本篇paper代写- High-risk behaviors of high adolescents讨论了青少年的高危行为。如今,青少年的高危行为已被广泛研究。对于每一类高风险行为,如性行为、吸烟和吸毒,都有不同的理论。另一方面,许多人研究如何预测高风险行为。有人指出早期的环境和种族影响对青少年的风险行为有显著的影响。此外,孤独和抑郁可能会导致青少年加入帮派并犯罪。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
The movie, “Havoc”, tells the story of one young girl who born in a rich family lives a decadent life. Looking for excitement everywhere, the main character, Alison, entered a motley gang in Los Angeles World and caused her good friend, Emily, to be raped. She then realized that even pure behavior will be perverse, and must pay the price.
The two main characters, Alison and Emily, have their own character traits. Alison grew up lacking of parental care. Because of her parents’ emotional disharmony and busy work, Alison received little care and love from her parents, which makes her lonely all her childhood and unbelieve in marriage. Alison wantd to get happiness and companionship by tangling with school punks. As to Emily, she is always a good girl and listens to her parents. Because her parents have been protecting her, she has a strong curiosity about the outside world.
The high-risk behaviors of adolescents have been extensively researched. There are different theories about each category, such as sexual activity, smoking and drug use, under high risk behaviors. For example, in sexual behavior, Diclemente (1991) introduced that communication skill training and peer normative behavior perception modification can increase the condom use. In other hand, many study how to predict the high-risk behavior. Seidman (1994) pointed out that early environment and race influence have significant effects on adolescent risk behaviors.
The lecture explains high-risk behaviors by introducing the reasons and elaborating on sexual behaviors and juvenile delinquency. First, the lecture listed the reasons gathered from several theories such as Arnett and Balle-Hjensen (1993) before introducing CDC youth risk behavior surveillance report (1999). It analyzes the phenomena of smoking, drug use and sexual intercourse. It finds that sexually active adolescents are usually from an incomplete or big family and have poor school performance. Among all the ethnic, African American students have highest percentage of sexual intercourse. In addition, the lecture introduced adolescent delinquency by explaining gangs and kids on the fringe. The loneliness and depression can lead kids to enter gangs and conduct delinquency.
3.Analysis and integration
The high-risk behaviors of the main characters, Alison and Emily, in the “Havoc” can be explained by the theories introduced in the lecture. The broken family had a negative effect on Alison and she did not want to be constrained by her parents. As a result, she participated in a gang to looking for excitement everywhere. Her life with this gang was full of pornography, drugs and fighting. This explains what the gang is and exhibits the effects of the gang on adolescent high-risk behaviors in the lecture. A to the research and theory about the gang, one main conclusion is that gangs have higher probability to commit the crimes, as stated in lectures. Alison is a girl on the fringe. She is distance from her parents’ care and love and feel depressed about her parents’ marriage and relationship. The quantity time alone at her childhood makes her to enter the gang in order to get accompany. These factors bring about adolescent delinquency, which in accordance with the theory in lecture.
With the respect to sexual intercourse, Alison is sexually active, the same characteristic of the peers in the gang, and this influences Emily. The main reason for Alison and Emily, together with other members in the gang, to conduct high-risk behavior is the underestimation of the potential dangers, which is in line with the theory in lecture.
4.Learning Experience I
To begin with, the learning experience of viewing this movie is that the marriage and relationship between parents have direct effects on the emotion development of the children during the childhood. Parents are the first teacher of children and the home is the most important school for children to learn. In the movie, Alison’s parents showed an unhappy and broken marriage, for a long time leading to Alison’s unserious attitude towards relationship and sexuality . Alison became sexually active and later and caused Emily to be raped.
Secondly, the surveillance and companionship of parents play a significant role in the character trait development of children. Because Alison’s parents are focused on their own business, Alison is short of parental supervision and guidance towards her school performance and daily activities. She makes friends with the gang and lives a life of indulgence. Parents’ discipline can correct children’s behavior in time so as to avoid the emergence of high-risk behaviors.
5.Learning Experience II
The “key take away message” is that the education of the family is crucial to the development of children’s character traits. Parents need to guide children's behavior in their growth process, tell them what behaviors can not be done, establish their correct values and shape their behaviors that conform to social morality. And that is what Alison’s parents do not do and caused Alison to enter the gang and paid a huge price for her high-risk behaviors. In the course of my growing up, my parents always give me the right guidance. So far I haven't conduct any high risk behaviors as an adolescent.
In addition, parents need to create a harmonious and friendly atmosphere for their children's growth. The parents are the teachers of the children, and a good family environment can cultivate the characteristics of the children, so that the children can feel love and care, avoiding children’s feeling of loneliness and then making high-risk behaviors. My parents have been creating a relaxed and enjoyable family atmosphere for me since my childhood. As a result, I cultivates a healthy character and learn to treat the right values of marriage
Arnett, J., & Balle-Jensen, L. (1993). Cultural bases of risk behavior: danish adolescents. Child Development, 64(6), 1842-1855.
Diclemente, R. J. (1991). Predictors of hiv-preventive sexual behavior in a high-risk adolescent population: the influence of perceived peer norms and sexual communication on incarcerated adolescents' consistent use of condoms. Journal of Adolescent Health Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 12(5), 385-390.
Morbidity, M., Report, M. W., & Nss-Jun, V. (2000). Youth risk behavior surveillance--united states, 1999. cdc surveillance summaries. Mmwr Morbidity & Morality Weekly Report, 49(2), 161.
Seidman, S. N., Mosher, W. D., & Aral, S. O. (1994). Predictors of high-risk behavior in unmarried american women: adolescent environment as risk factor. Journal of Adolescent Health, 15(2), 126-32.