下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- International trade in the United States by sea,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的国际贸易海运。自从金融危机发生后,虽然失业、房地产和债务等问题影响美国经济的持续复苏,但是美国经济逐步回归常态增长轨道,消费重新成为支撑经济增长的主要动力,经济实现全年增长,并反映在美国与贸易伙伴间的贸易和海运上,这与美国政府刺激出口的政策导向、美元贬值等因素导致美国出口产品成本下降等密切相关。2010年美国的海运货量变化情况表明,美国国际贸易及海运需求在恢复之中,但是要恢复到与次贷危机之前相当的水平,还需要很长一段时间。
To promote the development of sino-us trade, international trade by sea 2010, according to the United States department of the federal government statistics, the development of the international trade by sea, particularly in the United States and changes between the development of shipping in China is analyzed, and concluded that in 2011 the United States and China shipping value and cargo change still faces uncertainty.
In 2010, although unemployment, real estate, debt and other issues affected the sustained recovery of the us economy, the us economy gradually returned to the track of normal growth, and consumption became the main driving force to support the economic growth. The annual economic growth was reflected in the trade and shipping between the us and its trading partners.
In 2010, the total value of goods import and export of the United States was 390,168 million us dollars, an increase of 22.0% over 2009, but a decrease of 5.9% over 2008. Imports were valued at us $1,912.053 billion, up 22.6 percent from 2009 and 9.1 percent lower than 2008.
In 2010, the value of us international trade in sea freight was $1.434.259 billion, an increase of 23.30% over 2009, accounting for 44.96% of the total value of goods import and export. Imports of seaborn-based goods amounted to us $978.799 billion, up 23.10% and accounting for 51.19% of the value of imports.
In 2010, the international trade volume of sea freight in the United States reached 1.305 billion t, an increase of 8.60% over 2009, among which, the export volume of sea freight reached 522 million t, an increase of 15.50%. Imports of seaborne goods totaled 783 million tons, an increase of 4.50%. In 2010, compared with the record set in 2006, the international trade volume of us ocean freight was still 76.79 million t less, among which, export increased by 141 million t and import decreased by 217 million t.
From the second quarter of 2007 to the first quarter of 2009, the international trade by sea import quantity steady decline, since the beginning of 2009 to early 2010 stable at a lower level, in the third quarter of 2009 years ago, back in the fourth quarter in 2009 to a low level, this has to do with the U.S. economy has not eliminated the threat of a sustained recovery factors are closely related. From the beginning of 2007 to the beginning of 2008, that is, the early stage of the subprime crisis, the Marine export of the United States presented a stable growth trend. From the beginning of 2008 to the middle of 2009, it presented a stable decline trend, and since the second half of 2009, it presented a growth trend. This is closely related to the policy orientation of the us government to stimulate exports, the depreciation of the us dollar and other factors that lead to the decline in the cost of American export products. Changes in U.S. seaport volumes in 2010 suggest that U.S. international trade and seaport demand are recovering, but it will be some time before they return to the levels seen before the subprime crisis.
Since 2004, the United States has seen a steady decline in imports of seaports, while exports of seaports only began to decline in 2009. In 2010, the United States surpassed the best year in history, 2008, and set a new record. This is related to the financial crisis and the many factors still affecting the economic recovery in the United States in the post-financial crisis era. Before 2009, both the amount and value of imported and exported Marine goods presented a basically similar change trend. This indicates that the value per unit weight of seaborne cargo does not vary much. However, the situation has changed since 2009. No matter import or export, the decline of Marine cargo value in 2009 is greater than that of cargo quantity, and the growth of Marine cargo value in 2010 is greater than that of cargo quantity. This indicates that the value per unit weight of seaborne cargo recovered after the decrease. This is related to changes in the value of the dollar and the global economic situation: economic growth, rising prices for raw materials and energy.
U.S. economic growth in 2010 led to an increase in international trade and shipping. Compared with 2009, in 2010, the change of seaborne cargo volume between the United States and different regions is shown in table 1.
As can be seen from table 1, compared with 2009, the sea freight exported to various regions increased in 2010, among which the net increase of sea freight exported to Asia was the largest, accounting for 28.11% of the net increase of sea freight exported to the United States. Maritime exports to the former Soviet union had the highest growth rate of 75.59 per cent. In addition to the decrease in sea freight imports from the Caribbean, South America and the Middle East, the sea freight imports from other regions all increased, with the largest net decrease in sea freight imports from South America. The largest increase was in sea freight imports from Asia, which accounted for 50.15 percent of the net increase in sea freight imports from the United States. Seaborne imports from Asia also grew the most, by 18.26 per cent. Of all the trading partner regions, with the exception of the Caribbean region, maritime traffic increased, with the largest increase being with Asia. The regional differences in the change of the international trade volume of the United States reflect the adjustment of the international trade structure and the international trade volume of the maritime goods in the economic recovery stage. In the "post-financial crisis era", the us economy gradually returned to the track of normal growth, and shipping also returned to the track of normal growth.
Asia is one of the major trading regions of the United States. In 2010, the value of seaborne goods between the United States and Asia reached 100 million us dollars, accounting for 44.63% of the value of seaborne goods in the United States' international trade. The value of us seaborncargo imports from Asia reached us $100 billion, accounting for 48.25 percent of the value of us seaborncargo imports. In 2010, the seaborne cargo volume between the United States and Asia reached 318 million tons, accounting for 24.35% of the international trade of the United States. Among them, the seaborne cargo volume exported from the United States to Asia reached 209 million tons, accounting for 40.03% of the export of the United States. The us imported 109 million tons of sea freight from Asia, accounting for 13.90% of the total.
The region can be divided into five countries or regions: asean, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and South Asia. In 2010, the share of seaborne cargo value and volume between the United States and Asian countries and regions. In terms of both export and import, the value and quantity of seaborne goods between the United States and China account for the largest share of the value and quantity of seaborne goods between the United States and Asia.
In 2010, the value of goods traded between the United States and China was 456.8 billion us dollars, an increase of 14.3% over 2009. Among them, the value of goods exported to China was 91.9 billion us dollars, an increase of 7.2%. Imports from China were valued at us $364.9 billion, up 19.1 per cent.
In 2010, the value of seaborne goods between the United States and China was 308.795 billion us dollars, an increase of 20.86% over 2009, accounting for 67.60% of the value of trade between the United States and China. The value of seaborn goods imported from China reached us $250.729 billion, up 19.04 percent from 2009, accounting for 68.71 percent of the value of seaborn goods imported from China.
In 2010, the volume of goods traded between the United States and China was 128 million t, among which, the volume of goods exported to China was 73,623.8 million t. The volume of imports from our country.
In 2010, the shipping volume between the United States and China reached 127 million tons, an increase of 14.20% over 2009, accounting for 98.93% of the trade volume between the United States and China. The amount of sea freight imported from China was 10,000 tons, up 17.65 percent, accounting for 97.99 percent of the us import from China.
In 2010, the value of seaborne goods traded between the United States and China accounted for 70.98% of the value of trade, among which, the value of seaborne goods exported from the United States to China accounted for 67.99% of the value of goods exported from the United States to China. The value of seaborne goods imported by the United States from China accounted for 71.71 percent of the value of seaborne goods imported by the United States from China.
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