Essay写作在MHRA system下如何引用Newspapers?想必留学生们都挺懵的。在写作essay时,我们有时候需要引用一些时效性的资料或者Newspapers,而这类引用的格式大家要格外注意,下面就给大家讲解一下。
Footnote Citations
MHRA使用footnote citations,这是使用上标数字表示:
Usually at the end of a sentence, like this.1
n. Author Name(s), ‘Article Title’, Newspaper Title, Date of Publication, Newspaper Section (if applicable), Page Number(s).
比如,引用the Guardian G2部分中的一篇文章应该是这样的:
1. Stuart Heritage, ‘All British PMs End Up Failures – It’s Time for a Two-Term Limit Like the US’, Guardian, 25 October 2017, G2, p. 13.
2. Jon Sharman, ‘Drunken Australian Tourist Claims She Doesn’t Remember Zombie Bike Ride Attack on Pensioner’, Independent, 25 October 2017, <> [Accessed 17 November 2017].
注意,不要忘了加上你的访问日期。这是在MHRA system里面引用所有在线资源都用该加上的。
Repeat Citations
如果在第一次引用之后再次引用同一篇文章,大家可以使用shortened format来节省空间。使用“ibid”表示是同一来源的连续的引用;如果是非连续的引用的话,你需要把作者的姓和相关页码标注出来:
1. Stuart Heritage, ‘All British PMs End Up Failures – It’s Time for a Two-Term Limit Like the US’, Guardian, 25 October 2017, G2, p. 13.
2. Jon Sharman, ‘Drunken Australian Tourist Claims She Doesn’t Remember Zombie Bike Ride Attack on Pensioner’, Independent, 25 October 2017, <> [Accessed 17 November 2017].
3. Ibid.
4. Heritage, p. 14.
如上所示,脚注3是Sharman源的重复引用。脚注4再次引用了Stuart Heritage的文章。但是,如果你引用同一作者的多个来源,也要在重复引用中加上一个简略的标题。
在MHRA system中,bibliography格式类似于第一个脚注。但是,作者的名字在这里需要颠倒,这样就可以按作者的姓氏排序了。另外,在bibliography的结尾没有句号,你不需要在页码之前使用“p.”或“pp.”:
Author Surname, First Name(s), ‘Article Title’, Newspaper Title, Date of Publication, Newspaper Section (if applicable), Page Range
Heritage, Stuart, ‘All British PMs End Up Failures – It’s Time for a Two-Term Limit Like the US’, Guardian, 25 October 2017, G2, 13-14
Sharman, Jon, ‘Drunken Australian Tourist Claims She Doesn’t Remember Zombie Bike Ride Attack on Pensioner’, Independent, 25 October 2017, <> [Accessed 17 November 2017]
以上就是关于Essay写作在MHRA system下引用Newspapers的情况,以后大家要是需要引用这类资料的话,那么要按上面的格式去引用。