
由于教学系统的差异,所以中国大学和国外大学的学习方式也有很大差距。去国外留学,你会发现老师布置的作业千奇百怪,单单是Essay的种类就非常多。其中reflective essay可能会让留学生们摸不着头脑,不知道reflective essay是什么,该怎么写?

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Writing a reflective essay is considered an easy task to complete for those people whose profession involves writing and creating pieces of work on the paper. However, students at colleges and universities are also asked to complete a reflective essay, though they are not taught and trained to fulfill such tasks. This page has been created to assist students with reflective essays in their academic assignments.

Reflective essay supposes the use of all the knowledge gained in this course, as well as the use of materials and information presented by a professor at lectures and practical classes. At first, you may think that reflective writing is a hard task to do. However, good writing skills and your time organization will help you to organize your thoughts to compose a well-written paper. Therefore, read these essential steps to learn more about how to write a reflective essay: gather the information given by your professor; choose the topic for your paper; write down the main arguments for the topic; create an outline of your work; compose a thesis statement with central idea; write down main points of the paper; compose table of contents and bibliography; write your reflective essay; revise and proofread the final work.

Besides, you should remember that reflective paper writing means expression of your ideas on the chosen topic. However, you should not use slang or too personal thoughts in your work. You should reflect on the issue giving evidence, statistical data, charts with your personal observation and analysis of the issue and information on the topic.

Thus, in this work the most important part that will bring you good grade is your reflection. If you succeed in the purpose of presenting your thoughts, observations, which are supported with academic books, articles, reliable websites on the question, be sure that you will receive a good grade for this assignment. The most important aspect of a reflective essay is your attitude to the issue, not the attitude of researchers, your friends, etc.

Let the readers know your point of view and prove it with facts. Your task is to convince your readers that your viewpoint is right and you can prove your thesis statement supporting it with strong arguments. If you have some reference to the issue, tell the readers that your viewpoint is supported not only with theoretical information, but also with your experience and impact the issue has had on you.

Your thesis statement may be backed up with interviews of people who are directly involved in the issue, those people whose profession or other necessity has given them an opportunity to experience it. Moreover, you should focus on your reflection without giving too many examples and unnecessary details. Your interpretation of actions, facts, statistical information is the main task in composing a reflective essay.

We have a team of professional writers and editors who have written many papers. They are ready to assist you in your academic career and will create a good reflective essay if you do not have time for it.

以上就是关于reflective essay的写作讲解,对于反思类的论文,其实只要同学们熟悉它的写作方法之后,那么就可以很轻松地完成它了。


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