". Therefore, in the marriage life, the man can have the outer room, can bigamy, whatever he wants. When aeson had a new love, the chorus of corinthians women consoled Medea by saying, "even if your husband falls in love with a new man, it is not unusual. It can be seen that at that time, people are not accustomed to men's changes. However, in the humble position of ancient Greek women are completely male subordinate, can only choose submission and sacrifice. They have no social life and no friends but their husbands. When Medea was in great pain to contend in front of him, he argued irrationally: "you women only think like this: if you get a good marriage, you think everything is enough. But if something bad happens to your marriage, it makes all the best and the best of it very hateful. May mankind have other means of procreation, so that women may not exist and we men not suffer. It turns out that in the eyes of men, the only use of women is to procreate. In addition, women can only quietly endure all the disasters imposed on her by her husband and society. In the face of the shameless betrayal, injury and abandonment, he further defended himself: "I have done wisely, not for love, but most of all, to live as if we were not too poor." For money, status, men can trample the most noble family affection, love in the world. Here, not only did he trample on Medea alone, but the ostensible winner, princess collinsoth, her rival, was also only a loser, and she was no more than a tool for him to satisfy his desires. Facing this ugly man, the author could not help but directly accuse by the song team, accusing song of cheating his wife, can not help his wife.
In the face of the survival of women in Greek society, the philosopher Euripides on the stage raised the status of women in the relationship by the tragic image of Medea's resistance and bloody revenge, and argued for women. The author endowed Medea with "rich knowledge" and spirit of resistance from eve. Medea as a knowledgeable can do any evil woman terrified creon, Jason also pointed out that her reputation, and Medea himself admitted "knowledge" fame seriously harm her, her with his abundant knowledge aroused some jealousy, others think her cold, some people think she is alien from the character, some people think she's a pain in the neck. She once said, "he who is wise enough should at no time give his children too thorough a education, and make them men of knowledge, for, apart from the useless reproach which will fall upon them, they give themselves ferocious envy in the eyes of their fellow-creatures." It is the wealth of knowledge that makes Medea fear the powerful and freewheeling king, and the evil "hero" Jason. In other words, it is this woman that scares men. Obviously, by virtue of Medea, the author implies that women must lighten their wisdom and open their eyes with knowledge in order to improve their status, because only knowledge can empower women to fight against the wisdom of patriarchal society, give them the courage to resist, change their low social status and obtain their due rights and dignity. In this sense, Euripides inherits the theme of Eden knowledge and resistance and elevates it to a higher level.
The cruel oppression imposed on women by the historical transmutation drives them to the opposite side of men: either by absolute obedience, or by cruel revenge. Pantaloupe is the representative of the former, a man's ideal image of women, a mask covering the female self. Medea is the representative of the latter. As a flag driven by liang shan, she vividly shows that the oppression of men will inevitably arouse the resistance of women and indicates the injustice of the legal "male justice" in the patriarchal society.
The rebellion against "male justice" is bound to shake the concept of "home" centered on male power. The most wonderful scene in elion is "Achilles and Hector", and Helen flashes across the city. Her indifference tells of her indifference and contempt for the men who maintain the honor of "home". Medea destroyed the "home" that raised him personally, the "home" that managed with the whole love, and the new "home" of yi 'an song, and finally drove the dragon car to float away. The departure of Medea is a rebellion against "home" after total despair. It marks an awakening of female autonomy, but it does not herald victory. After all, it is nothing but self-exile, self-exile, of a willing individual. The vast sea of clouds, independent of the life of the world is clear is a dreamland. More than two thousand years later, Tolstoy's Anna fought her way out of the lifeless mediocrity of "home" for love, only to end up on the wrong side of the tracks and commit suicide. When Nora in "a doll's house" realized in the family is "a happy toys, a lovely sex slaves" status had run away from home, the essence of the end of the work, gave people worry about what happens to them after "Nora left" and thinking, looks is Nora's victory, in fact, is the victory of haier alum. Throughout history, women's social status has been similar to that of Simon cowell. Whereas beauvoir said it was "second," Euripides' moral concern, expressed through Medea, was even more remarkable, profound and remote.
You might think that Medea's killing of the son and the punisher was a great blot on him. Let's look at Medea's attitude towards children: song chides Medea for refusing to be passive, saying that as long as human beings have alternative methods of reproduction, women can not exist. From this we can see that children are important in the hearts of men and wives are irrelevant. At the same time, Medea pointed out that "I would rather fight three battles with my shield than have a child". Euripides once again used Medea's words to describe the great pain and sacrifice behind the ordinary fact that women bear children. Author make Medea pointed to the blade of revenge plot arrangement, is the author of the deepest sympathy to the Medea, let Medea's revenge come complete and point, she knew that in Greece, "the real fertility is regarded as a father, mother is considered just father's seed cultivation and protector," the son does not belong to the mother, seeds and is regarded as father of the family, father, the continuation of life, the father power, glory, position and property of the embodiment. Therefore, she will use the sword to cut off the ties of blood between father and son, so that song yi for the loss of children and the pain of his heart, so that he might as well die. As expected, when facing the dead child, Jason said, "I am almost finished. At least Euripides gives us a semblance of Medea's victory. The victory added weight to the gender balance.
Medea is determined to pursue love, and the revenge after losing love is even more thrilling. As colchis princess, has been acknowledged as the intelligent wisdom and more aggressive Medea, is from a foreign country to Jason's heroism deeply touched and immediately lit the blazing fire of love in the heart, first she helped lover, on behalf of the state of the golden fleece as a token of his love, send to Jason, betrayed his own father, rebelled against the house of their father, betrayed their own countries. When family affection and love could not coexist, he dreamed of the beauty of love and resolutely cut off family affection, bidding farewell to the comfortable life of the princess. She killed her brother's flesh and blood, and without hesitation chopped his body into pieces and threw it into the sea to stop her father's pursuit. When Medea came to the lover's country, she planned to avenge him on the death of her father, thus fulfilling her lover's good name. Her attitude towards love is a true reflection of Hegel's saying that "as a result of self-forgetfulness, the subject of love does not live and live for itself, does not worry about itself, but finds the root of its existence in another person, and at the same time can fully enjoy itself only in another person". Medea got the happiness she wanted, and they became a loving couple with deep love and lovely sons. He has built a nest of shelter in spite of his wanderings. But Jason had changed his mind. He wanted to be the son-in-law of king collinses, and he wanted to drive his wife and children out of the country. This provoked profound anguish and great anger in Medea.
As fugitives, Jason and Medea lived in a foreign country with no distinction between their situation, status and slavery. They lived only at the mercy of their masters. Medea did not complain, but Jason wavered. In the face of the favor of the king of Corinth in his country, marrying a princess could change the situation and satisfy the need to possess wealth and gain status. In the end, song betrayed love and family for status and wealth. Faced with the abandonment of her husband, the breakup of a happy family, and the loss of her own mother and orphans, she became a wandering ghost, because she had "no country, no hometown, no parents, brothers and relatives to escape from this disaster". In her despair, she asked Zeus how he could give an exact distinction between false gold and false gold, but could not inscribe on a man anything that would identify a bad man. When she realized that all her efforts were meaningless, the despair turned Medea's love into extreme hatred. She wanted to revenge on Jason, and finally chose the most vicious and effective method -- "killing the son and punishing the husband". She chose to leave her body and mind in double lifelong exile to draw an end to her love.
Medea's obstinacy in pursuing love and the breathtaking revenge after losing love seem unreasonable to the Chinese people who hold the theory of filial piety. However, in Euripides' play, love is regarded as above everything, and it is the most beautiful and perfect act that determines Medea's happiness. The motive of Medea's revenge is rooted in the destruction of love and love. In ancient Greece, since Plato and Epicurus, the perspective of morality and ethics has turned to the individual in the actual ethical behavior, advocating the essential stipulation of realizing human happiness as good, showing a value orientation that values individuals and human purposes. On the basis of such ethics, all the behaviors that enhance people's happiness, such as love and marriage, are of justice, and when conflicts arise between various interests, the criterion for people to choose is that happiness is the only choice.