
本篇paper代写- The question of fees at American universities讨论了美国大学的收费问题。虽然给每个公民提供接受高等教育的机会可以提高国民的识字率,并为经济带来很多好处,但让所有的学院和大学都免学费并不是改善国家生活水平的最佳选择,这是一个理想但不切实际的计划。因为在经济上,免费大学并不是真正的免费;在教育方面,他们剥夺了学术上潜在的有利机会;在社会上,他们培养学生的依赖性和不负责任。因此,美国的公立大学不应该是免费的。本篇paper代写51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

American universities,美国大学收费问题,paper代写,代写,essay代写

John Adams, the first Vice President of the United States, once wrote: "The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people and must be willing to bear the expense of it.” Based on his ideology, the public higher education in the United States had been tuition-free from the 1820’s to the 1960’s (Georgen, 2016). The tuition-free education was feasible, due to the much lower number of college enrollments in the past than it is today. With a population attending post-secondary schools more than ten times larger than it was in the previous century, it is economically impractical, educationally disadvantaged, and socially hurtful to free college tuitions; therefore, higher education beyond K-12 should be paid in the United States today.

Public colleges operate by government fundings and tuition payments from the students. If colleges became free, there would be a necessary increasing demand of fund for the government to satisfy the initial required cost to run such en educational institution, without the extra financial source that comes from students. The government would end up cutting the military budget, increasing tax rates, or redistributing the current fund for financial aids and student loans towards establishing the higher education free (Redd, 2016). But with the declining capital, a weaker military force would not be able to guarantee a strong national security as it is today, and even though a tax increasing might help at contributing free colleges, the wealthiest is likely to take the advantage of tax loopholes and eventually leave the burden to middle-or-low income families who would pay more taxes to have a free college education that is not really free as it still charging the families through taxes. Reallocating student financial aid funds to supply free colleges is potentially unfair to hardworking students from a lower-income family who might have the opportunity to access more advanced teachings if been offered the financial aid granted by the government (Redd,2016). Public colleges being free is economically impractical, because no fund can be directly withdrawn from or reallocated by the government without increasing the burden of average taxpayers.

Considering the cost of education, someone may argue that the tuition fee is not the only worry that matters to students from middle class families. It is true that the skyrocketing cost of education can bring loan burden to some students, which may take a long period of time to pay off.  However, here the return on education investment ratio should be seriously considered. It is generally acknowledged that higher education institution is the cradle of fostering creative talents and creativity as well as the key origin of knowledge and hi-tech creativity, diffusion and application. For instance, if a student has the chance to enter Standard or Oxford to further the study, no matter which major the student chooses, he or she will definitely go. The average lifetime earnings of such a famous university graduate will probably far exceed any debt he or she might shoulder (Bennett and Wilezol, 2013). Besides, students should make a clear plan about what knowledge they can acquire from the university and take full advantage of the resources in the university. Also they cannot waste time in parties and other entertainment affairs like that. Although some students may need financial aid during their campus period, they can get scholarships through their own endeavor. College education can bridge social, economic, racial, and geographic divides like no other force. It can mean the difference between an open door and a dead end. And nowhere is this truer than in higher education (Boehner, 2003). It should be admitted that the college diploma is much more valuable than a high school diploma; students from working-class can use this certificate or degree to find a decent job in the labor market and even have the chance to enter the upper class in the future. Thus, on a long-term basis, such investment as associated with universities makes particular business sense. For all the benefits that colleges can bring to the society, the charges that colleges take are quite reasonable. The governments can offer more types of loans or grants to assist students who are failing to afford their tuition fees instead of waiving all the charges.

From another point of view, colleges should have the funding to improve their productivity, and the funding is not easy to get from the government totally, since the government also has its own budget, the higher education expense just occupies a certain part of it. As the origin of science, the technology output of a college is the knowledge innovation, technical innovation and high-level personnel training base. Without sufficient financial support, the speeds of technology development of a college will surely slowdown, which can be very damaging to a college’s reputation. Also, the teachers and professors should feel motivated and safe if the research funds are sufficient, they will be concentrated on the research work as well as teaching jobs and the colleges can keep their talent. For students who enter colleges will also gain benefits as they will receive good education and enjoy the academic atmosphere in the college.

An alternative to collecting the enough fund that ensures free public colleges might be accepting donations for the institutions themselves. However, if the number of college enrollments keeps growing because of zero tuition, donation funds would probably not be keeping up, as a result, colleges would have to cut their staff members, reduce their facility renewal frequencies, or decrease the varieties of their programs such as researching opportunities and studying abroad (Kelley, 2016). With a larger student body but a less effective educational systems, neither the colleges nor the students can be benefited. Therefore, freeing higher education would lead to a less advantaged learning since the lack of teaching resources.

Nonetheless, a higher college enrollment number could still be beneficial to the nation as a whole. Claims been made by saying that the more educated people in the working force can take the unoccupied but knowledge-required job posts, and there might just be a fewer people who would reach to the government reaching for assistances (Redd, 2016). However, these would only be true if the students attending free colleges had ever been studying hard and earning the degree to post graduation. Students who go to college because it is free would not have as much motivation as for students who choose to get a higher education even if they struggle to pay the tuition. Research had shown that only 15 percents of students from public two-year colleges, and 63 percents of students from private, for-profit, two-year colleges go on and earn a bachelor’s degree (Ginder, 2016). If students do not value their learning opportunities and experiences, the college drop-out rate would be increased while the graduation rate would be decreased. These students would more likely become financially independent and seek for guaranteed public services whenever possible. In general, rewarding students who are academically exceptional would encourage them continuing hard work, but providing a free higher education that is reachable to everyone would cause the students irresponsible for their study and economically dependent.

Offering the opportunity of higher education to every citizen can increase the national literacy and give rise to possible benefit for the economy, but having all colleges and universities to be tuition-free is probably not the best choice of fixing the nation’s standard of living. It is an ideal but impractical plan, because economically, free colleges are not really free; educationally, they take away the potential advantaged opportunities in the academic; and socially, they cultivate students to be dependent and irresponsible. Therefore, public colleges in the United States should not be free.  


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