
英国essay论文精选范文:“Status of global desertification”,这篇论文讨论了全球荒漠化的现状。荒漠化是当今世界最为严重的环境问题之一,除南极洲以外的其它各洲均存在荒漠化土地。为了有效地防治荒漠化,必须对当前的生态系统管理方式、习惯行为和政策做出重大调整,同时将工作重点放在预防上,因为试图修复荒漠化区域不仅成本昂贵,而且往往收效甚微,预防荒漠化对提高人类水平和实现可持续发展具有重要的意义。


Desertification refers to "land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid lands caused by a variety of factors, including climate variability and human activities," while land degradation refers to the decline or loss of biological or economic productivity in drylands. At present, desertification has occurred in arid regions around the world, with local and global effects. And may lead to a reversal in the growth of ecosystem services and the improvement of human well-being in some regions. Desertification has become a major obstacle to the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals, and prevention of desertification is of great significance to improving the level of human well-being and achieving socio-economic sustainable development.

Desertification is one of the most serious environmental problems with local and global effects in today's world. Desertification is a continent in every continent except Antarctica. However, desertification studies on the global scale are scarce. So far, Global Land Degradation Assessment.

Desertification has environmental effects at the regional and global scales, and can sometimes adversely affect thousands of kilometers away from desertified areas. Desertification-related processes, such as reduced vegetation, promote aerosol and dust formation. In turn, these changes will have an impact on the formation of clouds, the pattern of precipitation, the global carbon cycle, and biodiversity. For example, atmospheric visibility in the spring of Beijing is often adversely affected by dust storms from the Gobi Desert, and large-scale dust storms in China sometimes affect air quality in the Korean Peninsula and Japan, or even North America.

The social and political effects of desertification also extend beyond drylands. Such as frequent droughts and loss of land productivity, have become the main reason for the migration of the population from drylands to other areas. The influx of immigrants will undermine the capacity of the local population for the sustainable use of ecosystem services. At the same time, this pattern of migration will exacerbate urban sprawl, as well as internal and cross-border social, racial and political conflicts due to scramble for scarce natural resources. As a result, desertification-induced migration can adversely affect the stability of local, regional and global politics and economy, and may lead to external interference.

Future changes in the scene. Desertification is the result of a combination of factors such as land-use patterns, customary behavior and direct drivers of climate change, as well as indirect drivers such as population pressures, socio-economic and policy factors, and international trade, Force and direct drive force change with time and space. Indirect driving forces, if the local land users to the scarcity of natural resources for unsustainable use, it will cause desertification, coupled with the impact of global climate change, desertification process may further aggravate. Conversely, where conditions permit, land degradation can be avoided if drought-affected populations improve their farming practices and increase grazing mobility in a sustainable manner. In general, the interaction between climate factors and human response can produce a series of different results, and ultimately what results, the key is the land users to take the ecosystem management approach.

In the context of globalization, better cooperation and more effective resource transfer will be pursued in ecosystem management around the world as a result of institutional reforms and technological advances. For example, in the context of technology homes, the pressure on drylands is relatively reduced through policy reforms such as enhanced property rights and better overall consideration of environmental issues. In a regionalized world, on the other hand, the role of global agreements can be greatly limited by diminishing transfers of resources between countries or regions.

In contrast to other systems, arid systems suffer a greater threat due to the scarcity of water resources, the excessive use of ecosystem services, and climate change, which will lead to a continued significant decline in the supply of ecosystem services. In these arid zones, the unconditional provision of food or water to vulnerable groups free of charge would increase the risk of greater damage to ecosystem services, with unintended consequences. In contrast, local adaptation and conservation measures can slow down the loss of some ecosystem services, but it is also difficult to reverse the decline in biodiversity and ecosystem services such as food and water.

At present, combating desertification is crucial to the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals. However, for desertification, it is desirable to focus on prevention, as attempts to rehabilitate desertified areas are not only costly but often ineffective. In order to effectively prevent desertification, management approaches and macro-policies to promote the sustainable use of ecosystem services must be adopted. The prevention of desertification can be divided into the following aspects: First, creating a "culture of prevention" To prevent desertification from occurring or to intensify; secondly, the comprehensive management of land resources and water resources to prevent all forms of soil erosion, salinization and other degraded forms can prevent desertification; and third, to protect vegetation , The use of vegetation to protect the soil from wind erosion and water erosion is a key measure to prevent desertification; Fourth, in the cultural and economic aspects of grazing and farming land use in the two ways of integration in dry semi-humid and semi-arid Regional, grazing and farming are two equally suitable land-use patterns, so that both cultural and economic aspects should be more closely integrated into one, will be more conducive to the prevention of desertification; Fifth, the comprehensive utilization of traditional technologies and suitable for local Technology transfer is a key approach to desertification prevention in the context of desertification-facing drought-affected inhabitants using technology adapted to local conditions rather than combating ecosystem processes; strengthening local community capacity-building, relying on the availability of Cultural and local knowledge and experience, coupled with the support of science and technology, the local community is the best way to develop desertification prevention methods; 7 is to create new ways of livelihood, to create does not rely on traditional land use, and reduce the local land and natural And other means of livelihoods that can provide sustainable income and are an important means of combating desertification; 8 is to create opportunities for economic development in cities and areas other than drylands through urban centers and drylands in arid zones To create opportunities for economic development, but also to avoid the occurrence of desertification. Changing the overall economic and institutional environment and creating new livelihood opportunities for the inhabitants of the drylands will help alleviate the current pressures to desertification.

The goal of rehabilitating desertification is to restore the ecosystem services lost through desertification. Effective rehabilitation of arid zones that require desertification requires policy and technical safeguards and the active participation of local communities. Specific remediation measures include establishing seed banks, increasing soil organic matter and organisms that can promote higher plant colonization and growth, and reintroducing some species. In addition, restoration of desertified areas can also be achieved through the construction of terraces and other measures to control soil erosion, control of invasive species, replenishment of chemical and organic nutrients, and reforestation. For the above measures, policies need to create the appropriate incentives, such as strengthening the capacity-building, increase capital investment and the establishment of support institutions. Finally, it is important to note that community participation is an essential component in the process of conceiving, designing and implementing desertification rehabilitation approaches.

The effectiveness of the approach to the rehabilitation of desertified areas depends largely on human resources, implementation and maintenance of funds, infrastructure development, dependence on external technological resources and local cultural values. If sufficient resources are available and adequate consideration is given to the needs of local communities, rehabilitation works will be successful. On the contrary, if you can not meet the above conditions, repair work is often ended in failure.

Desertification has become a major obstacle to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. In order to combat desertification effectively, it is necessary to make major adjustments to current ecosystem management practices, customary practices and policies at all levels of the local to the global level, The focus will be on prevention, as attempts to repair desertified areas are not only costly but often ineffective.

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